Instantly Killed With A Single Punch

"Bold, huh? What really can make a bold person tremble like that?" Nathan muttered.

The answer wasn't that simple to get, after all, a person that was really bold wouldn't even tremble when faced with a threat that was greater than him or her.

So, anything that would make Mia tremble was really serious, I mean, really serious.

"Look, Joey, I know it's not easy, but I want you to calm down, just try, keep your cool, and stay focused," Nathan said.

Nathan knew that it wasn't an easy thing to do, especially when family was involved, but those were the only things he could tell her for now.

Joey nodded her head frantically after hearing what Nathan said, though, she was far from being relaxed, and focused, infact, during the introduction session, she was holding back the tears, and forcing herself to speak, and sound natural.

But now, she couldn't hold it back anymore, it was just too much to handle.