In a modern world teeming with hidden supernatural beings, Kelvin, a powerful hybrid known as a Vaewolf, finds himself entangled in a web of forbidden love, curses, and perilous choices. Born of a dangerous union between a vampire and a werewolf, Kelvin is an *Unclaimed One*, a being that defies the control of vampire covens, werewolf clans, and witches. As leaders of the supernatural realm vie for his power, Kelvin is forced into a life of perpetual hiding to protect himself and his family.
Haunted by a curse from the witch queen, which promises he will never find true happiness and dooms him to destroy anyone he loves, Kelvin lives in fear of his own emotions. His solitary existence takes a turn when he meets Dave, an unsuspecting human who awakens feelings Kelvin thought were long buried. As their bond deepens, Kelvin must confront his deepest fears: how to protect Dave from the dangers that lurk in the shadows and the curse that threatens to tear them apart.
This is a tale of forbidden love, unimaginable power, and the fight against a destiny that seeks to destroy them both.
I am only in chapter 3 and i am amazed, the writing quality is so good and me being an amateur writer is ashamed of mine 😂😂, but this is good try updating more even if I am being hypocritical. good work author ♥️💙
This book is nice, the plot and everything is amazing. Keep it up debby. Pls update soon