Chapter 6: The Elemental weapon ceremony begins

(Katsuto and mitsuki register their name and enter the building. Once they enter, they are marvelled by posters of different elemental men and woman with weapons. Katsuto and mitsuki are going through a hallway and they see two guards with lances guarding the entrance to a room)

Guard 1: Participant tag please

Katsuto: Right here

(Katsuto points his finger at his chest where he put he's participant tag)

Guard 2: (refers to mitsuki) And you?

Mitsuki: You can clearly see the tag is on my chest right

Guard 2: Yes but we just...

(Mitsuki interrupts guard 2)

Mitsuki: No, they taught you guys to stand here and guard this door but they could not teach you guys to use common sense right

(Katsuto looks at mitsuki with a smile that tells he knew mitsuki would do something like this)

Guard: My apologies contestant, i should have known

Mitsuki: Yeah you should have, now can you let us in now

(The guards unlock the door with their lances by touching the door with the tip of it)

(Once the door opens, katsuto and mitsuki are marvelled by a large room with people their age and older who are staring at both of them. They also see a man standing on a balcony like pedestal above everyone)

Katsuto: Woah this place is massive 😃

Mitsuki: Yeah im guessing this is the place we get our weapons

(Katsuto looks to his right side and sees a 24 year old looking man with a stoic presence)

Katsuto: Hey mitsuki why dont we say hi to that guy on my right

(Katsuto points at him)

Mitsuki: Katsuto are you crazy, we can just say hi to anyone, dont forget that guy is our competion

Katsuto: Yeah i know that's why i wanna get to know him and how he operates on the battlefield cause he is giving me "If you mess with me vibes"

Mitsuki: Ok let's go say hi and see what happens

(Once katsuto and mitsuki take a step closer towards the man, he opens one eye and katsuto and mitsuki are felt with an overwhelming and powerful presence. They decide to walk backwards away from the man.)

Mitsuki: I've never felt such overwhelming chi in my life, not even from the heroes 😨

Katsuto: Me too 😨

(While katsuto and mitsuki are walking backwards, they bump into a tall, muscular man with with a plain white shirt which is tight due to his muscles, brown soldier pants)

Katsuto and mitsuki: Oh my bad

???: Nah its ok, no harm done

(Katsuto and mitsuki both turn around to see the man they bumped)

Katsuto: Woah your muscular 😄, i definitely wouldn't wanna fight you

Hiroto: But this muscle is mostly natural cause of my earth elemental nature. By the way my name is hiroto boulders and nice to meet you both

Katsuto: My name is Katsuto blaaa..... Sushi

Hiroto: Katsuto blaasushi?

Katsuto: Nah just katsuto sushi, my bad

Hiroto: Alright and you are

(He refers to mitsuki)

Mitsuki: Oh my name is mitsuki breeze

Hiroto: Ok that tells me your an air elemental, whats your element katsuto?

Katsuto: Actually im a non-elemental

Hiroto: Mmh so your taking the risk of participating with people who have elements, thats determination there

Katsuto: Yeah just your average charismatic guy over here

Hiroto: I'll see you guys when the combine starts and i hope you get good results

Mitsuki: Yeah we'll see you

(Once hiroto walks away from katsuto and mitsuki, katsuto mood changes from normal to annoyed)

Katsuto: Uggh this is so annoying, do you know how bad i wanted to tell him about my element

Mitsuki: Well its a good thing you didn't and do you realise you nearly sold yourself to him after you said your name

Katsuto: Yeah its a good thing i saved it

(The man on the balcony like pedestal begins to speak)

???: Alright contestants welcome to the elemental hero exam!. This is the place where you will all recieve your elemental weapons which is a gift of god, praise the elemental god ryna. Let me give you all the instructions. To receive your weapon you will have to stretch your arms in front and say the ancient prayer from the elemental god and a portal will be opened, that is when your elemental weapon will come out of that portal right into your hands. Is that clear to all of you

(Everyone in the room respond yes)

Katsuto: I have an idea mitsuki to make sure they dont see me with a fire like weapon

Mitsuki: What is it?

Katsuto: I'll just hide it behind me before anyone sees it

Mitsuki: And what if your weapon is to big to hide?

Katsuto: Well i highly doubt it cause fire elementals are known to have swords, which are not too big.

Mitsuki: But we cant be sure katsuto

Katsuto: Wait i can just use my scarf to hide all the orange or red streaks that might show on the weapon

Mitsuki: Thats...not....a..... bad idea if you think about it, Ok you should do it then

???: And all non-elementals who are here do not have to do this cause unfortunately this is for only elementals!. Im sure you all know the ancient prayer cause its very important for you to recieve your weapon!.

Random participant: Anyone who does not know the ancient prayer must be living under a rock or something

Katsuto: Do you know the ancient prayer cause i dont 😅

Mitsuki: You must be joking right 🤦

Katsuto: Well master kashi only told me but i dont get time to practice it

Mitsuki: Well i cant teach you now so the best thing you could do is not get your weapon and wait aside like the other non-elementals.

Katsuto: 😓 Yeah i guess

???: Alright i assume all of you know so you may begin. Once your weapon is given to you, you are allowed to give it a name of your choice!. And when your done recieving your weapon, the portal will close almost immediately!.

(People in the room begin to stretch their arms in front of them and they start to say the ancient prayer in a different language, voices begin to counter each other. Mitsuki does the same and portals begin to open, weapons are coming out of the portal towards people)

(Elemental spears, lances, hammers, malllets and staffs are given to people with different sizes and looks)

(Once mitsuki opens a portal, a long white staff with blades on both sides is given to her)

Katsuto: Woah cool you got a white staff

(Mitsuki portal closes)

Mitsuki: Mhm i think i'll call it...White death

(Once mitsuki says white death, the staff begins to glow a dim white color)

???: One more thing guys, Once you say your weapon's name, it will glow a color correlating to your element which means it is responding to the name you gave it!. Your capable of making your weapon disappear by saying your weapon's name and then say "depart"!. To make it appear, just say your weapon's name and then say "alight"!. Your elemental weapons will allow you to channel your element from the weapon its self, it makes your element more dangerous so you should know how to control it.


(Once mitsuki says it, her weapon vapourizes from her hand)


(Once mitsuki says it, the weapon materializes)

Katsuto: Woah thats so cool😃

(Katsuto mood then changes to frustrated due to him not being able to do it)

Mitsuki: Hey katsuto im sorry your not able to do the ceremony

(Mitsuki pats katsuto on the back)

Katsuto: Nope its fine, im just going to learn how to live through it

???: Ok i see that you guys have all recieved your weapons excluding the non-elementals but it is time for the elemental combine

*Meanwhile at the stadium*

(The heroes look damaged and have scratches over their body)


(Kenichiro stomps the ground and it starts to shake like an earth quake, even affecting the audience. It leaves cracks on the arena floor)

(Himari and akimitsu jump high in the air to avoid the quake and then land back on the ground after the quake stops)

Akimitsu: That stupid skill wont work on me kenichiro

Kenichiro: Alright lets see what you got then


(Akimitsu summons multiple cyclones around the arena that eventually gets close to kenichiro and messes with his balance)

Akimitsu: Those cyclones will continue to knock you off balance until im aware of it

(While akimitsu is busy speaking, himari is behind him summoning a water pressure attack)

Himari: Dont tell me you forgot about me akimitsu

Akimitsu: Huh

( Akimitsu looks to his back and himari blasts him with water pressure towards the arena wall)

Himari: Well that will teach you to never let your guard down

(The cyclones that were messing with kenichiro's balance finally disappear)

Himari: Now its me and you kenichiro

Kenichiro: Enough with the skills for now, lets see how you can do with close combat. Show me you dont just put on makeup.

Himari: For your information, i know the art of water combat

(Himari runs towards kenichiro with flexible movements that confuse him.)

Kenichiro: What is up with your movements

Himari: This style of fighting allows you to move like the water kenichiro

(Himari eventually lands a punch and a kick on kenichiro with leaves no scratch on kenichiro whatsoever. Kenichiro leaves an arrogant smile and proceeds to punch himari's face, creating a small distance between him and her)

Kenichiro: This comes to show that i am better at close combat

Himari: That bulky build of yours is giving you an advantage

(Himari charges at kenichiro with more precise movements and lands a kick on kenichiro's pressure point. Kenichiro shows little signs of weakness. Kenichiro counters by grabbing her arm and attempts to slam her on the ground but she stands on her feet and attempts to slam kenichiro. Kenichiro smiles at the idea and forms a rock gauntlet on his other hand and punches himari to the ground)

Kenichiro: Too easy

Akimitsu: Dont forget about me, SPIRIT LANCER, ALIGHT

(Kenichiro looks to his back and sees akimitsu's lance weapon materialize in his hands)

Akimitsu: Go ahead kenichiro summon your weapon cause we both know you cant fight me without your weapon.

(Kenichiro is hesitant but summons his weapon)


(Kenichiro summons a brown hammer with a long handle)

Akimitsu: Good idea

(Akimitsu moves at sonic speed and attacks kenichiro from side to side with his weapon leaving cuts on kenichiro)

Akimitsu: Cant handle the speed kenichiro.

(Kenichiro glow a yellow colour and summons three earth golems from the ground which catch akimitsu off guard. The golems move at a fast pace and all attack akimitsu but he counters by shooting three air bullets from his lance that make the earth golems crumble to pieces)

Akimitsu: What type of golems were those kenichiro, not you best wor...

(Akimitsu realizes that kenichiro is not in his vision)

Akimitsu: What where did he go?!

(Kenichiro taps his back)

Akimitsu: What?😧

(Akimitsu looks and kenichiro's prescence is hovering over him like a beast waiting to eat his prey)

(Kenichiro forms an earth gauntlet and punches akimitsu to the ground)

Kenichiro: I guess im the victor of this sparring match

(The audience begin to cheer for kenichiro)

Announcer: Wow that was a hell of a fight!, i nearly forgot it was a sparring match!

Kenichiro: I guess we went to hard over there

(Akimitsu and himari get up on their feet with no effort)

Akimitsu: (refers to the kenichiro) We all know i was holding back there kenichiro, you know im never that sloppy.

Himari: Me too, there is no way i let you walk over me that easily

Kenichiro: Yeah i know you guys were holding back and i was doing the same cause we all know this ring wouldn't be in one piece if i push my power more

Announcer: (refers to the heroes) Now we gotta get a guy to repair the arena before the participants get here and you guys better wash up.

Kenichiro: I wonder who the guy is?

(The announcer and the two heroes stare at kenichiro)

Kenichiro: (Sigh)😓 i'll get to it


(The participants who received their weapons are in another room with a lot of equipment that will test their physical attributes)

(Hiroto, katsuto and mitsuki are together)

Katsuto: So hiroto how is your fitness level

Hiroto: I hate to brag but its up there

Katsuto: Im sure your strong but no one is faster than me

Mitsuki: (cough) Did you forget i was here

Hiroto: So your both saying your faster than me, oh we'll see about that