
Under the dark sky lies a green lush forest, This Forest is home to many animals and beasts.

On this seemingly peaceful night, The Forest's inhabitants will soon be facing the wrath of a demon.

Swish swish swish...

The wind gently hits the green-colored leaves as the Moon shines upon bodies of water, casting a reflection of the full moon.

The night was very peaceful with a few occasional sounds made by critters from here and there, Suddenly The peaceful atmosphere was broken by a shout.

"I'm Alive!?!?"

A man Wearing a white blood-stained robe Shouted in Disbelief.

"I remember Dying in the Hands of My Master... That damned Bastard how could he do this to me!?!?"

He was fuming with anger, Raising his hands and forming a fist.

After a pause, He was still unable to believe it.

"Me, alive? This must be hell. No way those Righteous Bastards Let me get away with murdering half of Heaven and permanently damaging the Spirit realm"

He pondered for a while walking back and forth while thinking.

"Screw it, Even If I'm in hell so what?

If I can escape from here I will exact my revenge against those who have wronged me; Including that Fraud."

Thinking of his Master, He recalls a Memory he now dreads.

30 years ago

Under the fair moonlight, Countless Houses's roofs were shone upon by the moon.

The summer breeze was passing by trees and making rustling sounds.

In one of these houses, a small pair of hands Exit through a window to grab its handle, for a while time seems to stop when suddenly A Faint light emerges from the sky, connecting to the boy's forehead and penetrating his brain.

As Quickly as it went it vanished leaving no trace of existence.

That night

As the boy was preparing to sleep he heard a voice, Unprepared, the boy looked for the source but was unable to locate it.


The boy gave off a questioning tone trying to hear an answer.

The silence was deafening until it was broken by a soft voice.

"Boy, I am an Ancient Star, I'm growing weak and My enemies are never-ending. As My will, I will Grant you A fraction of my power to Fight for me against those that have wronged me"

A soft angelic voice echoed inside the boy's head


The boy was speechless, unable to comprehend what he just heard.

He thinks for a while and he comes up with nothing.

"Although I have chosen You, You're still far too young to wield my powers.

But I have Prepared for that, Every night I will Summon you into my domain to teach you my Arts"

The boy was left confused as dark smoke emerged from the corners of his eyes and slowly covered his face.

A few moments later, the smoke covering his face started to clear up, revealing in front of him a massive hallway.

This hallway was huge, on both sides stood several pillars made from marble.

On each pillar was a metal structure circling a small portion of the pillar's waist as it held a massive torch lightening the surrounding area.

Although the pillars were well-designed, they weren't the main attraction of this huge hallway.

In the middle of the hallway resides a tall Statue made of gold towering over 30 meters in height.

This statue was that of a boy raising his hand as he held a sword.

The boy walked closer to the statue gazing in awe as he laid his eyes on this masterpiece.

Each detail was sculpted to perfection,

Even if a Grandmaster of the art of sculpting tried to find flaws within this gigantic piece of art there would be no criticism to provide but instead, praises would be said.

As the boy looked in utmost admiration, Tremors tore through the fabric of space creating a small crack in reality.

The crack continued to tear space creating an entrance within the crack.

Soon after, A heavy feeling filled the hallway as an eerie existence took a peek inside and spread its energy.

In a couple breaths of time the entrance enlarged and the eerie feeling was lifted.

Soon after, A light Entered through the crack.


As the Moon shone brightly in the sky, Many Predatory beasts were flying in search of their next meal.

The man was sitting on top of a rock as he looked at the sky gazing at countless beasts.

"These beasts are commonly found in the southern continent which means that I am somehow alive"

The man snorted as he looked around finding many eyes lurking in the shadows.

"These are night wolves, As long as I don't show a sign of weakness they will not attack me"

The man thought in his mind.

The man sat cross-legged atop the rock closing his eyes and giving off an eerie aura, This was the aura of an ancient demonic deity.

Being the disciple of the Ancient Demonic Jester who was the 3rd strongest among the 10 ancient demonic deities, The man naturally had the same aura having learned this art since young.

Not a single Night wolf dared to take a step forward in fear of such an ominous presence.

Half an hour passed and the man still sat while maintaining a motionless position.

In his mind, the man observed the flow of energy coursing inside his deep blue-colored Hatja space.

The Hatja space is where Quv is stored, It is located near the heart.

The Hatja space, unlike the Heart, is not an organ.

It was in the form of a circle with varying colors depending on the amount of Quv it could store.

Quv can be found on anything that exists, be it the air; dirt, beasts, or man, Quv exists inside them in small to large amounts.

Quv is one of the building blocks of the universe.

"Hmph, deep blue is not bad, however

I need to quickly advance it to neon purple to store the maximum amount of a Mortal can,"

As the man observes his Hatja space;

The flow of energy started to collide, causing explosions to erupt.

This however was not dangerous, it was the process of advancing the capacity of the Hatja space.

The flow of energy violently erupted for a while until it was like a calm lake, undisturbed it did not move.

Moments later, a small amount of dark energy poured into the middle of the calm lake, causing it to be disturbed.

The dark energy caused the lake to divide, both sides started to spin like a tornado until they got closer, forming a dance that then gradually calmed down and reconnected the flow of energy.

This Dark energy originated from the demonic beasts he found lying dead when he awoke.

Using the art taught by his Master,

The forbidden art of energy devouring.