Attracting Process Again

"Nathan, you know that the Special Unit issue isn't the only reason why I came here, right?" Flora asked as she squinted her eyes and stared at Nathan.

"Eh?" Nathan muttered.

"What do you mean? Don't pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about," Flora said.

"Hmm, you really wanna talk about that now?" Nathan asked.

"If I don't talk about it now, then there won't be time to talk about it again, after all, this Unit that we're making will take all the time," Flora said.

"Hmm, I see," Nathan muttered.

"What really do you want to know about?" He asked.

"Everything Nathan, I'm your sister, I'm suppose to know about all these," Flora said as she looked at Nathan solemnly.

Nathan sighed and closed his eyes before he opened them again.

"I can't really tell you everything, I hope you understand," Nathan saw.

Nathan said those words softly, making sure that Flora would understand.