Chapter 10

She called out to her parents with a sense of urgency. Emaline turned over in bed and let out a piercing cry, calling out for her parents. Tears streamed down her face as she lifted both hands towards the heavens, as if grasping for an intangible something.

A terrifying nightmare in which her adored parents perished untimely as a result of her actions disturbed her sleep.

Once again, tears streamed down her face as she let out a deep, gut-wrenching sob. The young woman was acutely aware of her own vulnerability and had come to accept it as an inescapable aspect of her being.

Emaline focused on taking slow, deliberate breaths, willing her chest to relax and her heart to slow its frantic beating. With a gentle exhalation, she attempted to rise to her feet, only to be reminded of the unfortunate incident that had befallen her.