"I'll take you up on that offer once I have the blood cure," Chloé answered.
"Have you found out anything more?"
"Amadi and I spoke but so far, I haven't heard anything back."
"He is very good at his job. If there is information out there, he will find it."
"Thank you, Sezen," Chloé said. "By the way, how is the baby?"
"Oh, his teeth, they hurt."
"You know, for some reason Chloé, I tell you things, even when I don't know you that well. Things I would be embarrassed to say otherwise. Why is that?"
"You can trust me."
"Thank you," Sezen said and hung up.
Chloé thought she may go out of her mind waiting for the information. Sezen said the blood was rumored to be up north. With full intention of driving the five hours back toward her old apartment, she was suddenly hit with a wave of exhaustion. She needed to get back to the house and rest.