Chapter 46: Wonderful Day Walk

"She asked that we hang out with Doc sometimes and also help with her baby. She's terrified that she's going to do the wrong thing or hurt her daughter without realizing it."

"I think those are all normal feelings," Chloé said. The couple gazed at their beautiful little girl, reaching for her father, and squeezing his fingers. Then she was reaching across to grab at the silverware and some of the piyaz. They both tried to redirect her, laughing together. Chloé pointed to her meal, offering him some.

"It looks so very appealing, and I'd love to taste it. I wonder," he said. When she passed him the plate, he moved down to smell it. It was obvious that the scent was giving him pleasure. Then he slowly scooped up some of the dry bean mixture. Chloé watched in anticipation and her waiting was rewarded as a huge smile crossed his face.

"What are those beans called?" she asked.