They waited for people to show up, but only three people showed up and didnt buy any painting.It was almost night, but still there was nothing.

Dylan....Lets go home, looks like this plan failed.

Bella....Calm down, we have to be patient and wait.

Dylan....Come on no one else is coming here, dont worry, i will get another better job and take of you and our baby.

Bella....Wait, i almost forgot that i have an instagram.


Bella....I have over 2million follwers on instagram and they love me.

Dylan....Okay, what does that have to do with this?

Bella....The world now days works on the internet, thays how people run their businesses these days.

Dylan....So? Whats your plan?

Bella....Am going to post your paintings and call them to join us, most of my followers are rich people who used to be friends and parents friends.

Dylan....Do you think it will work?

Bella....Trust me, it will.

Bella took some photos of the paintings and recorded herself.

Bella....."Hy guys, this is your one and only Bella.How have you been? I know its been awhile but am back.And guess what? Am here at an art gallery opening and the paintings are just fire.I didnt want to buy a painting without letting you my dear followers know, come and join us and maybe, you can also get yourself one of these unique paintings".

She uploaded the video on her instagram and people commented.

Comments....."Wow! Bella is back? She looks gorgeous, am a huge fan of her content.I always wanted to see her in real life, this is my chance.Those paintings are really fire, am coming to get one for my bedroom.The paintings look classic and original, am coming to get my mum one of those masterpieces.I went to the same school as Bella, she has good taste and i trust her, am coming to buy one for myself too"...

Within half an hour, people started coming at the art gallery, in an hour, they were many people.They took selfies with Bella and most of them bought the paintings.

All the paintings were sold and only three out of the fifteen paintings remained.Dylan was very happy, so was Bella, they went back home.Dylan hugged Bella.

Dylan....I dont know what i will do without you wifey, your my everything.

Bella....Your my everything too.

Dylan....Lets be partners in everything, your a genius and a supportive wife, i need you in every step of my life.

Bella....Dont worry, i will always be here and i will never leave you.

Dylan....Thank you for tonight, really.

Bella....Anything for you.

Dylan....Now i have hope that our future with our baby will be brighter, thank you wifey, i love you.

Bella....I love you the most.Let me go on instagram and thank everyone for showing and supporting us.

She uploaded a video thanking her followers.The next day, they went camping to a mountain in the countryside.Dylan took everything he needed for his paintings.

Bella....Hubby, are you sure this place is safe?

Dylan.....Ofcourse honey, didnt you see people the other side too? Dont worry because i wont let anything hurt you and my baby.

Bella....Thanks for protecting me dear

Dylan....Sit in the car, let me put up the tent and cook.

Bella.....But i want to help.

Dylan....No dear, i dont want you to do anything when your pregnant, i want you to stay put, please.

Bella.....Hahaha...okay honey, i will listen to you.

Dylan....Thats better.

He did everrything and made a fire, they sat near it cuddling whil eating what Dylan cooked.After, they went to bed, Dylan woke up early and prepared breakfast.

Bella.....Good morning hubby.

Dylan....Good morning pretty, breakfast is ready.

Bella....Wow! Your making me lazy by doing everything for me, its more like your my wife.

Dylan....Am doing this because i dont want us to lose our baby and i love you, am making up fot my mistakes.

Bella....Your the best husband honey, i love you.

Dylan....I love you too.

After eating breakfast, Dylan did the dishes and got all his art materials.

Dylan.....Where should we start first?

Bella....Why dont we go to the river, the is a river in the forest.

Dylan....Okay, lets go.

They carried the art materials and went to the river, Dylan started painting and Bella was taking photos with the camera.At lunch time, they ate since they packed food and drinks.

Later, Dylan continued with his painting while Bella rested.After, they went back to there campsite.

Dylan....Its been a long day honey, welcome back.

Bella.....I should say that because you did all the wrok by yourself.

Dylan....Lets do something fun.

Bella....Now i know what you mean, arent you tired already?

Dylan....Well, you know me, i keep that energy for good use.

Bella....Stop it, am going to shower.

Dylan....Come on.

Bella.....You coming or not?

Dylan....For real? Ofcourse am coming.Yesss!!!!

The next day, they went to another area and he painted still, he did it for a week and he made 20 paintings.They went back home.