Dylan.....Thanks for all the hard work honey, i dont know what i will ever do without you.

Bella.....Anything for you, i want our growing family to be happy.

Dylan....Me too honey, by the way, i got the best lawyer and i told him about your parents case and his looking in it.

Bella.....For real? But you already gave me them a good life.

Dylan....Its not enough, they didnt work hard for a better life just to get stolen.

Bella....Your right, i want everything Nick stole from us back.

Dylan....Dont worry, his going to be summoned in court tomorrow.

Bella....For real? Does that mean that i should also be there?

Dylan....Ofcourse, but dont worry, i will be with you.

Bella....As long as you will be with there, am not worried then.

The next day, they went to court and won the case.Everything Nick stole from them was given back and he was sent to prison.

Dylan became one of the famous painters in the country, he was richer and everything went well for them.It was nine months and Bella gave birth to a baby boy.

Dylan.....How is the baby?

Maid....He is safe, his a boy sir.

Dylan.....Yes, finally we have a baby, we are parents too.How is my wife?

Maid....The doctors are still working on her, but she will be fine.

Bella's parents and grandma also came.

Grandma.....How is she and the baby?

Dylan....She delivered well grandma.

Grandma.....Oh,, thank goodness.

Dylan....Am a dad now, am a parent grandma.

Grandma....I know son, am so proud of you.

They hugged happily.Later, Bella was better, they went inside to see her and congratulate her.After a week, she was discharged and Dylan with grandma and her parents, they had prelared for her a party.

Tears started flowing from her eyes.

Dylan.....Welcome home honey, youve given the most precious gift, am so happy.Thanks to you that am a dad now.

Bella....Your making me cry honey, this is too much.

Grandma....Congs dear.

Bella.....Grandma, thank you being here for us, we love you.Mum, dad, i cant thank you enough you enough guys.Maid Ella, your a blessing to us, thank you too dear.

Maid....My pleasure.

Bella....My dear lovely handsome husband, thank you for everything, i appreciate you and i want to soend the rest of my life with you honey.

They hugged and the party started, later, their parents left.

Bella....So, what name should we name our baby?

Dylan....Mmm....lets see, i want the name of Henry or Jordan.Which one is better?

Bella....Lets go with Jordan, i like it better, what do you say?

Dylan....Okay honey, Jordan, welcome to the world.

Bella....Mummy and daddy are going to shower you all the love they have for you.

They raised their baby with the help of the maid while managing their business.Grandma called them both to her company, they went to see her.

Grandma.....Before i tell you anything, first sign these papers, both of you.

Bella....Why? Is everything fine?

Grandma....Just please sign the paoers.


They both put down their signatures on the papers.

Dylan....Their, so, wont you tell us the reason?

Grandma....Youve signed these papers as the owbers of my car company, i've given it to you.

Bella.....What? Why?

Grandma....Am starting to doubt Tim, his behaviours are out of control and his so disrespectful.I dont think that his my real grandson.

Dylan....You should take a DNA test.

Grandma.....I did and it showed that he was my grandson, but am doubting the doctor who did the test.

Bella....Bring us his toothbrush, we will run the test ourselves.

Dylan.....Give us the samples.

Grandma.....Thanks guys, i always knew that i can count on you.Even though i fired you Dylan, you never stopped caring and visiting me from time to time, i feel guilty.

Dylan.....Dont feel like that grandma, you raised and gave m all the love i ever wanted, that was enough for me.

Bella.....Thats because your the best parent grandma, you raised my husband into a good person, i should thank you.

Grandma.....Oh dear, your the best daughtet in law.

Dylan....Lets go and eat lunch together.

They all went to a restaurant for lunch and later, granfma went back to yhe company and they went to the hospital to get DNA results of Tim and grandma.

The results were out the next day and Tim was not related to grandma at all.

Dylan....That bastard!

Bella.....Goodness! Grandma is going to be disappointed because she was happy thinking that she finally found her grandchild.

Dylan....So this means that he faked the DNA results to get into grandma's life, for the money?

Bella.....We have to tell grandma before he dies something bad to her.

Dylan....Lets go now.

They went to the company to tell her everything, she was their worried waiting for the DNA results.


Grandma.....Oh, do you have the results?

Bella....Yes grandma.

Grandma....Let me see them.

They gave her the papers, she started shaking and she fainted.


Bella....Hey, call the ambulance.

She was rushed to the hospital but she died right when she was taken to the ICU.They both cried for her and after a few days, she was buried, after the burial, Tim approached them before entering their car.

Dylan.....What do you want?

Tim.....You caused this.

Bella....What? Are you saying that grandma died because of us?

Tim....Definetely, you should come back to me Nikki because soon, her lawyer is going to give me her company.

Dylan....Too late.

Bella.....We hate to bring you the bad news a little late, but grandma gave her company to us, and we gave it away to the needy as charity.

Dylan....Driver, bring me those papers.

He was given the DNA papers, he threw them to Tim.

Dylan....We know that your fake, you scumbag, you dared to steal from my poor grandma? 

Bella.....Calm down honey, lets go.