Kelvin Lovers.

As Dave arrived home, he collapsed on his bed, overcome with pain and frustration. Snow, his faithful companion, sighed as he observed Dave's distress. Something was amiss; Dave rarely came home at this hour, signaling trouble brewing.

"What the fuck happened again?" Snow wondered, wishing he could communicate with Dave in his human form. This unusual transition from Dave's usual routine indicated something serious might have occurred at school.

Dave's face was flushed and hot from crying. His nose, eyes, and ears were red, and he's even having headache.

"I'm fed up, Snow," Dave cried, pouring out his frustrations. "All this kind of shit has never happened to me before. What the fuck is all this? How could he? Why would he post our video on the internet, Snow? He posted our intimate video and blurred his face out... he made me look like a slut in that video. They called me a whore in school, Snow, no one has ever called me that kind of name, no one!"

Snow gave an incredulous look. "What the fuck! Kelvin did what?" He couldn't fathom Kelvin stooping so low to end their ties. "No! No!! No!!! He doesn't even want to imagine Kelvin having that kind of guts to post that rubbish online. Is he mad? He needs to talk to him."

Dave stood up from bed, wiping away his tears, He knew he needed a shower to calm his nerves. He was fed up with everything.

Walking sluggishly to the bathroom, he took off his clothes and stood under the cold shower, letting it cascade over him to cool his hot temperature. He just wanted to forget everything, to reset and begin fresh. He was fed up with all this shit.

After his shower, he put on a loose knee-length top and lay back on his bed. He wanted to rest a little before attending his friend's party in the evening.

Snow didn't bother him; he let Dave rest, sensing his need for it. The atmosphere around Dave was subdued, unlike when they first met.

Time flew by, and suddenly it was already 5 pm.

When Dave woke up, he was shocked to realize the time. He hastily got dressed, bid Snow goodbye, and headed out.

He was supposed to be at the party by 4 pm, and now it was already 5! Despite his hurry, he didn't dress haphazardly; he looked cute in his lilac slant pocket denim dungarees, white inner tee shirt, and white canvas shoes, with his hair styled in a grunge way.

Retrieving his car key, he pressed the button, and his car door opened. He entered and drove off to his destination.

After what seemed like an hour, Dave arrived at Jordan's house, guided by the address Jordan had sent him.

Parking in the lot, he got out and headed to the door. Inside, the party was lively, with music, dancing, chatting, and eating.

Dave's heart skipped a beat when he saw the crowd. He hoped none of them had seen the video; he couldn't bear any more insults.

Walking in confidently, he smiled at the beauty of the scene. No one seemed to notice his entrance.

His smile widened when he saw Rihanna and the others. They greeted him warmly, giving him hugs and pats on the back.

"Are you okay?" Rihanna asked, her voice filled with concern.

Dave assured her, "Yeah, sure I am." But his friends could see through his facade, knowing something was wrong.

"To hell with Kelvin," Rihanna exclaimed, expressing her disdain. The others nodded in agreement, sharing Dave's anger.

Dave was surprised. "So you guys know it's Kelvin?!"

"Of course," Rihanna replied. "When I saw the video, I knew immediately it was Kelvin. And when Jordan told me about what happened on the night of the freshers, I knew it was him who did this."

"It's only a blind person who wouldn't know it's Kelvin," Ryan added angrily.

Jordan calmly sipped his wine, offering his perspective. "I'm sure everyone knows it's Kelvin, but who dares to talk? Apart from being angry, almost all the girls and guys would get angry because they've been imagining having that kind of position with Kelvin for years. Dave, who happens to be a newbie, just got that kind of chance all of a sudden. And you think they won't be angry? Impossible! Even if it were a girl in Dave's position, they would say the same thing. Don't you know those Kelvin lovers are so crazy?"

Everyone nodded, acknowledging the truth in Jordan's words. The situation was more complex than they initially thought.

Back at home

Snow hopped down from Dave's bed, he checked the time and it was 8.30pm, kelvin should be around by now, shifting to his human form he teleported to Kelvin's door.

Without even knocking, kelvin had sensed that someone strange was at his door cause he could feel the energy of his house changing, getting up from bed he disappeared to his door with a flash. His parents happened to not be at home.

" Who's at the door?" His thick voice growls from behind the door.

" Mtcheeew" snow hissed irritably

" Will you open this fucking door? Or we should just stab everything in the eye?" Snow impatiently asked

Opening the door, he saw Sebastian standing at his door.

" What do you want?" Kelvin impatiently asked.

" What do I want?, Like seriously?! Why do you think I would be here?do you think I would be here to chit chat with you?, why do you have to stoop so low just because you want to end what ever relationship between you and Dave?" Sebastian asked

" Expatiate your words, I don't get what you're saying" kelvin said confused.

" Come on, don't act like you don't know what you've done, you just let Dave loose all the trust he has for you" Sebastian added.

" Lose trust?, I don't get what you're saying seb, I didn't do anything, pls make your words clear to me."

" Didn't you post you guys intimate video on the internet? And you blur out your own face so people won't see your the one, didn't you do that?" Sebastian asked

" Me?! No! Why will I do that kind of thing, that will make me look so foolish and stupid, and of all people Dave! I would never do that knid of thing to him, when I'm not mad" his voice sounded so surprised.

" So you weren't the one who posted that video online?" Sebastian asked, even though he knew Kelvin cannot do that kind of thing, he just need to be sure.

" No, I'm not, I would never do that to him"

" Then that means you've have a problem"

" What problem? " Kelvin asked again confused.

" Didn't you know about what happened today? someone posted you and Dave's video online an intimate video to be precised and in that video your face was blurred out and that make Dave thinks you are the one who posted it just because you want to end you guys relationship or whatsoever relationship you guys have.

There is someone watching you both and that person want to ruin the the relation between you guys, you need to be very careful kelvin, cuz for this person to be able to video you guys he or she will also know something about you, something you know no one should know.

And as for Dave he has been through a lot recently and he has been crying a lot, he's not happy at all, he was even bullied in school cuz the video was actually posted and everyone saw it. He said he will never ever forgive you, you need to look for what to do before time runs out Kelvin, before it runs out that you wont be able to do anything again." Sebastian advised.

" All those happened?!" Kelvin asked surprised and Sebastian nod his head in response.

" I wasn't even aware about it in school, no one told me about it" kelvin told snow.

" I think the best thing is for you to go see Dave and clear things out, talk to him calmly and let him know you didn't do any of those shitty things" Sebastian told him.

" And where's daven now?" Kelvin asked curiously.

" He went to party at his friend's house"

" Do you happen to know his or her name?" Kelvin asked.

" Jordan" Sebastian replied and with that kelvin rushed out of the house like a flash

" I won't spare whosoever is behind this" he said as he entered his car and drove off.