Chapter 11: The scavenger hunt exam begins pt.1

The announcer had just brought all the participants to a large, white room with seven tunnels. The announcer stands in front of the tunnels as he announces news to the participants.

"Welcome to your new exam participants. As you already know we are doing a scavenger hunt and i know you younger ones are familiar with this one. This scavenger hunt is not going to be just any regular scavenger hunt but a heroic version of it, meaning that your goal is to save a doll from something dangerous. If any of your doll's body parts are gone on your way there and back, thats an automatic fail. You will be given clues to find the person your suppose to save. Do you all understand", The announcer explains

The participants all reply "yes sir" as they all nod their heads in sync

"You all must be wondering why they are seven tunnels behind me right, well its where your scavenger hunts will take place but you all will be split into teams consisting of 3 considering there are not many of you." The announcer explains

Everyone participant in the room begin to quarrel about what the announcer had just said. A random male participant raises his hand for a question.

"Yes i see a hand" the announcer says

"Umm sir are we allowed to choose our own teammates" the random male participant asks

"Unfortunately you are not allowed to choose your own teammates because the main reason for this exam is to test your ability to work with anyone not just your peers." The announcer strictly says

Everyone participant in the room begin to murmur in anger and frustration in result of what the announcer had just said.

"Murmuring is not going to change anything participants!" The announcer exclaims

The announcer gets back the attention of the participants.

"Now i have all your names on this piece of paper right here so if i call your name you may enter one of the tunnels here" the announcer says as he was given a piece of paper by a worker.

"I hope we're in the same team" katsuto says to mitsuki and hiroto

"Its unlikely but lets hope though" hiroto says

"Yeah besides we need to get off our comfort zones anyway

"And that reminds me participants, you all are allowed to use your elements and elemental weapons to its full extent because the obstacles there are something alright. Some of you non-elementals have to work hard to win this so best of luck to you guys." The announcer explains

Participants in the room begin to quarrel in excitement regarding the priveledge to use elements to its full capacity. A random male raises up his hand.

"Yes i see a hand" the announcer says

"Umm sir who is going to assess this exam since we're all going to be separated" the random boy asks curiously

"Well thats a good question, no one because this is a pass or fail exam, there is no in between because your goal is to bring back the doll safely in one piece. Any more questions before i call the teams?" The announcer explains

A random girl raises up her hand.

"I notice there are no audience here" the random girl states

"Oh luckily for you guys audiences come tomorrow not today. So i hope that was the final question before i call the teams." The announcer sighs after saying.

The announcer calls names of people and their teammates, they begin to walk in different tunnels. The participants left are mitsuki, megumi, uragiri, taisuke, hiroto, sugoi chi and katsuto. The announcer notices the uneven number of people left and just calls mitsuki, megumi and sugoi chi. The amount of tunnels left is one with katsuto, uragiri, taisuke and hiroto being left.

"Yes im team's with megumi but who's sugoi chi" mitsuki asks herself curiously

The man who katsuto and mitsuki encountered with great chi presure appears and covers mitsuki with a small shadow behind her back.

"I assume your mitsuki breeze right" the man says with his deep voice

"Wait so your sugoi chi?" Mitsuki asks surprised

"Yes and we have to enter the tunnel, where's our second partner" sugoi chi replies rushingly

Megumi appears and they all enter the tunnel leaving katsuto, uragiri, taisuke and hiroto left.

"Well this hasn't happened before, four people left" the announcer says concerned

"I thought you had this all planned out announcer" uragiri says annoyed

"Yes my team counted and it should have been even" the announcer says with a frustrated tone

"Well you better work something out announcer and make sure im not teammates with the gorrilla and the street ruffian standing on my right side" uragiri says with disrespectful tone

"Oh are you scared that i might carry the team on my back uragiri" katsuto mocks uragiri

"Like you'll carry the team on that unwashed back, give me a break ruffian" uragiri insults katsuto

"Alright enough both of you!, im going to do something that i have not done before." The announcer shouts and then comes with a solution

"What may that be announcer?" Uragiri asks in a disrespectful tone

"You four are going to team up together" the announcer says proudly

All of them shows signs of surprise and intrigue

"Wouldn't that be unfair for the other participants announcer" katsuto asks seriously

"Not quite cause luckily the other participants left this 4th tunnel which is 1.5 times difficult cause there are two dolls. Making it fair for you all". The announcer explains

"So meaning it would require four people to complete successfully" hiroto states in a serious tone

"Yes actually" the announcer says

"If it's 1.5 times more difficult then what would happen if there were three people left instead of four?" uragiri asks curiously

"Well this was another of our tests to see if anyone would pick the 4th tunnel. For which ever team picked it would win regardless of bringing the two dolls unscathed." The announcer explains

"Mhm interesting so 4 of us are teammates" uragiri says uneagerly

"Yes and you guys better get going cause the dolls might be dead by now" the announcer says casually without worry

The four of them enter the tunnel and start running like their lives depend on it.