Chapter 47: Amateur Therapist

Then she held her face, staring into her brown eyes. They were no longer flaming red like the first time Chloé met her.

Annalese couldn't help but smile with tears in her eyes, playing with the little girl's hands. When she handed Liliana back to Chloé, Kemal finally was finished. He took Lily back holding her while he waited for the food to cool off. Annalese left and then brought back a few vials of Ramsey blood. She handed him one and she drank the other.

Kemal felt relieved after he had some and Chloé could see the color of his face becoming slightly pink. Annalese stared at Kemal.

"Woah, what?!" she exclaimed. Kemal noticed Efe stirring, then he smiled at Annalese and pointed to the room. She nodded and whispered, "Cool!" He laughed. "Even your teeth go away," she added.