Chapter 1

It was the day it started all, my name

Nagahara takēshi, your average drug smuggler/deliverer/etc, aged 19 it was the

2 week after fleeing from japan to the united states. 2 weeks or more prior to this, i was in deep debt involving the yakuza, with the remaining money i have stolen left i used it all for the flight from tokyo to newyork.

Even though i left the nation i was prpud to be born out of, i had no choice besides i dont have any family left, my dad left to join a cult at the age of 5, my mom died from accidentaly taking the wrong medicine at age 16 that stuff.

As of right now i take drug jobs to make a living, i deliver them, sell them and smuggle them, right now i've got a drug job from a casino owner.

I then went to the said location to meet up with the individual, the place was your average rich owner casino guarded by 2 buff guys in black suits.

I then entered and went to the register,

I then told the person inside a certain phrase as said from the request in order to meet up with the guy, the person then told me to go inside the register booth, i then went in and to see the sight of a trapdoor infront of me the person told me to climb down.

I then climbed down, down here was like some kind of hidden facility the atmosphere feels quiet and the whole place had longs halls.

"Its right in the red door"

The person on the top yelled.

I then searched for this "red" door

It took me a while but i found it

I then knocked and heard the voice

"Come in"

I entered to be greeted by an italian man wearing a dark red suit inside of a huge office.

I was then told to sit down.

"So you must be the drug hustler i've heard all through new york"

"Sure indeed,what job do you ask for?"

"Name's Don figuerelli"

"At the alley way from 10 or 20 blocks away by the old factory over there, rumors says theres this new type of drug its called 'hellamorphia' it has insanely life changing

Properties and what not. I already paid in advance all you just need to do is get the case."

"Whats the pay? "Mr figuerelli"

"Im thinking about 5 grand, the stuffs that valuable, i'll add a hundred bucks for you to taste test to make sure of some stuff.."

"5 grand"

The words 5 grand raced all over my mind

The words 5 grand it circled all over my brain and echoed all through my head.

"Hello?, you there?"

"Oh yes"

"Anyways, you got it?"

"Yeah sure got it, i'll do this job quicker than..."

I then arrived at the said location

The atmosphere was dark

Petty obvious as it was night,

I then entered the alleyway smudged together between abandoned buildings and an abandoned factory.

I did not mind the place as i walked my way

In the dark alleyway, i kept walking and walking until i saw a bigger alleyway

At the other side.

I walked towards the coated fedora individual

I then asked

"Don figuerelli"

"Got the case right here"

I then went forward to take a look at this case

I then went on to see the contents and to my eyes it was glowing bright purple

My mind was saying things like theres no way narcotics this type can exist

"You know you could try one for yourself"


"Yes really"

I then tried the narcotic, i didnt feel anything at all, probably the effects will give in later i guessed.

"Effects might come in later but glad dping business with you"

"Edwin green, call me mad hatter"

"Takēshi nagahara"

We both said as we shook our hands


I felt some glowing light and movement underground, i turned down to only realized im being sucked into some kind of portal.

I looked up to see the guy whom called mad hatter smiling and saying

"Enjoy your trip"

Whilst hatting down to me with his fedora

It was all black, as i regained consciousness

I was shocked to my eyes to see myself being surrounded by an unfamiliar

Flame ridden atmosphere.

As i breath in the air felt like an unexplainable feeling,it felt like the freezing cold and high heat being mixed together

One feeling thats imposible to find in a place like earth.

As i stood up i was in a vast desert of hell

The ground wasnt even sand, it felt like some kind of rock or ground, the sky had no clouds it was just devoid of anything, yet environment was well lit, through the distance i could see a mountain or two

But i walked towards whatever the plain ground could take me, as i had no experience in mountains at all.

As i traversed through the place

It felt like an eternity through this vast wasteland, it was until i was at the brink of exhaustion i heard faint footsteps ahead of me. I went further ahead to see another person there, i then witnessed him collapsed.

I rushed over to check on him

Upclose he looked like a japanese highschooler through the looks of him holding some textbooks.

I then asked if he was okay no response

I then opened his eyes to see any reaction

None at all, with the last bit of strength i carried him on my back and started running,

Screaming at the top of my lungs for help.

As i ran further and further there was no response, as i was about to give up i heard a voice yell out "Heeeeeyyyy"

And see a person running infront of us

As relieved as i am i collapsed unconscious.

I awoke to see myself in some sort of a room,

As i was about to stand up the door opened,

I was greeted by a man and the same person i saved,

"Nice to meet you two newcomers the man said"

" where am i"

The man changed his expression to a more concerned one and said

" well lets see uh....

Welcome to hell"

Said as he faced the two of us

The word hell raced into my mind


The guy i saved shouted

"Yes hell"

"Theres no way this is real, i remember buying stuff at a convinience store and im in some wasteland"

" well thats one thing i cant explain. for now"

"First things first, i found you two lying on the ground on the brink of death"

The man stated

"So i took you here"

"So whats here?"

I stated

"A human town of course"

Human town?

Of course a human town

If there was a hell there'd be demons and

Spirits of some sort

The man then offered us to look around we both accept

As we all stepped outside the room we then both glanced at a window to see that the man wasnt lying it was some kind of small town full of people walking all over the place

The place was surrounded by walls

And through the walls i could see a huge desert ahead of us.

"So this is hell".

Me and the other guy went out to look around

As we walked around the markets and buildings i introduced myself as

Nagahara takēshi

"Shinoda Koharu"

He said sceptically

"Nice to meet you"

I said


He said

We both walked to see a bar

I decided to go inside to ask for any answers

Shinoda followed after me

I then decided to take a seat and try to strike a chat with the bartender

"Buy something and i'll speak, the guy said"

"Sure thing"

I pulled out a 1000 yen out of my pocket

" thats human realm currency, we only accept hell currency"

As dumbfounded as i was we both came back to the guy

"Say uh... where do i get hell money?"

"Of course how would i forget, the same way us humans earn it in our world"

We then had to find gigs in order to make our way

Shinoda stayed at the mans house

Who'm who called himself mr nijimura

To be honest withmyself is it a coincidence or is that majority of the people here are japanese and the a low likelyhood of foreign people considering this place is hell.

As so i went around town to find some short quick jobs to make atleast some money to

Sustain myself for a few days or so.

It took me a while but i've got about 50 pieces of whatever this dark purple medallion thing is, with a closer look

It had some sort of symbol

But who cares.

I then took of to see the bar

I then entered sat down and showed off the bartender my earnings

The bartender with an unimpressed look took 5 medallions and gave me a pint

I then asked the bartender a few questions

He said he can only asked three


"Wait... there must be something wrong here

Im 19 im not supposed to drink till im 20 or something"

"Beats me this is hell no laws no angels do what ever you want"

"You sure?"

"Sure enough"

I proceeded to chug the whole thing in a matter of seconds

"Dont know what i drank but who cares"

"2 questions"

He told me with a mischevious look whilst raising 2 fingers"

Crap! I shouldve known more better

I probably wouldve gotten the same thing out of mr nijimura, i gotta think more specific

Like something mr nijimura would be too lazy to tell.

" listen, here i wanna ask what the hell this place is?"

"This place is hell, its not that accurate to the bible, but far outside the human towns are the demon cities and wild demonic habitats and stuff, got that?"

"Really? How do i get there?"

"The only way you could is by taking the most high paying and requiring job in this town, which is the restockers"


"One medallion and one last lecture"

"Fine i get it"

I proceeded to hand him a medallion

He then proceeded to tell me that

Restockers are the people brave enough to go out and disguise as demons in the demon cities and get and buy resources there and get resources naturally in wild demon animal habitats the sort of savenger thing in a survival group

After that whole discussion i decided to head out and aqcuire to be a scavenger.

" you used to be a drug smuggler huh..."

"Sorry but we already got more experienced smugglers here"

"So scram off till you got more balls kid"

The enlister said

The only thought my mind was racing through was to go through the main gates without any equipment and all sorts

As so i decided to go find out myself,

As i was about to head outside

Suddenly mr. Nijimura yelled out


Shinoda was with him

" you cant do this alone"

He handed me a backpack and a duffel bag

"Bring him along too"

"Wait what?"

Shinoda said out loud

"Even though i've been here for 3 months

Someones gotta be the medic of this town so the two of you, find out whats outside for us got that?"

Me and shinoda head out to whatevers ahead of us.