Chapter 3

The darkness of the night was accompanied by a biting cold that seemed to seep into every crevice. Emaline and her mother stood outside the house, checking the surroundings. The gentle breeze carried the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers, and the distant chirping of insects filled the air.

The moon was shining bright, casting a glow on their faces. They stood there in silence, taking in the beauty of the moment. She was a vulnerable creature, one who could not be left to her own without the watchful eye of a guardian. Having completed her meal, the lady stepped out into the crisp night air.

The young woman harbored no grievances regarding their way of life or her present circumstances. She possessed no right to voice her complaints, her surroundings a mere lose to her unseeing eyes. She relied solely on her senses and the guidance of her parents.

Emaline had always been aware of the fact that she had never come across someone who shared her age. It was a peculiar realization that had dawned upon her at a young age and had stayed with her ever since. She often wondered what it would be like to have a peer, someone who could understand her struggles and share her joys.

But unfortunately, she had yet to find such a person. In light of the current circumstances, it was entirely plausible that her companions had taken refuge in seclusion, or perhaps they had already succeeded in persuading the vampire to serve as their personal source of sustenance or even as a partner in union.

Emaline was acutely aware of the events unfolding beyond their concealed location. As she lay in the night, feigning slumber, the

heated bickering of her parents filled the air. Their voices rose and fell in a never-ending cycle, like waves crashing against the shore.

Despite her best efforts to tune them out, their words still managed to penetrate her consciousness, like sharp knives piercing through the veil of her slumber.

When it's time for bed, her father is usually the last one to enter the house. This evening's sight is disturbingly identical to the one when her father stood outside the garden wall, equipped with improvised weapons and knowledge of the vampires' vulnerabilities.

"Mother," she said with a worried tone, "Father has been away for quite some time now." They always wait for the head of the family at the entrance so that they may be comforted when he comes in.

"Certainly, Ema." As Emaline listened to her mother's voice, she couldn't help but detect a hint of worry. It was a feeling that she shared, deep in her heart.

Every time Victor appears, they follow the same pattern. Beyond the protective barrier erected by her father, the world was a capricious and fickle place.

Emaline was born without the gift of sight, leaving her with no means of perceiving the world beyond the confines of her surroundings. The wall that stood before her was an impenetrable barrier, separating her from the mysteries and wonders of the outside world.

The young woman had never been subjected to the scrutiny of medical professionals, for the simple reason that the world had been overrun by vampires on the very day of her birth.

Despite her desire to venture outside, she remained steadfast in her commitment to the pact she and her two companions had made. They had vowed to never breach the confines of the wall without the explicit consent of her father. Emaline clinched her fist in response to what her mother said.

Her father is upset that she and her mother are breaking their vow. Her father's hour-long absence became two to three hours.

Their hearts raced with anxiety, and each passing moment felt like an eternity. Their breaths came in short gasps, as if they were struggling to keep up with the frantic beating of their hearts. The weight of their worry was almost suffocating, pressing down on them with an unrelenting force.

"Don't worry, Mom," she said, trying to reassure her. "Papa will return home soon. Rest assured, he will," Emaline declared with conviction. She kept chewing her lower lip and sensing her surroundings.

Despite being blind, she possessed a remarkable acuity of the senses, a trait that proved to be a distinct advantage for her. Deprived of sight, she relied on her other senses to navigate her surroundings. Far from helpless, she adapted to her circumstances with remarkable resilience.

Emaline's eyes welled up with tears as she bit down on her lower lip with all her might, the metallic taste of blood filling her mouth. Her mother's stern voice broke through her thoughts, scolding her for her self-destructive habit.

"Emma! The vampires' heightened olfactory senses rendered them acutely attuned to the scent of blood." Her mother pleaded with her, her voice shaking with fear. "Please, don't do it," she implored, her eyes wide with desperation. Emaline abruptly stopped in her tracks and trailed after her mother.

As she stood there, waiting for her father, she found herself unable to detect anything with her senses. The world around her seemed to have faded into a dull, lifeless void, leaving her alone with her thoughts and the sound of her own breathing.

She strained her ears, hoping to catch some sign of his approach, but all she heard was the rustling of leaves in the wind. She listened to the horizon, searching for any hint of movement, but the landscape remained still and silent. It was as if time itself had come to a standstill, leaving her stranded in a limbo of uncertainty and nervousness.

The mother and daughter are becoming more anxious. Evelyn's gaze kept darting towards her wrist, where her watch rested.

The clock struck twelve and Viktor was nowhere to be found. Anxiety gnawed at their insides as they pondered the fate of the man. Had some misfortune befallen him? The thought weighed heavily on their minds, casting a shadow of unease over their thoughts.

"Emma, let's go inside. I'll keep you hidden in the basement. I'll just look into what happened to your father," the woman said to Emaline.

Without a moment's hesitation, Emaline voiced her objection. "Mom! Even if Papa taught us self-defense and handling weapons, it's dangerous outside!” Emaline's mind was a tumultuous sea of emotions, her thoughts crashing against each other like waves against the shore.

She stood there, uncertain and lost, as she awaited the arrival for everything to be okay.

Emaline sensed a gentle touch upon her shoulder, and then felt the warm embrace of her mother. "I understand your worries, Ema," the mother spoke in a gentle tone, her eyes brimming with concern. "But the thought of your Papa not being able to return to us is too much to bear."

Emaline was confused and do not know what to do. She had no idea what to think when both of her parents were beyond the barrier, putting their lives in peril.

"Mom, please... let's wait a little longer, maybe Papa will return I cannot bear the thought of being left alone in here," she asked her mother an her eyes began to well up with tears, the salty droplets threatening to spill over at any moment. She anxiously awaited the arrival of her father, her heart heavy with a sense of longing and uncertainty.

She clasped her mother's hand with a firm grip, unwilling to let go for fear of being left alone. Given that it seems to be against her will to leave her kid, the girl's mother is still undecided and unsure of what to do. The two were silent for such a long period of time that they probably wouldn't have moved if the gate bell hadn't rung.

Emaline's ears perked up, attuned to the slightest sound. Evelyn gazed upon the gate that stood before them. At the sight of her husband, she let out a deep sigh and appeared to be seized with a sense of trepidation. Emaline exhaled a deep breath. She was intimately familiar with the echoes of her father's voice.

As the lady opened her mouth to speak, the man's hand shot out and pulled her inside the house. No words were exchanged between them.

Evelyn called out to her husband, her voice echoing through the empty street. Victor turned around, his eyes meeting hers. "What is going on with you?" the woman inquired. Emaline had long suspected her father's actions, so his current haste did not come as a surprise to her.

"Shh," he whispered, his eyes darting around the room. "Lower your voice, Evelyn. I stood resolutely outside, determined to deceive the bloodthirsty creatures of the night."

Their breaths caught in unison as they both witnessed the startling scene before them. The woman clasped the tiny hand of her innocent offspring.

"Victor," Evelyn said, her voice trembling with worry. "What shall we do?"

A vampire roamed at their land before, and her father misled them since he used to be a soldier and general.

"We'll hide Emaline in the basement." With a stern expression etched on his face, the man vowed, "Should they dare to trespass onto our property, we shall handle the matter personally."

Emaline remained silent, allowing the parents to ponder and make their decision. Only they possessed the power to safeguard an individual such as her, who was rendered incapacitated.

"Do you understand what your Papa wants, Ema?" The man turned to the only child. With a subtle inclination of her head, Emaline acknowledged the statement. She was a dutiful daughter, always adhering to the wishes of her parents. Their desires were her own, and she would follow them without question.

"It's entirely up to you, Mom and Papa." She gazed at them with a resolute expression and declared, "If it is for my safety, I would do it."

The couple gazed upon their daughter with a sense of pride. Her arrival was met with overwhelming joy. They couldn't contain their happiness at the thought of having her as their own. Emaline possessed a gentle nature, one that was not prone to abrasiveness. She comprehended the predicament her parents were in and was willing to comply with their wishes without any hesitation.

With a gentle grasp, her mother took her hand and guided her down the stairs to the basement. When an emergency happens, her father supplies them with a bed and other requirements.

"Please, Mom and safe. I love you, Mama and Papa," she said wholeheartedly. Emaline cannot see her parents' emotions. Not only were they her parents, but they were also her closest confidants and dearest companions.

Emma was overwhelmed with emotion as the words echoed in her ears. "We love you too," she heard them say. It was a simple phrase, but it

held so much weight.

She felt her heart swell with gratitude and affection for the people who had spoken those words. It was a moment she would never forget.

Emaline's father spoke with a solemn tone, "We promise to return." As his words echoed in the room, a single tear trickled down Emaline's cheek, a poignant symbol of the emotions that welled up inside her. Despite her vulnerability in the current situation, she was putting on a façade of strength.

"We shall ascend the stairs, Ema," he said. She held her breath and remained still, her eyes fixed on the door. "Stay here," he whispered, his voice barely audible. She nodded, her heart racing as she watched him slip out of the room.

"Okay?” Once again, her father stated. With a subtle inclination of her head, Emaline acknowledged her father's words.

The pair went out. Emaline approached the spot where her parents had left her with a hushed step, her heart pounding in her chest.

The young woman stood still, enveloped by the stillness of the moment. She was acutely aware of the sounds that surrounded her, each one distinct and yet blending together in a symphony of noise. Emaline stood there, her fists tightly clenched, as she waited for her parents to arrive.

Emaline closed her eyes and whispered a silent prayer, hoping that the night would pass without any unfortunate events. As she waited, Emaline could practically feel her heart throbbing in her chest.

Meanwhile, her parents stood outside, observing. Victor clutched the shotgun tightly in his hand, his knuckles turning white from the pressure. Beside him, his wife mirrored his stance, her own weapon at the ready.

As the night drew on, the anticipation of the vampires' arrival hung heavily in the air. The man's intuition had proven correct, for they possessed an otherworldly power that surpassed that of any mere mortal. Their agility, speed, and strength were unmatched, and they seemed to take great pleasure in effortlessly scaling Victor's towering wall as if it were a mere child's plaything.

Victor and Evelyn found themselves facing a daunting challenge: six bloodthirsty vampires. Two women and four men stood before them, their eyes fixed on them. The eyes of the person in question glowed with a fiery red hue, though not quite as intensely as those of their sovereign.

The influence of their might radiates and extends its reach across the expanse. A sly grin crept across the face of one of them as they cast a knowing glance towards the couple. Victor understood that he was the group's leader.

Victor stood motionless, his gaze fixed on the vampires before him. The biting wind whipped at his face, sending shivers down his spine. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he watched the creatures of the night, their eyes glowing in the darkness.

Evelyn's slender fingers curled around her husband's hand, her grip tightening as she gazed into his eyes. The vampires gazed upon the couple with a ravenous hunger, their eyes fixed upon their prey as if they were savoring a delectable meal.

"I can smell something delicious aside from them." There was a moment of silence as the group stared at the painting in awe.

As soon as the couple locked eyes, they both knew precisely to whom they were referring. The child was pure, untouched by the world's corruption. In the eyes of the vampires, this made Emaline a delicacy, a rare treat to be savored.

As they drew closer to the couple, their faces lit up with an evil smile. Victor and Evelyn stood their ground, unyielding in their resolve. The thought of their daughter being left vulnerable in the event of their untimely demise was a constant source of worry for them.

However, they took solace in the fact that even if fate were to deal them a cruel hand and they were to pass away today, their beloved child would remain unscathed and protected from harm. Above their lifeless forms, the air hung heavy with a sense of loss and despair.