
Chapter 2

Even though shinoda wasn't fond of tagging along he had no other choice

both wandered around the outskirts

It was far but manageable we took some rests and stops to sustain our energy

And throughout the whole trip i got to learn more about shinoda and how he got here.

He told me his parents were loving

But he has some regret of not seeing that parental love as he never socialized with them, as to his school life he was that sort of quiet loner and through all this he has no sort of confirmation wether he would see them again or not

I told him my story back he was surprised

" really? Thats insane"

He said walking in that same blank down face

The part on how he ended up here questions me.

If that mad hatter guy sent me here

And shinoda got here through the register of a convinience store would that mean.

That the cash register sent him here?

I flushed that thought for later but as we were walking we stumbled across a small town

It didnt look like some kind of town the architect was strange the people from afar

Their skin looked pale, dark gray ,gray and some shades of whatever isnt normal for people.

I assumed these are demons

With this in mind i decided to check one of the bags mr. Nijimura left for us.

Among the stuff inside i pulled out a cloak

We may look muslimy but who knows

We both disguised ourselves and head towards the town.

As we entered the town we were shocked to realized that its clearly identical to a town in our world as soon as we where walking around the entire neighborhood started staring at us like how we would stare at foreign africans.

In regards to this we quickly realized that this whole thing seemed absolutely rediculous

Considering the demon people around us act similarly civilized as to back in my hometown in before moving to tokyo.

So me and shinoda head back to an alley to rethink our plan, i start rumaging through the duffel bag to try to find some sort of skin disguise it was no use.

We had no choice sneak around undisguised, we then climbed a house to see our view of the whole tiny town,

It was about the size of a remote village but i doubt this could be considered a village in these premises.

What caught my eye is that i saw some familiar appearance more like a a fedora and a long coat.

Thats him! Thats the guy who sent me here mad hatter, if i wanna find some revenge and answers, thats possibly gonna come from him.

And so i told shinoda to stay put and i ran off to pursue mad hatter.

I jumped from building to building without being spotted i then slid down an alleyway way to the ground and wore my cloak in a more town recognizeable way.

As i ran from crowd to crowd i finally spot him upclose and as i was about to tackle him down he turned behind and made a mischeavious grin and disappeared out of thin air.

Shocked to this i looked around to see if he was there, but none but nothing i could find.

I gave up so i decided to check out a shop or two, i stumbled across a shop, it was selling very unfamiliar items.

I took a some items that seem to have some use, but the thing is that how should i buy it?

I initially had 50 medallions but spent 6 of them on the bar so a total of 44 so i must spend wisely

The first thing in thought of mind was to act deaf so i went on with that considering that these people spoken a different language to us humans.

At the counter i spread out the items and gave the registrar a deaf signing gesture

And showed him the amount of coins i had in my hand.

The demon person shook his head as he looked at me with pitty.

He took some coins from the counter and stacked them by their price on each of my items.

From what i could understand i could only afford about 2 with my 44 medalions

And so i bought the 2 items i could affort without knowing its purpose, from a closer perspective of the demon mans face he seemed similar to a human albeit the pale skin and black iris and white pupils in his eyes and the weird beard formation on his face.

And so i went back to the rooftop where shinoda was, only to find that he left me right on the spot with both bags.

To this shock of abandonment i looked around the building to see where he had gone It took me a moment to find him to see him through outside the town going the opposite direction we came from.

I soon jumped off the building to pursue him,

I then went out through the town entrance to catch up with him, as soon as he saw me he went running.

As i was about to catch up on him he slipt and fell down a huge hole much like a cave opening, in a ditch effort i jumped down second.

The descend from the mysterious ground material felt like i was sliding down from a slide made out of smooth soft dirt, without second thought i quickly tried moving my arms around to cancel the fall.

Which so i succeeded with as soon as i stopped moving

I then witnessed shinoda's unconscious body fell into the ground.

At first i thought that he's sure dead but in closer inspection he looks alive, but to my true horror weird sounds started coming from the abyss of the cave.

And as soon as that happened weird cave like creatures emerged in horror i stepped up to his defense but slipped and fell the exact same waybhe ended up there.

Now standing between a no way chance to save him and certain death all i could do was stand there and rethink what the hell just happened to me right now.

First of all this stubborn ass highschool loner boy, is the reason why im gonna die and second of all i did not got my answers.

After realizing this i screamed from the top of my lungs ready for me to sacrifice shinoda

To escape

Insanely enough due to me shouting the cave monsters decide to go at me first the cave monsters tackled me down bitting and gnawing at my flesh and bones.

I felt everything and all things for certain all i could do was scream and scream and as i lost my insanity i let out the loudest scream i have ever done in my life....

"What the hell..."

Shinoda looked horrified to see the sight of bunch of dead creatures and the sight of takēshi no longer having the exact same appearance no more, the only change was that his left eye had a pitch black iris and yellow glowing pupil.

" W-what are you.."

"What happened?"

I said in a tired and confused voice

"The mirror look"


What happened to me?

My eye what the hell!? My skin looks a bit pale, i could most certainly see my veins around my weird eye.

"We should leave"

Shinoda said confusingly scared

We both made it out alive, i had no idea whats going on but my eye and a bit of my body appearance looks weird.

On thinking back on that close up on the demon man, he had a black iris and a colored pupil, so could that mean....

Theres no way....

Could that mean the drug i just took was...

"I then told shinoda what i just realized"

He was shocked to hear what i just said and decided to stick with it

In no times waste we decided to continue our journey.

It was then a while later i felt my skin was hard or something only until a few hours later i noticed something about myself that something felt weird i felt like i was holding rocks upon looking down on my hands were claws huge scaly claws.

To my disbelief i instantly knew i had. Turned into some demon monster of some sorts.

Shinoda now being shocked to what hes witnessed so far stepped back,

I tried to pull them off but theres no budge as they felt like it was part of me, only until i started to feel another feeling something that felt more weirder than usual, i had a spinal feeling of some sorts and it was urging me to let it out, with no questions i lost to the urge.

From shinodas point of view he just witnessed takēshi transform slowly into some weird demon monster thing

He saw everything bit by bit, throught the claw part through the detailed transdormation from torso to head from. Everywhere.


shinoda screamed as he fell backwards and tried to pull himself out of there

Takēshi Roars like the monster he is and confused as he is accidentally goes on a rampage running everywhere from destroying the ground to running in confusingly nowhere until he trips.

Shinoda goes closer to inspect

He then skeptically yells out


I looked over to shinoda i said yes?


shinoda falls back

From what i am seeing right now it looks like ive gotten more taller and a bit of increase in vision.

My hands look the same size as my body but shinoda looked a bit small, what the matter of that?

It took me a few seconds to realize that ive transformed into a demon monster of sorts

Into some humanoid hybrid of one.

I calmed shinoda down by gesturing that im ok (assuming that if i tried to speak i will just spout out random animal nonsense)

I lend out my hand to shinoda, shinoda hopped on and rode my shoulder.

He was fascinated and terrified throughout the entire ride to wherever we went considering i have sharp scales all around my body.

Alas we set off it was then we arrived at our next destination which was a huge forrest with unrecognizeable tree's the forrest looled grim and dark.

The was no such thing as leaves or wood

The trees had a flesh like trunk and the leaves assuming it was looked like

Some type of rock formation, i was pretty much shocked.

As i walked through the forrest i pushed away trees with my newfound demon body

And made my way through.

This went on until we heard a sudden movement in the weird bushes, we then sneakily moved forward until we where ambushed by a bunch of weird deformed monsters.

I placed shinoda down and went on with a defensive pose, as soon as they started charging at me i ran towards them and started grabbing one that jumped at me and threw it at a bunch of them, i then stomped on a demon monster and kicked it to the others, nonetheless more ganged up on me

I let out a loud roar stunning the boar like creaturea and started slamming my body on the whole crowd, the rest that survived ran off in fear.

As exhausted as i shinoda went back on my shoulder and we set off, after a while as we were about to exit the forrest suddenly i transformed back into a human albeit i still have the weird eye.

I was safely in the ground but shinoda fell face flat i laughed shinoda then said

"Shut up" so we both exited

In witness to this i now know that i could turn into a human im not sure if its by detransformation or if theres a timer for my transformation, who knows but first things first i should try to use my newfound demon powers to my advantage.

The scene then cuts to the dead forest and cave monster's bodies fading away ....

End of chapter 2