Proud little prince.

The poor little boy ran as fast as he could, but he stumbled and fell to the ground. He stared at the creatures in horror as he began to crawl backward.

"Isn't God going to answer my prayer?! I don't want to die!"

He winced in pain as the creatures stood over him, their creepy smiles widening. His knees were bleeding, and tears rolled down his cheeks. Closing his eyes, he knew this was the end. With one swift movement, they both pounced on him.

He braced himself, expecting to feel their teeth or claws, but instead, he heard loud growls and the rustling of leaves.

Opening his eyes, he saw a human fighting the creatures. The figure looked just a few years older than him, but the way he battled the beasts was astonishing. There was no way he was just a regular human.

He watched in awe and terror as his savior hit and smashed the two creatures that were after him. The person looked like a human, but the boy knew he wasn't. His speed was unmatched, a blur of motion that the boy could barely register.

The savior moved with incredible agility, matching the creatures' speed. He kicked them around like balls and smashed their heads against the hard ground. Sitting on the floor in shock, the boy realized that a scene like this was not meant for someone his age. He should be watching cartoons, not witnessing such horror.

Tears pooled in his eyes as he watched the battle unfold. His savior suddenly shifted into another form—a beast, an alien, he didn't know what to call him. The transformation was so rapid that it left the boy even more stunned. It was then that he truly believed his savior was not human.

His fur bristled, and crimson eyes gleamed with predatory intensity as the transformed creature engaged in a ferocious dance of battle. Razor-sharp claws clashed against elongated fangs, filling the air with the crackling energy of their otherworldly struggle. Each movement was a blur of feral agility, accompanied by haunting growls and occasional howls, creating a chilling symphony beneath the celestial glow.

Their eyes locked for a few heart-stopping seconds, sending shivers down Dave's spine. He watched in stunned silence as the creature pinned the monsters down and swiftly ripped off their heads.

Dave could only stare, unable to move. He had seen enough for one day. His eyes were dry, tears refusing to fall again.

Their eyes locked...

His heart raced as he watched the creature drop the heads of its defeated foes and approach him.

His hands were stained with viscous black blood, a substance Dave had never imagined could exist in this world.

Was he next? Would this creature tear him apart too?

The beast—alien, animal, or whatever it was—approached him with an unexpected gentleness. Dave held his breath as they locked eyes, a moment of intense scrutiny passing between them. Sweat trickled down the boy's face, his heart racing in his chest. The creature narrowed its eyes, assessing him with a mix of curiosity and caution. Then, in a swift movement, it pounced.


Panting heavily, the beautiful guy woke up from another haunting nightmare. The first light of dawn gently caressed his features as he stirred from the clutches of the dream. His long lashes fluttered open, revealing eyes that, though clouded with residual fear, gradually softened with the reassurance of wakefulness. Sun-kissed strands of tousled hair framed his face, and he let out a sigh of relief. His lips parted in a serene smile, effortlessly erasing the lingering shadows of the nightmare. The tranquility of the morning bathed him in a subtle radiance, enhancing the allure of his peaceful awakening.

Sweat lined his forehead as he gasped, sitting up on his bed and burying his face in his hands. When would these nightmares end?Since that encounter nine years ago, he had been plagued by dreams. If not for the mysterious creature that had saved him that day, he might not be alive now. He had been terrified when it pounced on him, expecting the worst, only to wake up later in a hospital bed with his mom by his side.

Even though the creature looks creepy... He doesn't even know what to call it, either an alien or a beast or.... He doesn't know, but he knew he was his savior. Ever since that incident he never went on any excursion nor picnic, he's still in shock of what happened to him, it like it happened yesterday.

He never wanted to encounter those creatures again, whether it was the one that had saved his life or any others. He had never spoken about what he had witnessed that day; everyone dismissed it as an illusion induced by stress and fear. People claimed they hadn't seen the so-called 'pink tree,' suggesting he might have been hallucinating. But he knew in his heart that what he had seen and experienced was real.

The memory of the beast ripping the heads off those creatures haunted him to this day. Try as he might, he couldn't erase the vivid images from his mind. His parents were unaware that he still had these nightmares regularly.

Pushing these thoughts aside, he gracefully rose from bed and headed to the bathroom. He needed to prepare for the day.

One hour later.

Walking down the stairs with grace, he entered the dining room where his parents awaited him eagerly. His features were delicate and refined, dressed in an outfit that effortlessly blended comfort with style. A snug, tastefully fitted top highlighted his figure, paired impeccably with tailored pants that exuded sophistication. The fabric, adorned with a subtle pattern or texture, added depth to his attire without overshadowing its overall simplicity, creating a captivating harmony of fashion. Every detail spoke of confidence and a distinctive personal style.

His face, a study in delicate contours, showcased smooth, fair skin lightly touched with natural makeup that enhanced the graceful arch of his eyebrows. Expressive eyes framed by long lashes conveyed a depth reflecting both vulnerability and strength. A slender nose and softly curved lips completed his visage, radiating a blend of femininity and authenticity that drew attention with gentle allure.

Taking his seat at the table, he greeted his parents warmly. They returned his smile with evident happiness, their love for him shining brightly in their eyes.

"Dave dear, how was your night?" His mother asked, her hand patting his neatly combed hair.

"Fine mom, and you?" He replied warmly, returning her affectionate gesture.

Dave happened to be the only son of the Walker family. The love his parents had for him radiated like a warm embrace, an unwavering presence that enveloped him in a cocoon of care and affection. In their eyes, there was a proud sparkle, mirroring the joy derived from witnessing his growth. Every gesture, from gentle words of encouragement to the protective glint in their gaze, reflected a profound and boundless love. It was a nurturing force, an unspoken promise that echoed in every shared smile and supportive embrace, creating a haven of love that defined the very essence of family.

Their love for him was immeasurable, and it made him feel like a proud little prince, knowing his parents would move mountains for him and fulfill his every wish.