Chapter 43: Emerging From Darkness

"I guess he does have the right to ask. Let's talk with him."

They stood up and held hands on their way out of the bathroom. Efe was waiting, rubbing his hands together in anticipation. Chloé held up her hand and shook her head.

"I'm sorry. I thought this diary of hers would be the answer." Efe's brow creased in concern and disappointment.

"Wait, it's her diary?" Chloé asked.

"Journal, whatever you'd like to call it."

"Maybe it says more about the ring," Chloé suggested. "We should keep reading."

"I can't make out the rest. Please, let Kemal take a look."

Kemal reached out and Efe handed it to him. Kemal turned the pages over, carefully. As he read, he nodded a few times.

"Okay," he said, barely audible. He lifted his head up and glanced back and forth between the other two. "We can say something to get it to come off, kind of like a chant, but it is no guarantee. And," he paused, pointing. "It may bring about the wrath of her family and ancestors."