A cheater.

Teleporting to his car, he gently placed Dave in the seat and fastened his seat belt. Without wasting any time, he sped off.

By the time he arrived home, it was already midnight. He carefully lifted Dave out of the car and carried him into the house. Neither his parents nor Dave's were home.

In his room, he gently laid Dave on the bed and covered him with the duvet. He touched Dave's cheeks and forehead, noticing a fever.

He fetched a towel and a bowl of water, then began to gently clean Dave's wounds. After cleansing, he applied ointment to the bruises and placed a wet towel on Dave's forehead.

"Forgive me, Dave. If I had been there earlier, none of this would have happened to you. You wouldn't be in this state. I'm really sorry," he whispered, caressing Dave's hair and cheeks.

Once he was sure Dave's temperature had returned to normal, he removed the wet towel, changed Dave's clothes, and dressed him in a comfortable oversized top.

After that, he lay beside Dave, caressing his hair until he drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, the chirping of birds woke Dave up. He slowly opened his eyes and scanned his surroundings. This didn't look like the forsaken room he was in yesterday. As he looked around more, his eyes widened when he realized whose room he was in.

Kelvin's. What was he doing in Kelvin's room? And how did he even get here?

Becoming more conscious of his surroundings, Dave noticed a strong arm wrapped around his waist. His face hurt a little, and his body ached.

Looking up, he saw Kelvin's face and, for some reason, felt a surge of annoyance. Memories of yesterday flooded his mind, and all that Kelvin had done to him started settling in his brain. So, Kelvin wanted to pretend like he didn't know anything about what happened? He wanted to act like he wasn't the one who sent them to kidnap him? He thinks he's smart.

Peeling Kelvin's hand off his waist, Dave got up, which woke Kelvin.

"You're awake? How are you feeling? Tell me where it hurts. If you're in pain, we can go to the hospital..." Kelvin offered.

"Shut the fuck up, Kelvin. Stop with this act of yours. I know you're pretending. You don't like me you're just pretending, and you're the one who sent those thugs to kidnap me and do all that... all that..." Dave couldn't finish his words, tears streaming down his face as he sobbed, covering his face with his hands.

Kelvin felt heartbroken and enraged by the lies that had been fed to Dave.

"Dave, I swear I didn't do any of that. I did not send anyone to kidnap you, nor did I take a video of us together. I would never do that, Dave. I would never, ever do that," Kelvin said as he slowly walked over to Dave and hugged him.

"Don't touch me! Get your filthy hands off me. You're lying," Dave sobbed like a child.

"No, I'm not, Dave. I swear to God, I didn't do any of that. I would never do that to you. Please, Dave, stop crying," Kelvin begged.

"You're lying! I don't believe you. I'm sure all this is just another lie to make me fall for your trap again," Dave said, pushing him away and slapping him.

"You're nothing but a cheat, Kelvin. I hate you! I hate you!! I hate you!!!" Dave screamed, hitting Kelvin's chest repeatedly.

Kelvin held Dave's hands and pulled him close again, trying to calm him down. This time, he gave Dave a soft kiss on the lips before gently wiping his tears away.

"I swear to you, Dave, I didn't do any of those things. The girl you saw in that room yesterday has been asking me out for a long time, but I rejected her. She got jealous when she noticed I was into you, and that's why she did those stupid things to you. She was also the one who leaked that video, not me. I would never do something like that. I didn't even know about the leaked video until your friends told me... you can ask them. I swear on my mom," Kelvin explained, praying that Dave would believe him. But Dave just looked away, tears rolling down more.

"Come on, Dave, please believe me. I swear on my mom, I didn't do it."

Dave looked at him, considering. Kelvin would never swear on his mom if he really did it... right?

"You really didn't do any of this?" Dave asked, sniffing.

"Yes, I didn't. I would never think of harming you. I'm sorry for arriving late yesterday. I'll never let anything like that happen to you again," Kelvin promised, hugging Dave close.

"I was really scared, Kelvin. I thought... I thought..."

"Shh, it's okay. You're safe now. I don't want you to think about any of that. Don't worry, I've dealt with all of them. I didn't let one escape," Kelvin assured, patting Dave's hair.

"Should I take you to the hospital for a check-up? Are you in pain?" he asked, but Dave shook his head.

"No, I'm fine. There's no need to take me to the hospital."

"Are you sure?" Kelvin asked again.

"Yes, I'm sure. I'll be fine after taking something for the pain."

"Okay. Are you hungry? Let's go downstairs; I'll prepare something for you to eat."

"Okay, I want something delicious."

"Count on me for that," Kelvin assured him before lifting him up, which made Dave giggle as they headed to the kitchen.

When they got there, Kelvin gently placed Dave on the kitchen counter. He went to the freezer, picked up a pack of berries, rinsed them, and placed them beside Dave.

Dave watched as Kelvin moved gracefully, putting on an apron before gathering the ingredients and veggies he needed and taking them to the sink to wash.

Dave started eating the berries, then called out, "Kelvin, come."

"Okay," Kelvin replied, walking over to Dave's side. Dave smiled, placed a berry in his mouth, held Kelvin's collar, and pulled him close.

He warped his legs around his waist before bending to kiss him with the Berry in his mouth and that made kelvin smiles.

Dave dropped the Berry into his mouth and smiled which made kelvin place his hand at the back of his neck and pulled him close.

" You're a a naughty boy" he said before kissing Dave, their tongue intertwined together, they sucked and licked each other lips.

Kelvin caresses Dave's laps before putting his hand into his clothe and caressing his body until he got to his nipples, he pinched them, roll it with it fingers and tugged on it a little which made Dave moan into his mouth.

" Ah!, kelvin stop..." He moaned arching his back and that made Kelvin smirked

" Are you sure you want me to stop?" He asked as he deepened the kiss.

They were so deeply engrossed in each other that they didn't notice the door of the house opening and two figures walking in.

The two figures looked at each other, sharing a surprised glance, before staring at Kelvin and Dave in disbelief.

"Ahem, hope we're not interrupting anything?" one of them said with a smile.

Kelvin and Dave immediately let go of each other abruptly, as if nothing had been happening between them.

Dave's face turned red as he saw who it was, feeling incredibly embarrassed.

"Mom, Dad... You didn't tell me you were coming home today. Welcome," Kelvin greeted, walking over to them to collect the bags they were holding.

"Our bad for not telling you. We'll never make that mistake again," his mother chuckled.

"Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Cullen," Dave greeted, feeling incredibly shy.

"Good morning, sweetheart. I told you to call us Mom and Dad," she replied, walking over to Dave. When she reached him, she couldn't help but exclaim, "Oh my God! What's happened to you? What's with all these bruises on your face?" She gently touched his face, causing Dave to glance nervously at Kelvin.