Talking Like A Brother

"Yeah, Nathan, we really need to discuss... it's important...." Flora muttered as she stared at Nathan.

"It's that important?" Nathan asked even though he already knee that Flora was serious.

"Yes, but don't get me wrong, it isn't an emergency," Flora said.

"Oh okay," Nathan said.

"I'm all ears," he added.

"Hmm, okay," Flora said.

Nathan adjusted his sitting position, and gestured for Flora to sit down on the chair that was just beside the bed.

Flora sat down on the chair before she sighed and started talking.

"It's about the Special Unit," Flora started, "although Evaine has already said part of it."

Immediately Nathan heard what Flora said, he knew that she was talking about the members of the Special Unit that Ken sent.

'I knew it, she definitely wanted to talk to me about them, and that could only mean that she ran into one of them,' Nathan thought.