Chapter 11

"Do these scumbags secretly want to be on a list of people to die?" His thoughts provoked a snarl from deep within him.

The nobles kneeled before the king, their postures exuding deference and respect. Yet, beneath the surface, their motivations were far from pure. They sought to ingratiate themselves with the monarch, hoping to secure a coveted position for their daughters or sisters as queens.

He maintained a stoic demeanor as their conversation persisted. The regal figure of the King remained composed as he sat at the head of the room, intently listening to the words being spoken. His attention waned as the conversation continued, particularly when the topic turned to his cherished love.

"Her incapacity to fulfill the duties and responsibilities befitting a queen is evident. We must permit our King to take concubines or wives!" Those words were uttered by Marquess Kriza Cartagenas.