
Chapter 13: Hero

A man in a white guardian suit called Shinsuke Eschi (black hair, looks about 17, middle part hair) Shinuke Eschi, Guardian Apprenctice was driving in the middle of the fields and he spots, in the distance, a flipped car. He stops his car and walks up to the flipped car, next to it was a head and 2 bodies. He recognises one of the bodies, it was Ryota Sato, his superior. His eyes widen and he gasps.

Shinsuke - "S- special class guardian… Ryota… oh god this is horrible!"

Shinsuke takes out his phone in panic and calls someone. They pick up and he says in a panicked voice and full of sadness.

Shinsuke - "Sir!!! Special Class Guardian Ryota Sato has been slaughtered by an aswong!!!"

The person he was calling had brown hair, square glasses, brown eyes, rather pointy nose, he was wearing a white guardian suit while holding his phone in his ear. Kenjiro Kito, Commander.

He was standing in his living room with a bottle of wine, and a fireplace next to him.

Kenjiro reacted in a serious but sad face from this information, he sighs and says in a serious voice.

Kenjiro - "Which aswong did it?"

Shinsuke walked up to Shadow's body and looked at him in shock, his voice was shaken,

Shinsuke - "Looks like Ryota bled out from the fight, the aswong is here laying on the ground dead."

Kenjiro - "What did he look like?"

Shinsuke's eyes were still wide and slightly kicked Shadow's chest to see if he was still alive, just in case.

Shinsuke - "W- well, he- he's dressed in full black… has black gloves, and a black mask where the mouth and eyes are visi…"

Kenjiro's eyes widen and he frowns while whispering to himself in a tone full of hate.

Kenjiro - "Shadow…"

Shinsuke raises an eyebrow,

Shinsuke - "What did you say, sir?"

Kenjiro - "That aswong… it's Shadow. He's the one that Ryota and Yagami were talking, he's the one that injured Aoki!"

Shinsuke's eyes widen and looks at Shadow in shock.

Shinsuke - "Should i take him or do i leave his body to rot?"

Kenjiro - "Nobody gives a shit about him."

Shinsuke nods.

Shinsuke - "Yes, sir."

Shadow as a kid was called Saiko and he had bright brown hair and white clothing full of stains and in some places, ripped apart. He lived in poverty and the only place where he lived was in a 2 place tent. He lived with his big sister called Imi, they looked pretty identical. They were standing in front of each other and Imi was smiling.

Imi - "So, Saiko! What do you want for your 10th birthday? We don't have much money but… i'm sure i can work things out!"

Saiko looks at her and thinks, he then looks down and touches his shirt.

Saiko - "I'd like new clothes… a shirt at best."

She nods and then looks away.

Imi - "I'll try… come with me to go get something to eat for tonight."

Saiko looks down again and he tights his fists.

Saiko - "I don't want to kill people anymore, it's cruel."

She looks at him and she smiles and pats his head.

Imi - "Well, think of it this way, humans for us are like cows and pigs for them, it's natural selection. Don't worry, i'll do the killing."

Saiko nods and they walk away.

A couple of years later, Saiko was still living in the same tent, at this point, he was about 14. He saw his sister in the distance running towards him, the closer she got, the more terrified she looked. She had some blood on her face, she said to Saiko in a tone full of terror and sadness.

Imi - "They know! The guardians… we need to run!!"

Saiko's eyes widen [GULP] he nods and runs away with her, they run away from the big alley they were living in and ran on the street. Some guardians were behind them,

Guardian 1 - "Where did she go?"

He said as he was looking around

Guardian 2 saw the both of them running, he pointed to the both of them.

Guardian 2 - "Over there!"

They both ran towards Imi and Saiko,

Imi - "They spot us!! Run faster!"

They speed up and so do the guardians, Imi and Saiko run into another alleyway on the side of the street, however the guardians see that and they run in the same alley. Imi and Saiko were running in it and the guardians were right on their tails. In the alley, there was a fork and Saiko went one way but Imi went the other way, they didnt see that they got seperated since they were looking at the ground trying to run fast. guardian 1 goes to Imi and Guardian 2 goes to Saiko.


Saiko was starting to get tired but Guardian 2 tripped and Saiko saw that this was the perfect time to hide, so he hid inside a trash can and waited.

Guardian 2 - "Come back here!"

Saiko heard the guardian's footsteps coming closer to the trash can but then passes and the footsteps are gone. Saiko gets out of his trash can and sees no one.

He gets out and sighs in relief, he runs back to the place where he has last seen his sister.

Saiko - "Imi…? Are you… are you here…?"

He walks further into the alley and he sees a decapitated corpse with no head, it was Imi's corpse, Saiko's eyes widen and he starts shaking.

Saiko - "I… Im… Imi…"

He walks even more and he sees his sister's head, she had no eyes anymore and her tongue was cut off. Saiko couldn't understand the horrors that just happened. He screams in rage,


A dark figure emerged from the shadows, it had a dark cloak and a plague mask, it was the Black Reaper.

Black Reaper - "Looks like you're having an emotional breakdown. The both of us, we have the same goals now… eradicate guardians from the surface of the earth… join me… Shadow."