Tim punched Dylan angrily, Bella slapped him.

Bella....Are you fine honey? This is going to be the last time you hit people you monster.Driver, call the cops now.

Tim....Are you crazy?

Tim ran away, the police looked for him but they failed to find him, he went into hiding.Dylan and Bella went to grandma's house to close it since no one was staying in it anymore.

Bella.....Honey, i think we should make it an orphanage and help those poor kids.

Dylan....I think so too, having our own child made us realise many things about the world that we didnt know about.

Bella....I know, Jordie will grow up without even talking to her grandma, she will surely miss him.

Dylan....Yeah, she will and we will miss her too.

Bella....By the way, i saw Margo at the burial and you even talked to her, why arent you telling me anything?

Dylan....Oh, you saw us? Sorry, i didnt want to bother you about that.

Bella....So, whats her deal?

Dylan....She just came to see grandma since she knew her too.

Bella....Okay, good to know.

Dylan....Shall we go home?

Bella....Yeah, lets go because am sure Jordie is crying non stop.

They drove and went home.Five years passed and Jordan was now six years, their business was going well.

Bella....Be a good boy at school Jordie, okay?

Jordan....Okay mum, i love you.

Bella....I love you more, go to dad, his waiting for you outside.

They hugged and Dylan took him to school.After, he headed to the gallery.

Bella.....Honey, i think we should make the gallery six years anniversary right here, it will be amazing right?

Dylan....Yeah, it will be amazing.

Bella....But youve never told me the owner of that 10% shares.

Dylan....Well, she told me to keep his identity a secret, sorry.

Bella.....She is a woman? But am your wife.

Dylan.....Lets please not fight over this, please.

Bella....So, is she coming to the anniversary?

Dylan....I dont think so, she is a busy person and she is not from this country, she is in Italy.

Bella.....Oh, i see.I wanted to thank her in person for her generosity, but its okay.

Dylan....Lets forget about that and prepare for the anniversary celebration.

Bella.....Whats the rush? Its in five days, so, lets go out for lunch.

Dylan....That was my line but lets go.

They went out for lunch, later after work, they picked up Jordan from school and went to an amusement park.

Bella....Jordie sweetie, let me go and get you some icecream.

Dylan....What about me?

Bella....Come on honey, your a big man.

Jordan.....But you call him baby, i heard you mum.


Dylan....Your such a good son, always taking dad's side.

Bella....Okay, i will come back soon.

She left to get icecream, Margo called Dylan, he answered.

Dylan.....How may i help you?

Margo.....Am at your office, lets meet now.

Dylan....Why? Am with my family so just leave.

Margo.....Unless you want me to show up at the anniversary.

Dylan....What? Shit! Fine, am coming.

Bella came back with icecream.

Dylan....Honey, sorry but i have to go somewhere, sorry.

Bella....So sudden? Where to?

Dylan....I really have to go.

Bella....Okay, dont be late.

Dylan....Bye Jordie.

He left and went to his office, Margo was outside with a bottle of wine, Dylan opened it, they went inside.

Dylan....Make it quick.

Margo....As if, am here to celebrate the anniversary ahead.

Dylan....Is that ehy you have that bottle?

Margo.....Ofcourse, you like this wine.

Dylan....No am going home.

Margo....Come on, just one glass, please!


He started with one glass but ended up drinking much, they talked and laughed for awhile.

Margo.....But Dylan, what happened to us? We used to be madly in lobe with eachother.

Dylan....I also dont know, i just found myself in love with Bella, she makes me happy.

Margo....You dont mean that, your so wasted.

Dylan....Am not.

Margo put a song on her phone and pulled out of the chair.

Margo.....Lets dance, we both love this song.

Dylan....I dont think i can say no.

They started dancing though he was wasted, he kissed Margo and she kissed him back, he pished her away.


Dylan....No, this is wrong, i have to go.

Margo....But we are just getting started.

Dylan....No, i cant do this to my wife, i love her.

He walked away, he went to a hotel.

Dylan....If Bella sees that am drunk, she will be upset.Let me spend the night here, what was i even thinking to kiss her?

Bella called on his phone but he was asleep, in the morning, he went back home.

Bella....Where were you last night?

Dylan....Sorry honey, i went to my friends house.

Bella....Why didnt you answer any of my calls?

Dylan....I was asleep maybe when you called.

Bella.....Now am sure that your hiding something from me, be honest with me Dylan.

Dylan....Babe,am not hiding anything from you.

Bella....Oh really? You know that i will find out no matter how hard you hide it from me.

Dylan....Come on, lets not fight over this.

Jordan entered their room.

Jordan....Morning mum and dad.

Bella....Morning Jordie, mum is going to drive you to school today.

Dylan....Honey, dont be like this please.

Jordan....Mum, are you angry at dad?

Bella....Ofcourse am not honey, lets go get you ready for school.