
Chapter 6: Setup

Yagami and Aoki were in their office working on their computers.

Aoki - "Yagami, where did you see this hybrid?"

Yagami - "it was near Shozo Alley but i dont know where they went off to."

Aoki looked at Yagami and he nodded.

Aoki - "Maybe we should go to that alley to see if any fingerprints were left there"

Yagami - "Perhaps that might be the chance to find anything about them."

Aoki gets up and Yagami too, He walks up to Yagami and pats him on the shoulder and smiles.

Aoki - "Then let's go."

Yagami gets up and they both walk out the APA building.

They get in a professional black car and drive to Shozo Alley.

When they arrive there, they get out of the vehicle and walk up to where Yagami found the body that Shino killed. Yagami points to a specific area in the alley and he still had his usual cold face.

Yagami - "I found his body here so that must have mean't that the two aswongs must have been standing over… here."

Yagami points to the area right in front of where the body was.

Yagami - "So, if my calculations are correct, their fingerprints that will help us find who they are must be around where i just pointed."

Aoki takes out his phone from his pocket and puts it to his ear.

Aoki - "I'll call the detectives so they can scan the fingerprints and see if there are actually fingerprints or not."

Kaito was walking home after leaving school because he was feeling sick, he was halfway to his apartment when Yagami was walking towards him. Kaito could tell that he was a Guardian since he had an APA uniform. Kaito looks down and Yagami walks next to him, Yagami looks at him and walks pass Kaito. Once Yagami was far away, Kaito sniffs and he looks back at him. Kaito thinks to himself,

*This guy… smells delicious…*

Kaito arrives in his apartment and he tries to find Mio in her room but he remembers she is in school. However, he sees the gun that Mio has in her room, the gun was on her nightstand.

Kaito looks at the gun curiously and worried.

He walks over to it and grabs it, he rotates it around.

Kaito - "Mio? She would…?"

Yagami was walking on the street when he had to pass by an alley, he enters it and starts walking in it.

An aswong was on top of a roof of a building surrounding the alley, he was looking around the alley. He had short brown hair and a brown pretty short beard, he had a black hoodie and white pants. He looked like he was over 20 years old. His stomach growls and he puts his hand on it in pain.

Aswong - "Ouch… i haven't eaten in days…no one passes in this damn alley… i should start looking for a new eating ground… although that guardian passed by, a couple minutes ago, i let my friends take care of him."

Suddenly, he hears a man walking in the alley, he rushes to the edge of the rooftop and looks to see who is there. He sees Yagami on his phone texting someone.

Aswong - "THIS ONE'S FOR ME!!!"

The Aswong licks his lips and jumps off the building.

Yagami was texting Aoki, in his text it said,

Yagami - "Aoki, where are you? You told me to go to "the" alley and im here."

Suddenly, the aswong who was the rooftop jumps on Yagami and pins him to the ground.

Yagami - "agh…"

Yagami kicks the Aswong away. The Aswong gets kicked away and he hits a wall. He attempts to jump back on Yagami.

Aswong - "COME BACK HERE!!"

Yagami takes out his kurokatana from his back and slices the aswong's legs off. The aswong and the legs fall to the ground. The aswong crawls away in complete mercy and bumps in a wall in terror. He was almost crying for mercy,

Aswong - "No… please don't kill me… have mercy…"

Yagami slowly walks up to the aswong as it's legs starts to regenerate slowly

Aswong - "Please dont…"

Yagami lifts his kurokatana in the air and slices the aswong's head off. His head falls off his body.

Yagami sighs and looks back at his phone to see if Aoki texted him back


Yagami received a message from Aoki but i lt wasn't a text message, it was a picture…

Aoki was on a rooftop surrounding the alley taped to a chair with tape taped on his mouth and he is surrounded by 14 aswongs all with their kagitsume's out. They all had Furinkagitsume (Looks: Covered in leaves and floral patterns, with a breeze following its movements. It has a serene and natural aesthetic.)

And there was also one aswong with clear white hair doing a smiling grimace with Aoki's 2 Kurokatanas, which means that he has his Kagitsume and the Kurokatana, the two most deadly weapons.

Yagami rolls his eyes and tights his fists.

Yagami - "Sons of bitches…"

He looks up to the rooftops wondering how he is going to climb up, but he has an idea.

Yagami takes a big trash can and puts it under a little balcony connected to an apartment room where people were living in.

Yagami gets on the trash can and then climbs up to the balcony. At this point, he was already 20 feet up, Yagami jumps up to the balcony above the balcony he was already on. He looks down knowing that if he falls, he will die. Finally, Yagami arrives at the roofs and he sees the 14 aswongs in the distance. He runs towards them and takes out his Kurokatana, he gets in a fighting stance and he's ready to slash them. The aswongs see Yagami and they prepare their Kagitsume's (the one who has the kagitsume and kurokatana too)

Yagami was really close to them so he slashes one aswong's head off and it falls clean off, the other aswongs try to slash Yagami with their Kagitsume's but he blocks them all with his Kurokatana. Yagami continues to block all of their attacks but, he grabs his Kurokatana tightly and extends it as far as he can still maintaining the head level of the aswongs. Suddenly, Yagami starts to spinning super fast cutting all the aswong's heads off, but there was one last of them still standing. It was the one with the Kagitsume & Kurokatana combo. His name was Daiki.


Yagami had blood splatter all over his face and still, he remained with his cold and emotionless.

Yagami - "Yeah, well, your friends tried to kill me and my friend, so…"

Daiki was fuming in rage and sadness seeing that all his friends were massacred right in front of him.


Yagami - "I'd like to see you try."

Daiki runs to Yagami and tries to slash him with both the Kurokatana and the Kagitsume but Yagami backflips away.

Daiki slashes The Kurokatana to Yagami's head and The Kagitsume tentacles to Yagami's lower body at the same time so it was sure that Yagami couldn't dodge it. Once again, Yagami backs away and dodges it but the Kurokatana sliced a little bit of Yagami's hair off. He puts his hand on his hair and looks at his hand, there was little pieces of hair on his palm.

Daiki - "I touched you a little bit, it's a good sign for me."

Yagami runs over to Daiki super quickly and pierces Daiki with his Kurokatana in his chest.

Yagami - "You're in a bad position, asshole. Looks like i got the upper hand in this battle."

Yagami slowly starts to gut Daiki going up to the head.

Daiki - "AHHH!!!"

Yagami guts him deeper and even slower trying to inflict the most pain possible on him. Daiki kicks Yagami away with incredible force making him fly across the roof and land next to Aoki. Yagami turns to Aoki and asks him,

Yagami - "Are you okay?"

Aoki started shaking around trying to get out, he couldnt speak because of the tape on his mouth

Aoki - "MMMMM"

Daiki sprints towards Yagami trying to pierce him but he dodges it again. Daiki's chest starts to regenerate and he throws his Kurokatana to Yagami but he ducks and the Kurokatana comes back to Daiki like a boomerang.

Suddenly, one of Daiki's Kagitsume tentacles starts spinning super fast in circles accelerating the wind, it was like a storm. Yagami was trying to stay still but it was super hard, he was crouching to stay strong. Aoki was standing still in his chair but still trying to get out and Daiki was good, his tentacle was still spinning super fast creating fast wind but it was tiring. Because of the strong wind, a piece of the chair Aoki was on, broke, making his right hand go loose and he could now control it. With his hand, he removed the duct tape off his mouth and he is finally free to speak. Aoki was scared for Yagami since Yagami was not far from death.

Aoki - "YAGAMI!!! KILL HIM!!!"

Suddenly, a brick that was connected to the roof got detached because of the wind and it flew right to Yagami's face. The brick was about to hit Yagami extremely hard which would make him fall unconscious and get controled by the wind to fall off the building.

Yagami dodges the brick but it stills touches his cheek a little making it bleed.

Yagami groans and he touches his little wound.

Daiki's tentacle slowly stopped spinning which made the wind stop.

Daiki - "Im surprised that you managed to survive this, most people get blown away and die."

Yagami - "Yeah, well not me."

Daiki chuckles at Yagami's confidence.

Daiki - "You're a confident human, in front of a predator like me."

Yagami - "Well, 13 of your "predator" friends got killed by me."

Daiki's face morphs into a furious face and he looks at him full of hate.

Daiki - "SHUT UP!!!"

Yagami starts to slowly walk towards him looking cold and emotionless

Yagami - "Yes, i will, but i will prefer if you do too."

Daiki runs over to Yagami enraged as he prepares both his Kurokatana and his Kagitsume to absolutely destroy Yagami but with any effort, Yagami calmly slices Daiki's head off. Daiki's body falls to the ground as well as his head and he dies.

Yagami looks back at Aoki and he was still tied to the chair, Yagami takes out a knife out of his pocket and walks to Aoki.

Yagami - "I have a question, SENIOR guardian of the APA?"

Aoki - "Yeah, what is it?"

Yagami starts to cut the duct tape that was on Aoki's left arm.

Yagami - "You, as a Senior Guardian rank of the APA, how did you not kill all of them? You are higher rank than me, but i killed them all, you didnt."

He succeeds to cut off the duct tape on Aoki's left arm and he now proceeds to cut the duct tape on Aoki's right leg.

Aoki - "Well, they took me by surprise, you got a warning… a picture. I didn't."

Yagami - "Ok."

Aoki - "But… you know… i think you're stronger than me…"

Yagami looks up at Aoki surprised but goes back to his cold stare as he continues to cut the duct tape on Aoki's left leg.

Yagami - "What do you mean?"

Aoki - "over the course of 11 years, i have only moved up one rank in the APA, i have gone from Guardian to Senior Guardian in 11 years. While, you, you have only been a APA Guardian for only 2 years and you have moved up from Initiate Guardian to Apprentice Guardian to Guardian in 2 years. You have moved 3 ranks in 2 years. More than i could ever do."

Aoki gets up and looks at Yagami with a slight smile.

Aoki - "You're talented."

Yagami nods and walks away, it was normal for him to act this way so Aoki didnt think much of it.

Yagami - "Let's go."

Suddenly, a Yamikagitsume (Looks: Dark, shadowy aura, with eyes that gleam ominously in the darkness) .attacks Yagami and he gets in the leg and he screams in pain.

Yagami - "AHHH!!!"

Aoki looks at Yagami shocked and worried


Yagami holds his leg in pain but he looks up to see who attacked him. It was an Aswong with a mask, it was a white shattered scary doll mask. The Aswong's name was Ryo, he had all black clothing and blood splatter all over his shattered doll mask. Ryo didnt say anything, he was a silent killer.

Aoki - "He looks terrifying…"

Yagami was holding his wound trying to prevent it from bleeding too much.

Yagami - "If we attack him at the same time, we'll have a better chance to defeat him."

Aoki nods and they both look at Ryo with dedication to kill him, they both get in a fighting stance but in an unexpected move, Ryo tries to slash Aoki's stomach but Aoki quickly dodges the attack. As Ryo was concentrated on Aoki, Yagami thought it would be a good time to strike. He holds his Kurokatana tightly and runs to Ryo, Yagami tries to pierce his head off but Ryo grabs Yagami's arm in a millisecond and breaks it.


Yagami - "AHHH!!"

But Yagami was still pushing, he was still pushing the Kurokatana towards Ryo's face, he may have his arm broken but he doesn't want any innocent people to get eaten just because of a broken arm. Yagami finally touches the mask with his Kurokatana and the mask starts to shatter even more. Finally, the Kurokatana gets through the mask and it pierces Ryo's eye.

Ryo - "AHHH!!!"

He lets out a gut-wrenching scream in pain and he holds his eye in pain, Aoki sees a good opportunity, so he runs to Ryo and points his Kurokatana to Ryo's other eye. Finally, Aoki pierces Ryo's other eye and the mask breaks in half. Behind the terrifying mask was a beautiful mid-20 aged guy with white hair, but not old white hair, beautiful white hair.

Yagami - "DIE YOU ASWONG!!"

Ryo - "AHHH!!"

Suddenly, another Yamikagitsume slashes Ryo's head off, a bunch of blood flies out onto the floor and Yagami and Aoki.

Aoki - "Huh?"

Ryo's body collapses to the floor and Shadow walks up to Ryo's dead body and looks at him.

Shadow - "You're weak, Ryo."

Shadow looks at Yagami and Aoki, he smiles menacingly and points his Yamikagitsume towards them. Shadow chuckles a little bit,

Shadow - "Oh what do we have here? HAHAHAHA!!!"