Tessa sat on the bench in the park looking at the kids as they run around, as much as she would rather sit in her comfortable cushion at home and surfing the net or shopping , she thought of the greater good and her plans as she waited for the opportunity she had been counting on for the past few days.
She looked at her phone screen when it chimed, "are you there?" It read and she quickly replied with an affirmative.
After her fall out with Fred, she had managed to escape from him and had kept a low profile, ensuring she steer clear of him till she was able to confirm he had moved to another town. She remembered how mad Fred had been when he found out she was pregnant.
As much as Tessa had a soft spot for Fred, she didn't love him as much as she loved herself. Fred had been a means to an end, they had been close because of what they had in common.