"Magical items?"
"Yes, can't you tell?" Annalese asked. "They'll be extra helpful for my baby."
"I had my suspicions they had something about them but, I want them to go to you," Chloé said quietly. "You helped me save Kemal. It's the least I could do."
Annalese smiled and unexpectedly hugged Chloé. Her grasp was tight and Chloé hugged her back, thankful that there was a bit of padding between them. Otherwise, Annalese would crunch some of Chloé's bones.
When they parted, Chloé said, "We'll have to dismantle it. I don't know if you'll be able to carry it, though. It's kind of heavy."
"I'm strong enough to handle the weight but I may need to take them in a few separate trips."
"I don't doubt it," Chloé said, still feeling the grip of Annalese's grip.