Joey's worry

"Uhm..... Nathan, please can I ask you something?" Joey asked as she started twirling her hair, clearly showing that she was nervous.

'Just like I thought, there's something on her mind,' Nathan thought as he stared at Joey before replying.

"Yes, what is it?" Nathan asked.

"Uh, hmm, it's about my elder sister, her name is Mia," Joey said.

"Elder sister? She's is in the Special Unit, right?" Nathan asked, using the opportunity to ask Joey about the 'troubled' girl in the Special Unit that resembled her.

"Err....yes, I mean, she was in the Special Unit..... from what I'm hearing," Joey said.

"Hmm? From what you're hearing?" Nathan asked, with a confused expression on his face.

He was wondering whether Joey actually knew that her sister was in the Special Unit or not, after all, she didn't sound sure.

"Y.....yes, I mean, I and my sister actually met each other in the Special Unit base, but....." Joey's voice trailed off.