Chapter 1

The breadth of his kiss upon her nape was truly remarkable. Emaline Liliana let out a deep groan as she pulled the man's head closer to hers, deepening the kiss. As their lips met, a fiery passion ignited within her, spreading like wildfire through every inch of her being. Both of them were acutely conscious of their physical appearance.

As the kiss traveled down Emaline's body, it finally reached her sensitive n*pples, causing her to release a sudden and ecstatic shriek.

With a deep breath, she grasped onto the first stable object she could find, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. Her hand darted forward, fingers curling around the man's neck. With a fierce determination, she tightened her grip, feeling the tendons in her arm strain with the effort.

The darkness enveloped the room, rendering Emaline's face invisible to the man's eyes and Emaline being blind couldn't see the man's face who is pleasuring her. "Ohh..."

The young woman's breath almost stopped as she gasped for air to support her own lungs. If the girl only sees the man she likes, it is sure that she will be surprised.

The room was shrouded in darkness, save for the piercing glow emanating from its crimson eyes. The girl let out a blissful moan as the man's lips caressed her sensitive n*pples, sending waves of pleasure coursing through her body. She savored the exquisite sensation, feeling as though she had finally found true happiness.

She felt as though the man's touch was a constant blessing upon her entire being. The woman let out a soft mutter, "Ohhh..." Without fail, every night she found herself in the same predicament. Her slumbers were consumed by vivid, sensual dreams.

Their bare skin pressed against each other's, lost in the depths of their own enchanting reveries. Emaline's heart soared with joy, her happiness almost reaching its peak. But just as quickly as it had come, it was snatched away. The girl had not anticipated the sharp bite of a man's fangs.

Emaline let out a piercing scream again as the man's lips pressed against her neck, sending shivers down her spine. The sensation of his fingers pinching her n*pples grew stronger, causing her to writhe in pleasure and pain. Emaline's senses were heightened as she felt a warm sensation trickling down her shoulder. She couldn't see the crimson liquid, but she knew it was her blood.

A searing agony coursed through her body as she recoiled from the man's fangs sinking into her neck. With a desperate surge of strength, she tried to shove him off of her, but he remained steadfastly atop her.

She let out a piercing scream, her voice echoing through the her dreams. Emaline's body trembled with fear as she backed away from the looming figure in front of her. "Please, I beg of you, cease this torment!" she cried out, her eyes wide with terror.

A guttural scream of pain and terror escaped her lips, leaving a trail of blood in its wake. As time passed, the man's angelic voice reached her

ears, jolting her awake from the midst of a beautiful dream.

A sincere, “I'm sorry! My love," he said, his voice heavy with regret. "I must beg your forgiveness. Please, don't hate me!”

The girl was abruptly roused from her slumber by a series of words that pierced through the silence of her night from her dreams.

As she rose from the bed, her fingers instinctively sought out the contours of her body. Yet, to her relief, there was no pain to be found, save for the tender sensitivity of her swollen n*pples.

Her throat tightened as she swallowed, her nerves on edge. Another dream, a familiar visitor, would come to her in the stillness of the night, bringing with it a comforting warmth that would lull her into a peaceful slumber.

With a deep sigh, the girl caught her breath. A flush crept up her cheeks as she became aware of the dampness between her thighs. Emaline lingered on the bed, lost in thought as she replayed the vivid details of her recent erotic dream.

As she rose to her feet, the girl's delicate hands brushed against her belongings. She made a conscious effort to commit to memory every single item that graced the interior of their home. Despite her dire circumstances, she possessed an excessive familiarity with them.

Regardless of the insurmountable challenges that she faces on a daily basis, the woman possesses an unwavering desire to live. Her inability to see, a result of birth defects, has not deterred her from pursuing a fulfilling life. Emaline Lilliana Solace, a name that rolled off the tongue like a melody, belonged to a young woman of striking beauty.

Twenty-two days had passed since she had turned another year older. It was a recent occasion that she had celebrated with much fervor - her birthday. She pondered over the veracity of her parents' portrayal of her physical attributes, unsure of their accuracy.

Her striking beauty was undeniable, with long, fluttering eyelashes that framed her piercing gaze, full, ruby-red lips that begged to be kissed, and a heart-shaped face that radiated a natural allure. Her sharp nose only added to the perfection of her features, enhancing her overall attractiveness. At a mere five feet and three inches, she stood tall and proud. Her eyes, shaped like delicate almonds, seemed to lack the ability to truly see.

As she ponders upon her eyes, she finds herself involuntarily shaking her head.

Walking out of her bedroom, Emaline clutches the stair railing tightly, her knuckles turning white as she fights to maintain her balance. As she made her way down the stairs, her steps were measured and deliberate.

The sound of her parents' voices grew louder with each step, until she could make out the words they were saying. They were arguing again, just like they always did. The woman possessed a keen awareness of the happenings that unfolded in the world.

It was for this very reason that her parents had hidden her away in this secluded place, far from the prying eyes of the world. They knew all too well of the dangers that lurked in the shadows, the creatures that were whispered about in hushed tones - the vampires. And so, they had taken every precaution to ensure their daughter's safety.

"We can't live in anonymity for ever, darling. You are already aware of this." That's what Emaline overheard her mom say.

"My love," he whispered, his voice heavy with concern. "I understand your fears, but I cannot bear the thought of our precious daughter being harmed. Other vampires are cruel, my dear," her father replied, his voice low and grave. "Especially the King," he added, his eyes narrowing as he spoke.

At first, she couldn't fathom the reason behind their clandestine behavior. Even though she was blind, she still yearned to break free from the confines of their mundane existence and savor the essence of life beyond their abode.

The abode they had chosen lay deep within the heart of the forest, far removed from the bustling metropolis. Occasionally, there are individuals who seek refuge in their abode, yet her father, being a former General of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, fearlessly ushers them out.

Emaline's mother had once held the esteemed position of School Principal, and as such, she was the primary source of knowledge and guidance for her daughter. Emaline's father also played a significant role in her education, but it was her mother who instilled in her the values and principles that would shape her future.

"Aren't you tired of hiding, dear?" The sound of her mother's voice reached Emaline's ears, prompting her attention. Regardless the veil of obscurity that shrouded the parents' countenances, she could sense their apprehension.

"My weariness mirrored that of my beloved, yet the mere thought of our precious offspring being presented to those vile creatures was enough to make my heart ache. I love you both so much," her father whispered, his voice barely above a breath. "So much that I would hide away with you forever, if need be. " With a stern expression etched on his face, her father made a solemn vow to his mother.

Emaline stood against the weathered wall of her humble abode. The young woman was aware that her family appeared to be blessed, for her father had acquired this land during a time when freedom still reigned.

Her father had to construct a formidable barrier to keep the vampires out when their family first arrived here. Her mom was taking care of a greenhouse, and they got all the ingredients they needed from there.

In addition to their bountiful harvest, the family was sustained by the eggs and meat from their own flock of chickens. On occasion, the father would venture out into the wilderness to hunt for sustenance.

Even though her father generates energy using solar and hydropower, this family seems to be exceptionally resourceful and fortunate. The source of their hydroelectricity was a quaint waterfall situated in close proximity to their home.

"My love," she whispered, her voice trembling with fear. "They will find out us soon. The vampires exuded an undeniable aura of power. I have no doubt that they will eventually come to this dwelling." Emaline's father was aware that his wife's intuition was spot on. But they'll never know when a vampire will strike.

Emaline's father held a strong belief that certain vampires possessed a cunning and deceitful nature.

"I understand, my dear," he said softly. "I understand your words all too clearly," he spoke with a resolute tone, "but rest assured, for as long as I draw breath, I shall be your protection." Emaline's lip quivered as she absorbed her father's words. With a deep inhale, she steadied her nerves and regained her composure.

The sun had just begun to peek through the curtains as the young girl greeted her mother with a cheerful "Good morning, Papa! Mom!" she called out, her voice barely above a whisper. Her footsteps were so familiar to them that they barely registered their sound anymore.

Surprise washed over the couple as they exchanged glances, their eyes widening in unison. Emaline's keen sense allowed her to perceive the palpable reaction of the parents, despite her daughter's blindness. The parents assumed their daughter could not hear them arguing, so they appeared to be cheerful in her presence.

"There you are, Ema. How was our only daughter's sleep last night?" Emaline's father made a valiant effort to invigorate his voice, hoping to quell any concerns his daughter may have had.

For two decades, they nourished their solitary offspring with an abundance of affection and attention. The girl was not deprived of the knowledge that was rightfully hers.

They were well aware that the pursuit of knowledge came at a steep price - one that involved signing a contract that bound them to the whims and desires of the vampire elite. It was an open secret that the only way to gain access to the coveted halls of learning was to pledge absolute obedience to their immortal overlords, even if it meant sacrificing one's own autonomy and submitting to their every whim.

The leaders of the universities have been replaced by vampires who dictate the studies of the students. Only Emaline knows that she didn't study in a school because her parents didn't want her to.

"Dad, I slept well. Did something happen? Are you and Mom quarreling?" she asked, though she was well aware of the response.

The seconds stretched into minutes as she waited for her mother's response, her heart pounding with anticipation.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, her mother spoke. "Emailine, my dear," her mother reassured, "your father and I are not quarreling. Only within the confines of our humble abode do we discuss our future plans," her mother stated.

With a gentle hand, her father assisted her in settling onto the chair. Her mother guided her by holding her hand, showing her where the table and chair were. Emaline remained quiet.

She is likely aware that her parents know she knows whether they are bickering or not. Emaline let out a heavy sigh. The couple looked at each other.

"Very well, Mom," she replied with a nod. "Perhaps it would be best to indulge in a meal," she suggested with a sly grin. "I yearn to step outside and inhale the crisp, revitalizing air," she expressed to them. The mother graciously presented her daughter with a plate, a spoon, and a fork. They served her food.

Her father warned her, "Ema, don't even go out on the balcony."

Emaline stopped eating. The young woman just shrugged. Her hands were tied, both figuratively and literally. She longed to pursue her own dreams and passions, but her father's orders were absolute. She was trapped in a life that wasn't hers, forced to follow a path that had been chosen for her.

Emaline sat at the table, her fork moving slowly through her meal. The only sound in the room was the soft clink of utensils against her plate. She didn't speak, lost in her own thoughts as she ate. The young girl would often find herself in deep contemplation, fervently wishing for the gift of sight.

Her heart ached at the thought of her parents' constant concern for her well-being, and she longed to alleviate their worries.

She is acutely aware that they are concealing themselves due to her affliction.

In a world shrouded by the ominous presence of vampires, she knew all too well that she had no place among them. Survival was a mere pipe dream, an unattainable feat that she could only dream of.