Chapter 34: I'm Potent

The two went down to the entryway. When they opened the door, there was a woman in a light pink and gray pantsuit set holding a notebook. She explained that she was from Child Protective Services.

She introduced herself as Cindy and asked to be let in and they allowed it. The couple sat on the den couch. She spoke to them about what had happened with their child. When Kemal asked why this was an issue she said the police had hired her as a case worker.

"But," Chloé stood, knowing she had to think quickly on her feet, and said, "Everything is fine. My husband had to rush to get some baby Motrin. It was only up the street to CVS. We know it was careless but he didn't want to bundle her up. It was snowing out and ... didn't they tell you it was just one big mix-up?"

"This is the first I'm hearing of that it was only a few minutes," Cindy said. Kemal stood up. "The neighbor said he heard crying for hours."