Chapter 23

In an instant, Alaric's eyes fluttered open, rousing him from his slumber. An unwelcome visitor had trespassed into his domain. His lower jaw fell open in astonishment at the sight that greeted him.

He rose to his feet with deliberate slowness and carefully repositioned Emaline on the bed. The woman was gradually becoming accustomed to the notion that her companion remained by her side, even when he was not slumbering.

With a tender touch, he pressed his lips against her forehead before gracefully getting up from the bed. His senses were heightened, for he knew all too well that the rebels would stop at nothing to infiltrate the palace. Spies, he suspected, were already lurking in the shadows, waiting for the opportune moment to strike.

He strode along the perimeter of his grand palace, his eyes scanning the surroundings with a watchful gaze. The nocturnal habits of vampires are well known, and thus it is imperative to ensure the safety of the innocent nymphet in this abode.