Fighting Billy In The Training Space

Honestly, Nathan wasn't too surprised that he killed the fox with one punch, after all, he was certainly stronger than before.

But the one thing that was making him bewildered was the fact that when he fought this same fox back then, he struggled immensely to kill it, but now, he killed it so easily.

Nathan stared at his fist in satisfaction as a grin appeared on his face.

"Certainly stronger than before..." He muttered.

Since he had confirmed his current strength, it was time for the main dish.

"I killed him before, now, it would be easier," Nathan said.

"That's true, Billy was one really strong opponent though," Siena said.

Nathan instantly thought of Billy, and as expected.....


In the blink of an eye, Billy instantly appeared in front of Nathan.

His appearance was the same as usual, and a grin was also on his face, something he always had.