Dead Inside

Chapter 12: Dead Inside


Aoki was in a hospital bed with flowers around him, they were yellow, pink, red, blue. A chair was also next to hospital bed. The sound of crutches approaching the room, the sound gets louder and louder until a man with crutches enters the room. That man was Yagami, he walks closer and closer until he sits on the chair and puts his crutches next to the chair. Yagami rubs his hands together and looks at Aoki with a cold stare but also gently.

Yagami - "Hey Aoki, i'm not the kind of person to go visit people in the hospital but… i figured that could change since we've both gotten injured… shit, your injury is way worse then mine…"

Suddenly, another man enters the room, it was Ryota Sato. He was smiling and holding purple flowers, he looked at Yagami confused and said in a joking tone,

Ryota - "Of all people, Yagami Ocha is sitting in a chair next to Aoki Kishugoyo! Now thats… a miracle! He he he…"

Yagami looked back at Ryota and nod his head, he says in a cold tone,

Yagami - "Special class guardian Ryota Sato, nice to see you here."

Ryota chuckles and walks up to Aoki's bed, [BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP] Ryota places the purple flowers next to Aoki's bed in the middle of yellow flowers and red flowers.

Ryota - "What a coincidence that we meet here at the same time!"

Yagami - "You sure said so. Do you think that he'll live? Will he wake up from his coma?"


Ryota scratches the back of his head and looks at Aoki,

Ryota - "I have talked with the doctors and they said that they'll have to operate him again, if it works… he'll probably wake up, if i doesn't…"

Yagami sighs and rubs his hands together. Ryota takes a pack of cigarettes and a lighter out of his pocket and takes one out.

Ryota - "Wanna cigarette?"

Yagami shakes his head and shakes his hand too.

Yagami - "Nah, I don't smoke."

Ryota puts the cigarette in his mouth and lights it up, he smokes it and smoke comes out of his mouth.

Yagami - "So, since Aoki's injured and cannot work with me anymore, who's my new work partner now?"

Ryota - "I'm still working this out in the office but for now… i believe that you'll be working with Uruti Kugisato but since you're currently out of duty… you'll work again by next week, if you're strong."

Yagami nods and looks at Aoki's body on the bed. Ryota puts the cigarette in his mouth and smokes it again.

Ryota leaves the hospital and walks up to the kurokatana save, which is when a guardian enters the hospital, they have to leave their kurokatana here. Ryota grabs his 2 dark kurokatanas and puts them on his back. He walks away from the hospital and gets in his beige Nissan SUV and drives away.

In his car, Ryota looked at the road and was in a place where there was a road in the middle, and fields on the side, it was night. The car radio was playing and a pop song was playing. Suddenly, a dark figure crosses the road as Ryota was driving.

Ryota - "WOAW WOAW WOAW!!"

He tries to dodge the figure with his car but it resulted in him driving into the fields and in the fields, was a bump and Ryota drove right into it, making his car fly and crash violently.

Ryota - "AHH!!"

Kaito was laying on his bed and looking at the ceiling, he had a sad and shocked face, he gets a flashback of the guy he killed. Kaito thinks to himself,

Kaito - *Ugh… if i didn't become this… i would probably be reading a book right now…"

Suddenly, Kaito's eyes widen and sits on his bed, he thinks to himself,

Kaito - *Maybe that's it!! I should read a book to get my mind off of this, all of this!!"

He gets up and walks to his closet, he opens it and finds a pile of books written by Kaori Abe.

"The Vanished Child" Kaito sees this and his eyes widen,

The Vanished Child… this book gets me all nostalgic, this was the third book of Kaori Abe… it used to be my favourite book growing up… but i kind of forgot it. Let me read the synopsis again.

"The Vanished Child is a book set in 80's, it's a paranormal book about kids going missing, but sooner or later… they come back… but not exactly how the parents expected."

Paranormal books never scared me as a book, any book actually, i wasn't the type of kid to get nightmares because of things i've read or watched. The Vaniched Child is the only one that sent shivers down my spine, and i enjoyed it.

Kaito grabs the book and opens it, he starts reading and smiles.

Mio was in her room and trying to sleep but there was one thing on her mind…

It's never gonna be the same as it was… i still love him but… i don't know for how long… he'll last…"

The pop music was still playing as Ryota's car was upside down, it was joyful and nice. The windshield was broken, Ryota's bloodied hand gets out of the car, and soon Ryota's full body gets out of the car, he grunts in pain and he gets up. Some parts of his jeans were ripped apart, his shirt was full of blood and finally, his head was full of scars and a big piece of glass pierced through his left eye, it bled alot from there. Ryota tried to see who it was that made him have this accident. A dark figure slowly walked up to Ryota, glowing red eyes, it was Shadow.

Ryota - "How the hell… are you…?"

Shadow says in a joking tone and mocking tone,

Shadow - "Come on! You don't remember me? I injured your two friends pretty badly!"

Ryota's eye widens and he frowns in hate, he says in a tone full of hate,

Ryota - "You…"

Thankfully for Ryota, his swords fell out of the car and were just at his feet, Ryota grabbed the kurokatanas and got into a fighting stance, the big piece of glass was still in Ryota's left eye, it hurt like hell.

Ryota - "Khh…"

Shadow's Yamikagitsume gets out of his back and he points it at Ryota.

Shadow - "Are you ready to die? Special class guardian?"

Shadow runs to Ryota and attempts to slice his head off but Ryota backs away and dodges the attack, suddenly, Ryota brings his kurokatana at Shadow's neck and attemps to cut it, but once again, the kurokatana isn't strong enough to cut Shadow's neck in one slice so he tries harder.

Ryota - "RAAHHH!!"

Blood dripped in his mouth, on his nose, everywhere on his face was covered in his blood, Ryota was in poor condition. Shadow started feeling pain from the neck slice attempts. He suddenly stopped smiling,

Shadow - "GAHH STOPP!!! AHHH!!!!"

Shadow punched through Ryota's chest and he impales Ryota simply with his arm. Ryota is in critical damage, he spits out blood and he's becoming weaker and weaker. Ryota finally slices through Shadow's neck and his head and body falls to the ground and Shadow dies.

Ryota was still standing up, breathing heavily, bleeding from every side of his body, a large piece of glass pierced through his eye, scars everywhere, a hole in his chest. He falls to his knees and spits out blood,

Ryota - "BAHH!!"

He looks up accepting his fate,

Ryota - "Yagami… i believe in you… kid…"

His body falls to the ground and Ryota passes away. Along with Shadow's head and body, not disintegrating, just there.