Chapter 5: APA

Yagami was in his bed without his shirt, he had a 6 pack and big muscles on his arms. His alarm rings, it was 6:30 am


He stops it and gets up, he was in an underwear and his legs were built too. He yawns and puts on black pants, he also put on a grey blank t-shirt. His face was still cold, he walks out of his room and he walks in his house. His house was a white modern house which looks like could cost more than 144 million yen (1 million US dollars). He goes to his kitchen and prepares orange juice, he finishes making it and drinks it.

He also eats pancakes and when he finishes that too, he brushes his teeth. He puts on a blue professional suit and puts a card around his neck, it said,

« Yagami Ocha,

Born on October 13th, Libra

Graduated from the APA Academy

Guardian in the 17th Ward of Tokyo

Blood Group: AB

Height : 6feet 1

Weight: 84k 

Age: 23 

Rank: Guardian »

Yagami enters his Mercedes and drives to the APA, he enters the APA building and walks to Aoki. A bunch of people were on their computers doing research on the aswongs and their locations. Yagami looked at Aoki with with his normal stare, Aoki smiles and pats Yagami's shoulder.

Aoki - « Hey kid, always looking intimidating haha »

Aoki chuckles and Yagami smiles forcefully.

Aoki - « What's going on? »

Yagami - « I have found information that a Human-Aswong hybrid is roaming around in the 17th Ward. »

Aoki's eyes widen and he gasps in shock. He tries to speak but he stutters,

Aoki - A- A- A- A hybrid? In the 17th Ward?

Yagami nods and takes out a tape recorder

Yagami - « Listen to this… »

He presses on the « On » button of the tape recorder

Shino - « You're not eating? Oh, and, by the way, why is only one of your eyes red? That's strange. »

Kaito - « Umm… uh… »

The tape recorder stops and Yagami presses on « Off ».

Yagami - « Isn't that enough proof? »

Aoki looks up to Yagami in fear and shock.

Kaito was sitting next to Hikoto while he was staring at Shino in shock, she was looking at him in shock too. Hikoto elbows Kaito's shoulder and he smiles at him mockingly.

Hikoto - « Who is that? Is that your crush? Do you like her? Haha!! »

Kaito didnt react to Hikoto's words and he kept looking at Shino. Mr. Fugimoto looked at her confused and in disbelief.

Mr. Fugimoto - « Alright, Mrs. Kazawa, you can take a seat now. »

Shino sits down on the chair on the opposite side of Kaito.

Mr. Fugimoto - « Ok, now, class, pay attention… »

Kaito kept looking at Shino and he remembers what she did yesterday to that poor man, she was actually paying attention to the class and taking notes.

The Man pushes Kaito on the wall, but the girl slices a half of the man's head off with her Hikarikagitsume.

*How can she kill someone and pretend like nothing happened, do she even have some remorse for that poor guy??!!*

Mr. Fugimoto - « Helloooo??? Kaito? Did you write anything that's on the board? »

Kaito snaps out of hid imagination and looks at his board and back at his notebook.

Kaito - « N- No… i'm sorry… I'll write everything »

Mr. Fugimoto - « Pay attention, Kaito »

Hikoto looks at Kaito worried

Hikoto - « Dude, what's wrong with you today? You seem… off… »

Kaito - « I'm fine. »

The bell rings and the class gets out of the room, they walk through the hallway and talk with eachother, Kaito and Hikoto were sitting on a bench talking to eachother.

Hikoto - « Kaito! Do you know that Kaori Abia… Ariba… Arie… »

Kaito - « Its Kaori Abe »

Hikoto - « Oh! Yeah! »

They both chuckle at Hikoto's mistake.

Hikoto - « Anyways, hehe, do you know that Kaori… Abe?… released a new book?"

Kaito doesn't pay attention to what Hikoto was saying and he just stared in a void,

*What if Hikoto found out i was a aswong, will he side with me or see me as a monster…? Anyways, i can't let that happen…"

Hikoto waves his hand in front of Kaito and he snaps with his fingers.

Hikoto - "Hello?! Earth to Kaito!"

Kaito blinks rapidly and looks back at Hikoto confused.

Kaito - "Can you repeat please?"

Hikoto grunts and scratches his head.

Hikoto - "Like i was saying, your favourite artist Kaori Abe just released a new book, and apparently it's fantastic! I mean, for people who likes books. For me, reading books is boring as fuck, it's like watching a leaf decompose slowly… very very slowly…"

Kaito nods his head

Kaito - "Well, that's an… interesting opinion but… i can't say i agree with that"

Hikoto sighs and looks around while putting his hand under his chin.


Shino was walking around when 3 girls corner her while laughing and jumping and doing happy girl things. Yuuka says excitedly,

Yuuka - "HEY NEW GIRL!! I'm Yuuka Shita.

She had purple hair with black shades, green eyes, and a sailor uniform (school, Shino has one too)

Sakura - "Hey, i'm Sakura Aikawa… but just call me Sakura."

She had black hair and brown eyes with a sailor uniform too, she was smiling a little but not like Yuuka.


She had a big smile and she was wiggling all around the place, she had light green hair and light green hair eyes. The three bend over to look at Shino.

Yuuka & Sakura & Ayaka - "And what's your name?!"

Shino feels embarrassed to have so much people around her wiggling all around the place.

Shino - "Uhh… i'm Shino Kazawa…?"

Yuuka & Sakura & Ayaka - "Well nice to meet you, Shino! Wanna be friends?!"

Shino looks around nervously and make nervous sounds

[Hehe uhh hehe]

Shino - "S- S- Sure…"

The three girls jump up and down in happiness.


Shino looks at them awkwardly with a little smile at the side of her mouth.

*I swear to god, they're crazy…*

,Shino thinks to herself.

Hikoto was looking at them from the bench with his hand under his chin.

Hikoto - "Looks like the new girl got new friends."

Kaito looks at them too

Kaito - "Looks like so…"

Aoki walked into the business room in the APA building, in the business room was a single man called Ryota Sato.

(Ryota Sato, Elite Guardian of the Aswong Protection Agency)

He was on his tablet doing work and trying to figure out where the Black Reaper could be hiding. Aoki enters the room in a panic and Yagami was behind Aoki.


Ryota's eyes widen in shock and walks up to both of them.

Ryota - "Sit down."

Aoki and Yagami walk in the room and sit down on the two chairs in the room. Ryota sits down on the front main chair and crosses his fingers.

Ryota - "Show me the proof…"

Aoki elbows Yagami gently in the shoulder to tell him to give the tape recorder to Ryota. So Yagami takes out the tape recorder from his pocket and hands it to Ryota, Ryota presses on the "On" button and the tape starts,

Shino - "You aren't eating? Oh, and, by the way, why are only one of your eyes red? That's strange."

Kaito - "Umm… uhh…"

The tape finally finishes and Ryota looks at both of them seriously.

Ryota - "I want the both of you to capture the hybrid and bring him to me."

Yagami and Aoki nod and Ryota points at the door.

Ryota - "You can go now."

Yagami walks up to Ryota and lends a hand to the tape recorder.

Yagami - "Can i have it back, now?"

Ryota shakes his head

Ryota - "I'll give it back to you when you find him."

Yagami sighs and walks out with Aoki.

Ryota looks down to the tape recorder and rotates it around.

Hikoto and Kaito were at the cafeteria and the food was potatoes with broccoli, Hikoto took his fork and took a bite out of it..

Hikoto - "Mmm, this is really good for cafeteria lunch…"

Kaito looks at the food in disgust and he takes his fork.

*Shit, if i dont eat it, Hikoto will know something is off… but if i do eat it, i'll puke… what do i do?*

He spikes the food with the fork and brings it to his mouth, he was shaking and was hesitating to eat it.

Shino was looking at him from a distance while Yuuka was talking in a cold stare.

Yuuka - "Anyway, so i told him… "YOU DONT LIKE MY…""

Kaito put the potato quickly in his mouth and chewed it but spit it right out.


Hikoto was shocked and disgusted by the fact that Kaito spat it out.

Hikoto - "HUH?! DUDE!!"

Kaito - "I feel… nauseous…"

Shino rolled her eyes and ate a broccoli.

Kaito was now sitting in the school infirmary. The doctor was a women and had brown ponytail hair with a white doctor suit.

Doctor - "So you feel nauseous? And you want to go home?"

Kaito nods slightly

Doctor- "Alright, im just going to give you a little of medicine and then you'll go home, okay?"

The doctor gives medicine to Kaito and he swallows it.

Kaito was walking to his apartment since he left early.

*It's strange… since…*

Kaito has a flashblack from in the cafeteria when he spat the potato out

*i swear i saw Shino eat a potato…"

In the flashback, Shino ate the potato without any reaction.

*but she's an aswong… right?… right?…"