

Verne cleared his throat again as he adjusted his suit. He didn't completely know what the masses were thinking now, but he was sure that he knew what some of them were thinking.

'Some of them might even be insulting me right now,' Verne thought as he closed his eyes.

That wasn't out of the options, after all, he was the one announcing, so they would definitely push all the blame to him.

Verne didn't even know when a sigh escaped his lips, and it was audible to the masses... something that made some of them know that he was also stressed out.

Though, Verne couldn't blame them, after all, they were humans, they were bound to be afraid. Everyone was different, not everyone was courageous.

As Verne was about to speak, the earbuds that were in his ears suddenly beeped.

"Sir, I'm bringing reports straight from all the Headmasters and Headmistress in the Stronghold," a lady's voice was heard.