
With this, it was time to the masses.

But before then, Verne remembered something important.

"I'll have to confirm them first, so that they'll get all the screens ready,' Verne thought as he brought out his phone.

He decided to inform all the Headmasters and Headmistress about what was going on first, if not, they wouldn't be able to prepare for the announcement, and the Masses wouldn't hear it.

Verne started calling the Headmasters and Headmistress, and he informed them about the Rouge Beasts that were in Area 27, and that he had already told Unit 2 to handle it. He also told them to prepare all the screens in the different Cities in the Stronghold, so that everyone would be able to hear the announcement.

Since the Headmasters and Headmistress were much, he wasn't able call all of them. Well, he would've been able to do that, but time wasn't on his hands.