Chapter 2

"Don't pay attention to them; act like you don't care that they exist." With a sneer of contempt, the king spat at his personal servant. He paid no heed to the incessant demands of human leaders. With the world under his command, he looked down upon the common folk as mere peasants in his newfound empire.

"Your Highness," the attendant spoke with a tremble in their voice, "they have made a threat. If we do not cease our actions, they will withhold their precious life-giving blood from us."

The King raised an eyebrow when he was told that his attendant thought these humans were telling the truth.

"Horacio, did you bang your head on the palace wall?" A frigid breath escaped from the king's lips.

Horacio, a man of unwavering loyalty to his sovereign, humbly lowered his head as a sign of reverence.

"Forgive me, Your Highness," he said with a bow. "I solemnly swear that I shall not trouble you with this matter again," Horacio said with a hint of remorse in his voice. The action elicited a subtle eye roll from the king. As was his custom, he clenched his jaw tightly and wore a pained expression on his face.

His temper was a volatile force, easily ignited by the slightest provocation. He harbored a deep-seated aversion towards those who dared to defy his commands, their disobedience a personal affront to his authority.

Twenty years had passed since the vampires had successfully seized global power. Their ruler was no ordinary despot but a sovereign whose word was law, binding every nation on the face of the earth. In the vast expanse of the world, various nations were ruled by governors who were known to be of a peculiar kind: vampires.

Although citizens still honor the king and vampire rulers, nations are still under human rule.

For a span of twenty years, there existed certain locations where individuals sought refuge or were simply unable to meet the gaze of the vampires.

One cannot help but feel a sense of trepidation when faced with the realization that what was once mere fantasy has now become a stark reality, with oneself at the helm of it all.

The vampires that plagued humans were a direct result of their abuse of power and disregard for their fellow beings. Amidst the chaos of a world overrun by vampires, a small group of human rebels dared to stand up against their immortal oppressors.

Some of the immortals had even defected to their cause, bringing with them the knowledge of how to craft weapons capable of piercing the vampire's impenetrable skin. However, their efforts were in vain, for the noble and royal vampires, with their immense power and influence, had thus far thwarted every attempt the rebels had made to gain the upper hand.

In the tumultuous aftermath of the vampire uprising, a curious phenomenon emerged. A handful of humans, who had once harbored a deep affection for the immortal creatures, found themselves drawn to the newly formed government.

These individuals, with their unique perspective and intimate knowledge of the vampire way of life, proved to be valuable assets in the fledgling administration. With a keen understanding of the advantages that come with having a vampire as a lover, they would never opt for mortality over the prospect of an endless existence.

"Has anyone ever heard of a person giving birth on that night?" Out of the blue, a question materialized, and the King's frigid stare bore into his servant.

Horacio lowered his head once more, his mind racing with the possibility that fate had aligned in such a way that no one had been born on the night of their great conquest. It was a slim chance, perhaps one in a million, but the thought lingered in his mind like a stubborn shadow.

In a sudden and violent motion, Horacio was forcefully thrust against the unyielding surface of the wall. The helper suppressed a cough, trying to remain inconspicuous.

The attendant's response had once again ignited a spark of irritation within His Majesty. The king's countenance was wrought with frustration, his jaws tightly clenched as he surveyed the scene before him.

He searched high and low, his eyes scanning every corner of the world, but the object of his desire remained elusive. Frustration gnawed at him as he continued his quest, determined to uncover the elusive item that seemed to be taunting him with its concealment. His jaws bulged with a potent mix of anger and annoyance.

For twenty long years, the mere thought of embracing the most significant person in his existence remained a distant reverie, an unattainable wish that lingered in his heart.

His people searched high and low, scouring every corner of the earth, but to no avail. Despite his best efforts, he had turned the world on its head, and yet not a single clue remained. The telltale trail had been meticulously expunged, as if a deliberate effort had been made to ensure its concealment from prying eyes.

"We shall endeavor to exert ourselves to the utmost of our abilities, your highness. Kindly indulge us for a moment," Horacio said with respect in his voice. The skeptic's voice trembled as he implored the monarch. The king is choking his servant.

"Horacio," he said, his voice low and steady. "You know I'm not one to give second chances. But as long as you continue to be my loyal servant and friend, the opportunities are endless. You also understand how desperate I am!" He was torn between his desire to find her and his duty to his kingdom. How could he leave his throne unattended, even for a day?

The weight of his responsibility hung heavy on his shoulders, but the thought of her out there alone, lost and vulnerable, tugged at his heartstrings. He knew he couldn't go looking for her on his own. Anyone within hearing distance felt immediately uneasy as a result of his indignant yelling.

The denizens of this place could empathize with the king's profound sense of letdown upon his fruitless quest to locate his longed-for paramour. Due to his obligations to his job and other commitments, he was unable to share in his subjects' happiness, which made him feel alone.

"I humbly beg your pardon, Your Highness," Horacio said, bowing deeply.

Horacio continued to bow, his movements becoming more exaggerated with each passing moment. His majesty's expression grew increasingly frustrated, his eyes narrowing into slits as he watched the man before him. He released his grip on his attendant, but his knuckles remained tightly bound as he settled back into his seat.

He took a seat in the chair, his face betraying no emotion, and placed his hands gently on the polished surface of the office table.

The King was not one to flaunt his regal status, preferring instead to keep his crown and throne out of the public eye. However, those who dared to challenge his authority would do well to remember that the King was not one to easily forgive and forget.

The King was not one to beg for the opportunity to display his power and authority, but when the need arose, he would not hesitate to do so.

He urgently implored his comrades to address the insurgent threat. "I'm going to go out every night and look for the person I've been wanting to find." His lips parted, and a directive spilled forth.

"But, Your Majesty," Horacio exclaimed, his voice filled with conviction. "I do not take no for an answer! I just can't take it any more! To hell with waiting! You people are just worthless." The sound of his voice reverberated through the spacious confines of his office, bouncing off the walls and filling the room with an apparent energy.

The servant who had been helping the King's aide back down out of fear. The King's words held the weight of law, and none dared to disobey them, regardless of circumstance.

"I shall comply with your orders, my lord," he said, bowing his head in submission.

Horacio's heart raced as he lowered his head, fearing he had once again incurred the wrath of his king. The countenance of the king betrayed no hint of levity, indicating that he was in no mood for jests.

Another wave of anger surged through the King, certain that the toll of lives lost would not be limited to a mere handful of individuals. The king's mood was set for the day, and it was clear that any obstacle that may arise would be met with trepidation.

Horacio bowed low, his eyes fixed on the ground, as he bid farewell to the king. However, the attendant received no response from the monarch, only the piercing gaze of his cold, red eyes.

As soon as the attendant vanished from sight, a fit of rage overtook him, and he hurled his table with great force. The king's will overflowed with determination. The heart within her chest had ceased its rhythmic beating, yet it yearned to compensate for the absence of vampiric vitality.

"Useless!" The words escaped her lips with a venomous hiss, echoing through the room like a sharp slap to the face. The frustration and anger simmering within him boiled over, spilling out in a torrent of bitter words.

"All of you are useless," he repeated, his voice low and cold.

The resounding voice of the King echoed through the palace halls, alerting all who had the keen sense to perceive the commotion emanating from his rooms. It was evident that something of great significance was transpiring within the confines of the king's office.

The purpose of their extraordinary abilities seemed futile if they were unable to perceive the commanding voice of their sovereign ruler.

Each of the vampires possessed a set of abilities that were unique to them, while sharing some with their brethren. The king possessed an unparalleled ability, one that commanded unwavering obedience from all who encountered it. The king's abilities were unrivaled and unmatched by any other. He stood alone in his greatness, a true master of his craft.

He cursed under his breath, frustration evident in his tone. The interior of the office appeared almost unrecognizable. The king's frustration boiled over, erupting in a fiery display of emotion.

The King paused in his tracks and strode towards the grand window, gazing out at the world beyond. Gone were the days when the myth of vampires perishing under the sun held sway over people's minds.

The King watched everyone who came and went from the palace, but not all vampire myths are genuine. All that he sought was crafted with meticulous care and tailored to the needs and desires of a single individual. The elusive figure remained untraceable, as if swallowed by the

shadows of the night.

The thought crossed his mind as he stared blankly ahead, lost in contemplation. "Was this the cruel twist of fate that had been written in the stars for me all along? For decades, I have traversed the winding path of life alone, yearning for the one soul that completes me. Alas, the person I have longed to be with has vanished without a trace." In that very moment, the merciless ruler was transformed into a solitary vampire, gazing longingly at his destined love.

For three centuries and sixteen years, he had roamed the earth, but now his existence was burdened with nothing but duties. As he lay there, defeated and alone, a thought crossed her mind: could this be the retribution he deserved for his unrelenting narcissism, for his audacity to reign over the entire world?

He couldn't help but notice that every single person in the crowd had found their destiny, whereas he had only experienced bad luck throughout his reign.

As the clock ticked away, his patience wore thin, and his frustration grew with each passing moment. The elusive identity of the mysterious woman remained shrouded in secrecy, and he was no closer to unraveling the truth.

The king had long harbored a desire to spend an eternity with his one true love and to bestow upon her all the wealth and power that he possessed.