Chapter 32: I'm Not Afraid

"Seriously? Did you think I'd get rid of them?"

"Well, yes," he admitted.

"I didn't."

"In that case, can you bring me some? The navy and white striped short sleeved and some jeans? I want some color in the shirt."

"You sure you want jeans? It may warm up."

"No, please. The lighter ones that are a little older."

"Okay," she called, smiling.

When she brought him all his clothes, he opened the door a crack and then took them from her. She couldn't wait to see what he looked like. Did he have the same body as before? Could he still take her breath away like that first day in his office?

After a few minutes, he was out of the bathroom.

She nearly had to sit down, he looked so good. His hair was fixed, and the clothes fit him nearly the same way as they had before. Blushing, she turned away. It had been so long since she had seen him like that.

He came closer.

"What's wrong, şekerim?"