
Kaito was laying on his bed and he was looking at the ceiling, there were tears still falling down his face. He couldn't imagine what he had become and he just wanted it to end, but he remembered his promise. "I vow to destroy every aswong even if i die trying".

*How can i destroy every aswong if i am one as well? Maybe… should i apply for the APA?*

Kaito was scratching his bed with strength in stress, he started crying again.

*God… i'm a monster…"

Mio was laying on her bed in the room next to Kaito's, she was also staring at the ceiling.

*I can't believe… should i do something? Kaito's an aswong… oh god. Will he eat human flesh? I mean… he has to, aswongs can eat nothing else, this is bad. So does this mean that, we'll never have sushi day ever again?"

During the night, Kaito wakes up and he was hungry. He put his hands on his stomach.

Kaito - "Gosh, im starving…"

He gets up and takes his house keys, Mio gets up too and she watches Kaito worried.

Mio - "Where are you going?"

She knew what Kaito was doing, she knew why he was heading out. Kaito didnt want to do it but his body did, he was sweating and breathing intensely, he looked stressed, very stressed. Mio never saw him like that.

Kaito - "Out. I'm going out."

Mio - "Where's out?!"

Kaito - "Im gonna take some fresh air and go on a walk."

Mio tights her fist nervously and she looks at Kaito scared.

Mio - "Be careful, and dont hurt anyone…"

Kaito nods, his body was shaking.

A scientist was on a chair in an interview room, he had white hair and a white and gray long beard. Next to him was a lady interviewer with green hair with black shadows who was also sitting on a chair. The scientist was Dr. Naziku and the interviewer was Chihiro Iwata.

Chihiro - "Welcome, everybody, to the DailyTalk Podcast, today we have a special guest. We have Dr. Naziku, the Aswong specialist."

Dr. Naziku waves at the camera as he smiles.

Dr. Naziku - "Hello."

Chihiro - "So, we're gonna ask him questions about the aswongs because it is interesting and also because it might help the APA hunt down these monsters. So, Dr. Naziku, is there a possibility that human-aswong hybrids exist?"

He nods

Dr. Naziku - "It's been proven by certain civilians and APA members that human-aswong hybrids do exist but there are only 0.1%. "

Chihiro - "When the human becomes an aswong, what will be their physical and mental changes?"

Dr. Naziku - "There will be no mental changes, they would still have the same mind but they might go crazy if they dont eat human flesh. A human-aswong hybrid's first feelings as a new species is hunger, they will need to feed on a human or else they will feel extreme pain."

Mio was walking around in her apartment not knowing what to do, she was biting her nails and she was scared about her brother was about to do. Suddenly, she gets an idea, she walks in her bedroom and she opens a drawer, in the drawer was a Beretta M9. She takes it and she puts in her back pocket.

She sighs.

Mio - "If he ever attacks me… this should take care of him for a couple seconds."

Mio didn't want to hurt her brother but if her brother wanted to hurt her, she would have to shoot him even though it won't do critical damage since he is an Aswong now.

Kaito was walking around with his hoodie on and his hands in his pockets. Suddenly, a beautiful girl with pink hair, green eyes and a blue long hoodie passes by Kaito. He admires her.

Kaito - "wow"

She waves her hair and it goes on her face, Kaito was astonished by her beauty.

He decided to let go.

Kaito - "She's way out of my league, no way she would wanna… date."

The girl sees Kaito and she smiles gently at him.

*That's a sign she loves me too! We have a connection?! WE HAVE A CONNECTION?! Or else, she does this to everyone… and what if she discovers that i'm… she'll think i'm a monster.*

The girl walks away and Kaito watches her as she leaves. Kaito walks away too and he tries to suppress his hunger by taking a walk.

A couple minutes later, Kaito passes by an alley and he walks into it. In the dimly lit alley, he sees the same girl from before and she sees that a man was grabbing her forcefully.

Man - "Come here!"

The Man kisses the girl's neck.

Girl - "Stop! Please!"

Kaito looks at the scene and his one eye was aswong-like (red and black with a vertical slit)

The man stops kissing the girl and he walks up to Kaito after seeing the eye.

Man - "Hey, whatta you doin' here, you monster?"

He sounded drunk, the girl's eyes widen as she sees that Kaito is an aswong.

The Man pushes Kaito on the wall, but the girl slices a half of the man's head off with her Hikarikagitsume (2.

- Powers: Can manipulate light, creating blinding flashes, and possesses heightened speed and reflexes. The Kagitsume's attacks are swift and disorienting.

- Looks: Radiant, ethereal glow, with luminous markings on its back and claws.)

A half of the man's head falls to the ground and the body too. A pool of blood forms under the body, the girl's eyes were aswong-like too. She extends a hand towards him to shake his hand.

Shino - "I'm Shino Kazawa and you are?

Kaito was staring at the body in horror, he was shaking.

*Did he really deserve to die? I know he did wrong actions but death is too far!!*

Kaito shakes her hand stressed

Kaito - "I'm… Kaito Yoshiori… nice to… meet you…"

He was still looking at the body with wide eyes,

Shino sees that Kaito is staring at the body

Shino - « What? You wanna piece of him? We can share! »


Shino grabs the man's arm and breaks it, she tears it apart and she hands it to him. Kaito grabs the arm and he looks at it in horror.


Shino tears the other arm and she takes a bite out of it.

Shino - « You're not eating? Oh and, by the way, why do you only have one red eye? That's strange. »

Kaito - « Umm uh… »

His voice was shaking and they hear a noise in the distance, as if someone was walking towards them.

An investigator called Yagami Ocha, with black hair, brown eyes and a black and white suit, was walking in the alley. He had a serious and cold face, he heard the voice of two people, a man and a women. They say in the distance,

Shino - « You're not eating? Oh, and by the way, why do you only have one red eye? That's strange. »

Kaito - « Umm uh… »

Yagami touches a garbage bag with his feet while walking, it makes a noise, Shino and Kaito look at where the noise happened.

Shino - « It might be an investigator, whoever it is… we can't let them see our faces. »

Yagami hears this and he knows immediately that they are aswongs, so he takes out his Kurokatana (a kurokatana is a sword that the APA use to slay aswongs, it has a dark appearance and a gray one too, on the sword, there is written « Aswong Slayer », the kurokatanas have special abilities.)

Yagami runs towards where Shino and Kaito are, and he sees the body, half-head and the two arms on the floor but no aswong. Yagami walks up to the dead body and he crouches next to it, Yagami still had a cold stare and showed no emotions. He grunts and he looks around on the body,

Yagami - « An innocent man has been slaughtered because i wasn't fast enough, strong enough, i'm too weak… »

His eyes widen in disbelief, confusion and shock and he gets a flashback of what Shino said,

« You're not eating? Oh, and by the way, why do you only have on red eye? That's strange. »

Yagami - « One red eye?! A Human-Aswong hybrid!!!! I thought there were only 4 of them alive!! Could this possible?!! I need to bring the boy and bring him to the laboratory, it was once said that Human-Aswong hybrids have special Kagitsume's that no other aswongs have! It's sure that they're stronger than any other Aswong! »

Yagami goes back to his cold and emotionless face

Yagami - « I gotta tell Aoki about this. Although, that one-eyed aswong didn't eat that flesh, a normal aswong would've gobbled it right away… he doesn't seem too hostile but, at some point, he's gonna have to start eating. »

Yagami walks away and he walks out of the alley, he enters his black Mercedes and drives away.

Shino & Kaito were still running

Kaito - « Listen Shika… »

Shino - « It's Shino »

Kaito - « I can't eat human flesh… »

Shino stops running and she turns to Kaito curiously.

Shino - « Why not? Aren't you an aswong? »

Kaito - « not… entirely… »

Shino - « What do you mean? »

He scratches his head in discomfort.

Kaito - « Did you ever hear of Human-Aswong Hybrids? »

Shino gasps and she looks at him in shock

Shino - « You're…? »

Kaito - « I've only been this for a couple hours… i just want to go back to being human… »

Shino looked at Kaito in disgust and she backed away from him.

Shino - « it was good but i gotta go now… »

She walked away and looked back at him.

Kaito - « Bye…»

He walked away too and got back to his apartment. He opened his front door and saw Mio walking around the living room, this was still nighttime, she stopped walking and she looked at Kaito, she was worried and scared but covered it up with a smile.

Mio - « Hey Kaito! What did you do? »

Kaito - « I met this girl… »

She started smiling wide

Mio - « OOOHHH somebody likes someone… »

She says in a mocking tone. Kaito ignored and went into his room and fell asleep.

Mio was still in her living room and she stopped smiling, she looked worried. In her back pocket, was the gun.

Kaito woke up the morning and got up, he brushed his teeth.


He spits out all of the toothpaste he can and washes his mouth. Kaito grunts and tears form in his eyes.

Kaito - « Not even toothpaste?… »

He woke up Mio gently.

Kaito - « Mio, it's time for school. »

Mio groans and gets up.

Kaito's eyes widen in shock and disbelief.

Kaito - « Shit… i dont have a car anymore… »

Mio and Kaito were walking on the sidewalk for school, they stopped at Mio's school.

Kaito - « Ok, we're here. »

She looked up to Kaito.

Mio - « Kaito? »

Kaito - « What? »

Mio - « Just know that… i'll always be there for you… »

Kaito smiles gently and nods.

Kaito - « Me too… »

Mio enters her school and Kaito walks away.

Kaito enters his school and he goes to his class. He sits down on his seat and Hikoto sits next to him. Hikoto smiles widely and he fistbumps Kaito. Kaito smiles too

Hikoto - « Hey Kaito! Wassup?! »

Kaito - « Hey… you're late. »

Hikoto rolls his eyes and smiles back to Kaito.

Hikoto - « Ughh… traffic… »

Kaito - « You're on a bike! »

Hikoto - « It's the same thing. »

Mr. Fugimoto, the teacher had grey hair and a black moustache. He was wearing a white suit with a blue tie with white stripes. He snaps his fingers to Hikoto and Kaito.

Mr. Fugimoto - « Hey, Hey, Hey, shush now! Anyways, welcome back class after this beautiful weeke… »

Kaito looks at Hikoto with a side eye sadly and stressed.

*What if Hikoto finds out that im an aswong and he'll stop being my friend? I can't let him know…*

Mr. Fugimoto - « … got a new student for the year! Came here from the 2nd ward! Please welcome Mrs. Shino Kazawa! »

Kaito's eyes widen and he looks at the door and he sees Shino walk in the class.

Mr. Fugimoto - « Shino, you may introduce yourself. »

Shino looks around the class and she smiles innocently.

Shino - « Hello, i'm Shino Kazawa and i come here from… »

Shino gasps loudly as she sees Kaito in his seat.

Mr. Fugimoto - « Are you okay, Mrs. Kazawa? What's wrong? »

Kaito was almost shaking.

*Im gonna be in the same class… as… as… her?…*