
Among several things that Roarke detest was delay, he dislikes dawdling, especially among his employees. All of his employees know how irritated he gets when they're late in anything that requires his attention.

When he told Vanessa to see him, he expected her to be on time, seeing that he added 'now' to show how soon he wanted her to come.

His jaws clenched when he checked his time and realised that she was ten minutes late. Not that he had anything important to discuss with her but the fact the she wasn't there in his office at the time he instructed pissed him off.

He stood up and walked towards his floor length glass wall, overlooking the city, tiny humans and buildings could be seen below. He needed to calm his nerves and be rational. Also, he needed to think of what to say to her when she comes, since he really had no genuine reason for calling her, only to test a theory, if actually he was attracted to Miss Sloan.

He scoffed, perhaps the logical reason if at all he was attracted could be that it's been long he slept with a woman, which could be remedied whenever he liked.

He's not the type to go haywire over a beautiful woman, not anymore. He knows how to control his urge if need be and if he wanted to get sexual release and satisfaction from a woman, he knows how to get it with mutual understanding from both parties.

Putting his psychoanalysis moment about his sexual life to a pause, he turned around when he heard a knock.

"Bout time you get here, Miss Sloan"

"I got here as soon as I could" Vanessa replied, not in any way apologetic.

"Not soon enough" Roarke caught a whiff of sweet candy and chocolate flavour as she brushed by him to make herself comfortable on his couch.

He also changed his direction from going towards his desk to sit across from her on the couch.

Vanessa ignored his comment, "may I ask why you called me here, Mr. Stone?" She sat in the middle of the couch and spread both hands on the back of the couch.

Her unbuttoned blazer and sitting position drew Roarke's attention to her chest. He lost his train of thought in that moment, he felt the sudden need to lose his tie which felt so tight.

Roarke's silence made Vannesa looked at him. Seeing the direction of his gaze, she smirked and clear her throat, "if I didn't know better, I would say you were drawn to a certain part of my anatomy, Mr. Stone".

His eyes widen in bewilderment, feeling angry at being caught, he stood up and snapped. "I was simply in a deep thought over an issue I was concerned about. I don't know what gave you the idea that I was starring at you when in fact, I was lost in oblivion on a concerning matter"

Vanessa gave him a knowing smile, "if you say So" she mocked.

Roarke doesn't know what infuriated him more, the fact that he was caught starring at her breast or that he had to cook up a lie which she didn't believe or that he was starring at her in the first place.

"I don't appreciate your remark which insinuated that I was starring, especially after my explanation. I would very much like that you drop the mocking smile on your face and let's go back to the reason why I called you in the first place." Roarke walked towards his desk, waiting for Vanessa to join him.

Vanessa took her time once again to stand, enjoying Roarke's discomfort, time to press his discomfort button even more!

She sat across him on the chair, she breathed in the scent of his cologne, she looked at him, enjoy the beautiful face in front of her.

If only he smiles more, than looking like he's fighting with the rest of the world with his furrowed eyesbrows and thinned lips.

"What a shame" she said under her breath


She shook her head and waited for him to continue.

"Have you decided on those you're picking to form your team?"

"Yes, I've done that and had a quick briefing with them. Everyone has been given a task. They understand their roles and responsibilities. Before the week runs out, you'll get a report on how we want to go about the project "

"Good! I'll like to also go over the list of your team members and the adjustment you've made so far"

His eyes followed the movement of her hand as it moved to brush her hair away from her eyes, he noticed a hair band on her wrist, similar to the one on her head.

Vanessa nodded, she noticed how his expression has become laxed, his creased forehead had smoothened and his lips had become a little bit fuller, unlike the thinned lips earlier.

Now, this is much better.

She guessed that his guard is down and he's carried away with their discussion, which resulted to his laid back mode. She caught a quick change in his eyes when she bit her lips. An act she innocently did because she thought of an idea which she wanted to use in her office redecoration.

However, the effect of her action was felt by Roarke who suddenly felt hot by the action. Is the damn air conditioner broken?!

Roarke's question was answered by the whoosh of cool air from the A.C directed his way.

Vannesa's lips curled up, she flashed him a knowing smile, enjoying how his face tightened. Guess he's human after all.

Not liking the smirk on Vanessa's face, even though he knew what could have caused it, he snapped, "is there something you would like to say, miss Sloan?"

"Nothing, boss" she drawled.

"Good, cause your act of seduction won't work on me" he deadpanned.

"Excuse me?" Vannesa couldn't believe her ears.

"You think I didn't know what you've been doing since?" He leaned back on his chair, feeling proud of his 'discovery'.

He mistook the shocked expression on Vanessa's face as being caught from wanting to seduce him when obviously she was surprised because of his ridiculous claim.

"You think I came here to seduce you?! " She snorted, feeling irritated, "whatever for?"

Roarke shrugged, "who knows what runs through your mind? Could be for the fun of it, just like the habit of yours we witnessed at the coffe shop"

She rolled her eyes, "this is the most ridiculous statement I have ever heard in a long while" she scoffed.

"Oh please, what other explanation do you have for deliberately sitting on the couch in that manner to make me noticed a certain anatomy on your body or the sudden bite of your lips"

"You think I did those things deliberately to seduce you? Her eyes couldn't even widen more in surprise even if she wanted to because she was beyond surprised.

"Why else would you do that? Not sorry to say this, but I know your type and I have to say, it is quite unprofessional for someone who was all about professionalism a few days ago"

Feeling the quick need to hit the arrogant bastard with anything she could find, she stood and walked towards him, holding her anger on a tight leash, she unbuttoned her blazers once again, making sure that, that 'part' of her anatomy can be seen clearly, she bit her lips, studying his reaction.

Roarke widen his gaze, not prepared for her sudden action, his fist tighten in his pocket, battling the need to feel his hands on her body and his lips on her mouth, the sweet candy scent coming from her made his brain fuzzy.

"I don't think you know what seduction is, Mr. Sloan. I'll take my time in the two years I intend to stay in your company to teach you, exactly what seduction means. I'll take my sweet time to explain and show you vividly how seduction works"

She whispered into his ears, deliberately, she made sure her chest brushed slightly over his. Seeing his tensed body, courtesy of the heels she was putting on, her eyes was at the same length as his, she could smell the sandalwood cologne he was wearing.

Vanessa gauged his reaction, looking at the emotions which played on his eyes, deep down, she saw the mirth of attraction in his orbs.

She smirked, "I'll gladly educate you on the art of seduction. Look forward to it"

She strode out and slammed the door loudly! She didn't bother to look at his P.A but she bet if she did, what she'll see will be similar to her saying , they'll have to get a new door soon if she continues slamming the door angrily.


What do you think about teacher Vanessa?

What's your opinion about a prospective student Roarke?

What's your take on the sizzling topic of "the art of seduction"? *Hahahahah!"


