
Chapter 15: Secrets

Shino was still showing Kaito around the place and they walked into an empty bedroom with a bed and a desktop with a lamp on it, she points at it and looks at Kaito annoyed.

Shino - "This could be your room if you decided to stay…"

Kaito looked at her curiously and he then looks at the room.

Kaito - "Where is Hikoto?"

Shino walked away and pointed at Kaito to come with her.

Shino - "Follow me."

Kaito nods and he follows her, Shino walks through a hallway with a couple doors, she stops and enters a room, Kaito follows and he sees Hikoto on a bed with bandages around his head, Kaito looked at him worried.

Kaito - "Is he gonna be alright?"

Shino looks at Hikoto and she nods,

Shino - "Yes, he will, he will be up soon, you should be thankful that Sarada took care of him, she's kind of the nurse of the group. If i hadn't stepped in that day, you would've devoured your friend, your lucky i was feeling empathetic that day."

Kaito tights his fists and he grits his teeth, he thinks to himself,

I'm becoming more and more into a monster…

Kaito says in a nervous tone,

Kaito - "Thank you, Shino…"

Shino looks down at Kaito with a cold stare,

Shino - "Don't thank me yet…if Hikoto ever finds out about our secret…"

A dark shadow covers her face except her menacing eyes looking down at Kaito in dominance.

Shino - "… i'll kill him."

Kaito's eyes widen as he gasps and nods his head rapidly, he then looks at hed curiously.

Kaito - "I've got another question… when i woke up from my blackout the other day… i felt my hunger disappear and b- blood in my mouth… what did you…"

Shino - "Flesh."

Kaito grits his teeth [GULP]

Shino - "What else did you expect? As you know there is only one way to satiate an aswong's hunger."

Kaito frowns and nods nervously,

Kaito - "I'm sorry to overwhelm you with questions but…"

Shino - "i'm done answering questions."

Kaito - "But…"

Shino - "Done!"

She walks away and leaves Kaito alone in the room with Hikoto unconscious. Kaito sighs and looks at Hikoto worried,

Kaito - "I hope you'll get well soon."



Yagami was walking around the APA office with no crutches, he was walking with his legs again. A young woman with pink hair and a black suit walks up to Yagami with a big smile, her name was Saori,

Saori - "Hi, Yagami! I see your doing better!"

Yagami nods with a serious face and he looks at her and says in a cold tone,

Yagami - "Yeah i am, soon i'll be able to do a mission… anyways, what do you want?"

Saori looks back and says in a interested tone,

Saori - "Well, an interviewer or something says he wants to talk to you."

Yagami's eyes widen and he looks back at Saori with a serious face.

Yagami - "Is he at the entrance or did he pass through the aswong detector?"

Saori - "He's still at the entrance, you'll have to make him pass yourself, sorry for that."

Yagami nods and he walks to the entrance, in the distance, he sees a man in a dark suit and a blue striped tie sitting on a red chair. Yagami walks up to him and asks in a serious tone,

Yagami - "Are you the interviewer?"

The interviewer had brown hair and a suitcase in his hand.

Interviewer - "Yes, that's me!"

Yagami - "Follow me then."

Yagami walks over to the aswong detector machines and waits there, the interviewer follows him.

Yagami - "Pass through the gate, this will detect if you are an aswong or not."

The interviewer nods and passes through the gate, while he's in the middle of the gate, Yagami tells him,

Yagami - "Stop there."

The interviewer stops and a small machine attached to the gate starts spinning around the interviewer, the gate then becomes green.

Yagami - "Alright, you can pass now, you're a human. Follow me."

Yagami passes in front of the interviewer and he leads him to a room with 3 chairs and a table.

Yagami - "Sit down."

The interviewer sits down and he puts his suitcase next to his chair. Yagami sits down too and looks at him seriously while he crosses his fingers.

Yagami - "What's your name?"

Fujita - "My name is Fujita Hachimoto, i'm a journalist and i've been interested in the topic of aswongs lately, i've been informed that you're the one to speak to to get information about them, do you mind if i ask you several questions?"

Yagami sighs and he looks at Fujita seriously then nods.

Yagami - "Sure, what are your questions, hurry up cause i have some work to do."

Fujita - "Back there, in the aswong detector, how does that work?"

Yagami responds immediately with no hesitation in his voice,

Yagami - "The aswong detector functions as a radiology, when you stayed still in it while that machine was spinning around you, it was examinating your bones. Humans have 206 bones in their body, but aswongs, have 207 bones in their body, the reason is that their kagitsume can't get out of their back without the tenticula." (Bone name)

Fujita rubs his chin with his fingers interested,

Fujita - "I see… now, i have another question, the human body consists of 125,000 calories, how do aswongs consume that much?"

Yagami - "Humans consume nearly 2000 calories per day, aswongs consume nearly 125,000 per month or if they wanted to, per week."

Fujita - "But wouldn't that make them fat? I mean, if a human eats more than 10000 calories, they are already enormous, so how do aswongs not get fat after eating 125,000 calories?"

Yagami - "Aswongs have different bodies than us, they have better resistance than us, if they really want to get fat, they'll need to consume more than 1,250,000 calories per month."

Fujita nods in understanding and interest.

Fujita - "If you don't mind me asking…"


Yagami's phone started vibrating and he took it out of his pocket.

Yagami - "Sorry, i gotta take this."

Fujita nods in understandment, Yagami gets up from his chair and puts the phone to his ear.

Yagami - "Yes hello? Who is this?"

The person on the phone was Kenjiro Kito, a commander in the APA.

Kenjiro - "It's Kenjiro Kito, can you come to the meeting room in the 4th floor?"

Yagami looks back at Fujita and he nods,

Yagami - "Yes, i'll be there in a couple minutes."

Yagami hangs up and he looks back at Fujita,

Yagami - "I'm sorry but i have to go, i can't answer any more of your questions."

Fujita smiles slightly and he gets up, and grabs his suitcase,

Fujita - "Oh ok, i understand, thanks for taking the time to answer my questions."

He walks out of the room and leaves Yagami in it, he leaves the room as well and enters an elevator to get to the 4th floor but he sees a girl with bright brown hair who looks like she's 19, APA uniform and a cigarette in her mouth in the elevator with him.

Yagami - "Which floor are you going to?"

Girl - "4th."

Yagami nods and the elevator door opens signifying that they are at the 4th floor. They both exit and they both walk up to the meeting room. The girl looks at Yagami surprised,

Girl - "You're going to the meeting room too?"

Yagami nods and they enter the meeting room, they see a couple on chairs in front of a long modern table. The man that was sitting in the middle was Kenjiro Kito along with other people, Kenjiro Kito smiles as he welcomes Yagami and the Girl in the room,

Kenjiro - "Yagami! Uruti! You may sit down now."

Yagami's eyes widen as he recognises the name "Uruti", he remembers that Ryota told him that his new partner would be Uruti. Uruti's eyes widen as she recognises the name "Yagami", she remembers that Ryota told her that her new partner would be Yagami. They both sit down and listen to Kenjiro,

Uruti Kugisato, 19, Guardian

Kenjiro - "You two, Yagami and Uruti will be partners from now on, however, a guardian apprentice will be joining us soon."

Suddenly, a boy bursts into the room with a black suit, he had black hair and a childish face, although he was 17, he looked panicked.

Boy - "Sorry for the late entrance, Commander Kito!! I had a problem tying my tie!"

Kenjiro chuckles and points the chair to the boy,

Kenjiro - "Hehe, it's okay, sit down, Kodama.

Kodama Takata, 17, Guardian Apprentice

Kodama sits down and listens to Kenjiro, however he asks a question,

Kodama - "Sorry to bother but… what are all the ranks in the APA, i'm sorry but that was bugging me."

Kenjiro looks at Kodama with a slight smile on his face as he starts explaining,

Kenjiro - "The weakest rank in the APA is the Initiate Guardian, that's the academy rank. Next there is the Guardian Apprentice, which is when the guardians get tooken up from the academy,

Guardian is when you defeat a couple aswongs.

Senior Guardian is when you participate and be useful in missions.

Commander is when you participate, fight and command other guardians in missions.

Chief Commander is when you are chief of your operation.

Special Class Guardian is when you're the strongest guardian in the APA.

And finally, when you're Elite Guardian, you're one of the strongest guardians in the 23 wards of Tokyo."

Kodama nods and the meeting continues in the distance.

Kaito wakes up in the room where Hikoto is unconscious on his bed, Kaito realises that he slept this whole night on the chair next to his best friend.