Chapter 26

Emaline found herself lying on the bed, perplexed as to how she had arrived there. She had spent the entire day basking in the glory of the sunset, and yet the memory of how she had transitioned from the balcony to the bed eluded her.

Drinking blood was the foremost task on the agenda for any fledgling vampire, yet the current situation was not at all what had been anticipated.

Alaric's lips and tongue were fervently exploring her navel, while his hands wandered across every inch of her form. Emaline's body contorted as she arched her back, desperately gasping for air. Night had already fallen, yet hunger failed to stir within them.

Their minds were consumed by a more primal urge, one that took precedence over all else. Lust was the first order of business, and nothing else could distract them from its insistent call. As Emaline struggled to regain her breath, Alaric's gentle caresses soothed her body.