Hate and Love

Chapter 14: Hate And Love

A couple days later,

It was raining and the sun was not visible, clouds everywhere in the sky. Multiple people in dark suits holdings umbrellas while looking at a grave. There was Yagami with crutches, Shinsuke, Kenjiro and others. A old person dressed in black with a long white beard and short white hair, he had wrinkles.

Old Man - "Yagami… would you like to speak in Ryota's honor?"

Yagami had a serious face as he nodded.

Yagami - "Ryota was a hard worker, he was always the first in the office, and i respect him a lot. He was a wonderful person. If he died, it was my fault, i wasn't strong enough to kill Shadow and he killed Ryota."

Everybody went slient but some people's whimpers could still be heard briefly. Yagami was trying to keep a serious face and he did.

Kaito was laying on his bed and reading a book, he looks outside and it was raining and thunder collapses in the distance. The book that he was reading was called "The Mannequin in the grave"

Kaito thinks to himself,

The Mannequin In the Grave is a psychological thriller book written by Kaori Abe about a murder that happened a couple years ago. It was a man that got murdered called Esteban Fritz, a police officer by the name of Johan Klöde discovered that Esteban never got murdered and that the person in the grave was a mannequin. Esteban was actually a serial killer that pretended to be dead to kill more people. This is Kaori Abe's 8th book, it takes my mind off things but… there was still something… that was bugging my brain. When Kuba said to me "Maybe if you got to learn more about us… you'd maybe change opinions."

Kaito thought of it carefully and he shook his head.

Im not gonna go in the enemy's headquarters…

Kaito got up and walked up to the entrance of his apartment room. Mio came out of her room and looked at Kaito confused.

Mio - "Where are you going?"

Kaito - "I'll be back soon enough."

He was walking on the street looking around while his whole body was soaking wet because of the rain.

I think it's over here…

He turns to a corner and he sees the same pretty big building.

That's it.

He walks over to the building and he knocks on the wooden door.


Somebody opens the door and Kaito stays there patiently, it was Shino. Kaito was looking serious,

Kaito - "Hi."

Shino sighs and she rolls her eyes,

Shino - "Nope."

She slams the door in Kaito's face and he sighs and then says in a loud but demanding tone,

Kaito - "Come on, please! Let me in…"

Shino says inside the building,

Shino - "Why? I thought you hated us!"

Kaito - "yeah, well…"

He looks down

Kaito - "I am one of you now… so… i can't survive there on my own… the guardians will hunt me down."

Shino opens the door and she looks at Kaito angrily.

Shino - "Do you know that they're looking for you, right? They're on search for the hybrid, that's you, isn't it. If they ever… figure out that you're here, it'll be the end of the calm era. And if that ever happens, i'll kill you."

Kaito looks at Shino terrified [GULP]

Shino - "You understand?"

Kaito nods quickly.

Shino makes space for Kaito to pass through and Kaito enters the building. The interior had white walls and black floor, there were couches and a TV . It was like a house, on the couch, there was Sarada, watching the TV. Sarada looks at Kaito surprised,

Sarada - "You're back…"

She gets up and walks over to Kaito and she looks at him confused,

Sarada - "I thought you hated us."

Kaito - "I'm trying to change my mind."

Sarada nods and she walks back to the couch.

Shino steps in front of Kaito with an annoyed look.

Shino - "That's Sarada…"

She points to other people in the house, she points to Neji and Chosi who were drinking water in the kitchen while talking

Neji - "So i was just wandering around last night and…"

Shino - "That's Neji…"

Chosi - "Oh, really? That's craz…"

Shino - "And That's Chosi."

Kaito and Shino walk away from the living room and kitchen and they walk into the musculation room. In that room, there was Kuba doing pull-up and next to him, there was Mamoru and his henchmen. Mamoru was doing sit-ups and he was in pain and sweating a lot on the face. He was struggling to sit-up so his henchmen were behind him pushing him so he gets back up, even though Mamoru was buff.

Mamoru - "Gah!! Help me up, help me up, help me up, help me up!!!"

The henchmen's names were Koro and Taoki, they both had white suits, white masks and black gloves.

Koro & Taoki - "Ok ok ok!!"

They pull him and he gets back up, Mamoru smiles.

Mamoru - "Thanks."

Shino points at Kuba

Shino - "That's Kuba, you already met him as of all the other ones. I'm just giving proper introductions."

Shino points at Mamoru and his henchmen.

Shino - "That's Mamoru and his henchman Koro and Taoki."

Kaito talks close to Shino's ear.

Kaito - "Who's who?"

The henchman on the left raises his arm

Koro - "I'm Koro!"

The henchman on the right raises his arm

Taoki - "I'm Taoki!"

Kaito nods, Shino feels someone touching her clothes from behind, she looks behind and she sees a little girl called Aoi. She had brown hair and was 10 yrs old, she was wearing pyjamas and was looking up to Shino, she was adorable. Shino smiles gently as she looks at her, Shino says in a high tone,

Shino - "What's wrong, Aoi?"

Aoi had a little girl calm voice and it was very high,

Aoi - "i can't sleep…"

Shino looks worried for her,

Shino - "Oh you had a nightmare?"

Aoi nods and she looks at Shino sadly, Kaito looked surprised to see the little girl,

This… adorable looking little girl… eats… humans…?

Shino raises one finger and puts in front of her own face.

Shino - "I have a tip to not have any nightmares. Don't think of anything, not one thing, alright?"

Aoi nods her head and she smiles.

Aoi - "Thank you, Shino!"

She walks back to her bedroom and tries to sleep.

Kaito looks at Shino, she stopped smiling and looked at Kaito coldly

Kaito - "Where are her parents…?"

Shino - "None of your goddamn business, dipshit!"

Kaito nods.

Yagami was back home after the funeral and he was still in crutches. He was angry at himself, he walks into his musculation room and he walks to the pull up thing. He lets go of his crutches and almost falls to the ground, he grunts in pain.


He stands up confidently but his body is still shaking, he takes off his shirt and he has a six pack. He starts doing pull ups, he grunts in pain but he deals with it.

I need to get stronger, or else someone else is going to end up like Ryota… i won't give up, and i won't let other people die!!!