Kemal read the words again. He wasn't through the first two lines before several teal-tinted ethereal beings began to surround them.
"Shit, I didn't think about them not having bodies," said Kemal with alarm. This time, nobody chastised him for his swearing.
"Your anne can handle them," Ahmet assured them.
Within moments after the ghosts showed up, they heard gunfire.
"Bahri!" Efe exclaimed and disappeared. Once Efe was gone, Hiranur flew straight into the air. The ghosts began to chase her, which apparently was her plan. She turned around, held her hands above her head, and then threw them toward the apparitions.
A large circle of red magic flew out toward them. When it hit them, they vaporized. Hiranur landed beside Chloé. When Chloé looked, Hiranur's eyes were glowing red.
"You may want to go inside." She said fiercely, pointing toward their house. "There's a false door beside the fireplace." She quickly turned around and began firing back at the circling ghosts.