"haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" Vanessa let out a long scream immediately she got into the house.
Tori who was not surprised by her scream rolled her eyes, "I think I know the person behind your scream. The annoying Roarke Stone, correct?"
"Hell yes!" Nessa plopped herself down on the sofa beside her friend with a long breath, "the asshole came up with the most ridiculous conclusion I have ever heard" she scoffed, "he thought I was out to seduce him"
"Are you?" Feeling amused, Tori teased
"Duh!" She shrugged, "maybe I would've loved a romp between the sheets with him before but not anymore. His rotten personality has ward off whatever attraction I have for him"
She took out a candy from her pocket, unwrapped it and put it in her mouth. Tori narrowed her eyes, scrutinising her friend, "are you sure you now have a zero attraction for him, Nessa?" Starring at her friend above her glasses which was hanging low at the bridge of her nose.
She face palmed herself and muttered, loud enough for Tori to hear, "now I'm back at the shrink's office"
Tori smiled, "just saying, because all you've talked about since yesterday is Roarke Stone and how annoying he is. Could be the attraction talking"
"That's because he's actually annoying and no, it's not the attraction talking but definitely the frustration doing the talking"
'if you say so, my stubborn friend" Tori whisper-yelled in her ears, knowing how ticklish she gets.
Nessa playfully swatted her off and Tori burst into laughter, "you're attracted, my friend"
"No, I'm not." She deadpanned "although, I have something up my sleeves. I think I know how to get under his skin and I have an ally from the Stone's family to help me with that"
"Now I'm curious. What are you up to?"
"I met the last R of the Stone family today"
"You mean Reese, the hottest of them all and the owner of the baddest club in town?" She asked with wide eyes.
"Yep!" Nessa exclaimed proudly "and I was invited for a tour of his club"
"No...way!" She shrieked
Tori's jubilation came to a halt, "wait a minute," she raised her hands up, "did you just say you were invited or we were invited?"
"Well, I could extend the invite to you, if you join me and suggest different ways of seducing Rascal Stone"
"I thought you had a zero attraction for him" she questioned with a raised eyebrow.
"Yes I do, in fact, a sub-zero attraction but he wouldn't know that, would he?"
"I don't get you"
"Ok, here's what I'm trying to do. Since Rascal Roarke believe the idea that I am out to seduce him, an act which he detest, I want to get back at him for the wrong assumption, knock him off his high arrogant horse and teach him a lesson with a little help from his brother."
"So, in summary, you want to show him the errors of his ways by doing exactly what he hates most -being seduced by women?"
"That's right" she clapped her hands, "and you'll help me with coming up with dramatic ideas of teaching him the art of seduction, my friend"
"But wouldn't he hates you more?"
"I don't care if he does but I'll get the satisfaction of frustrating the living hell out of him"
"Are you sure you're not doing this in order to get between the sheets with him?"
"Are you sure you want the invite to Reese's club?" Nessa placed her hands on her waist, she knew there was no way she'll go without her friend but a little threat wouldn't hurt, would it? Evil witch!
Tori rolled her eyes, "like you'll go without me"
"Oh, I hate you for knowing and being sure that I wouldn't go without you" she sighed.
They both laughed, "so, are you gonna help me or not" giving Tori the best puppy look she could muster.
"Of course, who is best at coming up with ideas on seduction if not a romance and fantasy writer" she shrugged.
"I thought you were all about gothic and gruesome murder type"
"What can I say, writing gothic books is romantic"
"Oh, you're crazier than I thought, Bonnie"
Tori playfully smirked "Not as much as you, Clyde." She continued, "I'm in. Let's discuss what we're wearing to the club"
"Relax, the tour is not until tomorrow"
"I know but we need to be prepared. Tell me more about Reese"
"Guess you're dying to meet the hot Stone"
"Hell yeah, not dying to meet the cold stone though"
She snorted an smiled afterwards, "his funny, friendly and naughty. And of course, hot."
"Hey Sweetie" Reese kissed his niece forehead, "where's daddy?"
Ari smiled fondly at her uncle, "he's in his study with Uncle Ryan and uncle Ronald" she pointed.
Reese walked in, not bothering to knock, "sorry I'm late" he sat across Ryan , "look who's here, the latest dad in town. How's my favourite niece?
"I thought Ari was your favourite niece" Ronald scoffed
"Still is, they're both my favourite nieces" he placed his feet on the table.
"Sarah's fine" Ryan smiled with a longing look in his face.
"Get your feet off my table" Roarke finally spoke.
Reese ignored his comment and asked "why didn't you tell me Nessa was smoking hot?"
With a confused look, Roarke spoke, "who the hell is Nessa?"
"The new engineer you hired for the billion dollars project"
The confused look all the brothers had on except Reese suddenly turned to understanding.
"Nessa huh?" Ronald smiled, "I see you've made her your buddy"
Reese nodded, carefully starring at Roarke, waiting for his response.
Roarke with his poker face busied himself with working on something on his computer, not sparing Reese a glance, " and how is that piece of information relevant?"
"So I can prepare myself from being blown away by another Blake Lively"
"Stop being dramatic"
Wanting to know his brother's opinion on Nessa's look, he asked, "don't tell me you didn't see how pretty she is"
Ronald answered when Reese directed his gaze towards him to answer the same question, "of course, miss Sloan is a pretty woman, it's quite refreshing to see such a brilliant engineer with a super model style and looks"
"Now, I'm curious to meet this Miss Sloan, I don't think she'll be as beautiful as Serena though" Ryan spoke.
"Would you rather I leave to allow you discuss Miss Sloan's looks in comparison with Serena's thoroughly or you'll talk about the reason for this meeting in the first place?"
Roarke fumed, mad at Vanessa for distracting his brothers even though she wasn't there. Why does his thoughts and conversation always lead to that golden haired girl?!
"Relax man" Reese smirked.
After their meeting which was the sole purpose of meeting at Roarke's, Reese announced, "I invited Miss Sloan to my club, you're all welcome to join us, Roarke."
If Roarke wanted to go before, which was highly unlikely, the fact that Vanessa would be there is enough to flatly decline. Reese already knew but needed to let him know anyway.
He needed to push those two stubborn humans together and what better way to do that than to keep kindling the fire of attraction to get an explosive result.
Not missing how Roarke's grim look seemed deeper when he mentioned how men will be feasting their eyes on her, Reese smirked, pleased to at least get a subtle reaction from him.
The naughty side of him couldn't help but add, "who knows, I might be the lucky man" he winked.