Chapter 28: Variables

Her personalized ringtone for Amadi sounded.

Chloé picked up her cell. Amadi was speaking rapidly but the news was good. When Chloé questioned their authenticity, he explained.

"I assure you; these sources are one hundred percent reputable."

"Oh, Amadi!" Chloé exclaimed, in a whisper. "Do you know where they live?"

"I think they're somewhat rural."

"Do you think you can take me there?"

"I can drop you off close by, but I have other jobs to do. I can't stay." Chloé's heart sank.

She couldn't speak. "Mademoiselle Hakkan?" Amadi's voice sounded soothing.

"How soon can we go?"

"I'll be there in an hour."

After making arrangements for Lily to go with Gemma, Chloé packed her stuff. She wasn't sure what to bring so she threw in a bit of everything.
