hunting for food

As the white light entered through the crack, the boy felt a very powerful presence.

"What is your name boy"

A soft voice resounded inside the hallway.

"Diedao Deren is my name"

The boy answered in a shivering tone.

"I am just an old star, Do not be afraid"

The white light instantaneously moved and was already in front of the boy as if it had teleported.

"From now on you will be my disciple, if you refuse you will suffer bad luck"

The boy was scared, shivering in fear.

The room was very silent, one could hear his pulse if he tried hard enough.


The sun started to shine on the world with its brilliance, casting rays of light into a man, The man had a pretty average proportion and had long white hair stained with Blood covering half of his feminine yet fierce face.

This man was wearing a white robe stained with Blood which now had dried, The man sat cross-leg on top of a rock, and as he opened his eyes; rays of light reflected on his blue eyes.

Rumble... Rumble

After a long night of observing and trying to advance his Hatja space, Deren achieved some advances; his Hatja space now shows a Faint glow of light, which means that Deren's Hatja space is now close to becoming a blue-neon-colored Hatja space.

However, He was now hungry.

"Last night I spent most of the time forcing my Hatja space to become neon but only ended up with a faint glow, I will need to use force devouring art to get more energy, but for now I need to satisfy my hunger"

Deren spent 5 minutes walking searching for any animal to hunt or wild fruits to forage, along the way he found many carcasses, some were rotting with many flies hovering over them, and some were only a pile of bones.

He spent another 5 minutes searching for food, and in the short span he found wild poisonous berries which he was able to eat without problems, by using the art of Poison, he was able to turn the poison into Quv which now resides inside his Hatja space as energy.

Yet, he was still hungry.

As Deren searched for food, the sun shone very brightly, lighting his way.

"The sun is illuminating as bright as my ambitions, yet I am unable to find food, it's as if the universe is laughing at my inability to adapt to such a situation"

"I had once fought with heaven, I achieved victory. And I have once fought for my life, leaving my enemies permanently damaged.

I cannot allow such trivial matters such as going hungry to slow me down"

"I am heading towards such an ambitious path, yet I cannot do such a simple task of finding food? Hmph, if I die of hunger it means that I have not tried hard enough"

He continued to search for food while thinking of ways to motivate himself.

After a while of searching, he finds a Night wolf sleeping.

Night wolves are a type of wolf that hunts during the night and sleeps during the day, opposite of the majority of wolves.

Trying to keep as quiet as possible, Deren used the art of shadow steps, maintaining running speed while being dead silent.

As the distance between him and the sleeping night wolf was getting closer, he felt a sensation at the worst time possible.

Rumble.. Rumble...

His stomach began rumbling, awakening the sleeping wolf.


The wolf awoke, seeing a figure hastily getting closer, calls for the pack.

"Not good!"

Deren inwardly thought to himself before launching a thin trail of ominous red light, creating a hole in the wolf's head which killed the night wolf in an instant.

Deren quickly used the art of precise butchery which instantly turned the wolf into cut pieces, he then used Quv from his Hatja space, shooting fire and instantly cooking the wolf meat.

As soon as he laid his hands on the meat, it instantly vanished.

This was the art of "demonic gluttony" which allows the wielder to instantly devour food during dire situations.

Soon after, Many night wolves came rushing from all directions, surrounding Deren.

"Tsk, I have just recovered enough energy to advance my Hatja space into the deep neon stage.

Shame that I have to use it now against these lowly wolves"

As he Cursed he released an ominous aura, causing the wolves to stop in their tracks.

This was the aura of a demonic deity!

"Hmph, As long as I don't waste too much energy on these wolves I might recover my Quv very quickly"

The ominous aura disappeared and the wolves started gaining the confidence to attack.

Deren swayed his hands in the air, releasing Quv from his Hatja space: forming a dark-red blade infused with demonic aura.

The wolves were in a frenzy, Running from all directions with no sense of coordination.

Deren gave off a fierce look as a wolf tried to pounce on him.

Another wolf tried attacking from behind but was blocked by an invisible barrier.

This was the art of barrier manipulation.


Under the clouds was a formation of birds flying, as they flew a battle below them was reaching its climax.

Under the shade of trees was a man battling a pack of wolves, blood was all over the soil giving it a dark color.

"Just die!"

Deren was outnumbered, his Quv was quickly running out.

Using his aura from time to time; Deren was able to slow down the wolves and kill one or two before deactivating it again, causing the number advantage to crumble.

After a few minutes of tearing, slicing, blocking, and charging; Deren was now left fighting a lone wolf.

This wolf was twice as big as the normal Night wolves and its gaze was fierce, burning with hatred towards the man who had slaughtered his pack.

This was the alpha of the pack!

Before they battle, A heavy atmosphere was present in the air.

Both of them stare at each other with a fierce battle intent.

Deren was out of breath and so was the alpha, Using this chance; Deren pointed a finger toward the cautious wolf.

As soon as his finger was pointed at the wolf, Deren used A small amount of Quv to release it as a projectile; Forming a red ominous light with a width of 5 cm from his fingertip.

Shooting it instantly and heading towards the wolf.

The wolf was anticipating such an attack, quickly forming a barrier to block the attack.

The red ominous light left a trail of skulls as it traveled in the air toward its victim, with each passing second gaining a huge boost in speed. However, as soon as it hit the barrier it quickly dispersed and turned into clouds.

The wolf was now celebrating its victory thinking that Deren had fled using the chance during the time the wolf was blocking.

However, the wolf wasn't anticipating

Deren to be so calculative.

By the time the cloud dispersed the wolf felt something wrong, Deren was already behind it ready to slash with his newly formed sword.

The wolf ran to check upon its subjects to see if some were alive, causing Deren to accidentally hit the air.

The wolf felt a strong wind coming from behind, it turned around and felt a presence nearing its head.


Deren's fierce look turned ugly as his sword clashed with a faint dark barrier.

His eyes met with the alpha, it gave off a very fierce look burning with hatred. If looks could kill then Deren would be dead a hundred times over.


You made it this far? Thank you for reading!

I am planning to thicken the plot because it was very fast-paced during the first chapter. I planned out up to 30 chapters of this novel but I am seeing this novel reaching at least 400 chapters.

Deren gets out of the forest at around chapters 30 - 50.

Thank you for reading