
Chapter 16: Feed

Yagami and Uruti were in Kenjiro's office, Kenjiro had his fingers crossed as he looked at Yagami and Uruti, he looked at them seriously.

Kenjiro - "I'm sending you two on a very important mission, i know that you haven't developed full chemistry together but this aswong is causing more and more problems in the 17th ward. Can i count on you two to eliminate this aswong?"

Yagami and Uruti nod.

Kenjiro - "This aswong is known as Flamebreather has Ryūkagitsume (Dragon Fang Claw) which manipulates fire, enhanced strength and agility boost. It is also strongest kagitsume of all four without counting the hybrid's. Flamebreather has a really cruel way of killing and eating humans, he burns them alive with his firepower and devours like barbeque steak, it's a S rated aswong."

Yagami nods and Uruti looks at him worried.

Yagami - "We'll take that mission."

Kenjiro chuckles, he then looks at the door and says,

Kenjiro - "You guys are going to have another partner to work with, he should arrive any second now…"

Suddenly, a very young adult who looks about 17 enters the room out of breath.

Kenjiro - "Welcome, Shinsuke."

Shinsuke - "Did… i arrive… at the right time…?"

Kenjiro nods

Kenjiro - "Perfect timing."

Shinsuke Eschi, 17, Guardian Apprentice

Kenjiro looks at Yagami and Uruti while pointing at Shinsuke,

Kenjiro - "He, with Kodama, is the youngest guardian in the 17th Ward."

Kaito was on the chair next to Hikoto's bed waiting for him to wake up patiently, however, Kaito started tearing up and he got up from his chair and walked up to Hikoto's bed, Kaito said to Hikoto quietly with a shaken tone,

Kaito - "Why did this happen to me… why… i killed that man the other day… but… he tried to kill me and you… i don't what's right or wrong anymore… i killed your roommate…"

Someone walked into the room from the door behind Kaito, he heard this and he quickly wiped his tears so it seemed like nothing happened. Kaito turns around and he sees Shino walking up to him, she looks at him coldly and said annoyed,

Shino - "Come with me."

Kaito - "O- oh… ok."

They both walk out of the room and Hikoto's eyes slightly open.

Kaito and Shino were walking around the house, Kaito looks at her confused,

Kaito - "W- where are we going?"

Shino doesn't respond and just keeps walking, they arrive in a room where there is the washing machines and stuff. Shino gets down on her knees and Kaito too, in the floor, there was a square trapdoor. Shino opens it and inside, there were stairs that went down into a cold, white room. Shino - "Follow me."

She went down the stairs and Kaito too, it was freezing and the smoke came of Kaito's and Shino's mouth.

Kaito - "Ghh… it's cold, it's like a freezer in here…"

Shino - "It is."

As they walk inside the hidden white room, they arrive in front of a big freezer, Shino opens it and inside, there were small packages, Shino grabs one and hands it to Kaito.

Shino - "When you're hungry, eat it."

Kaito looked at the package in his hands worried, he started shaking.

Kaito - "W- w-what's in there?"

Shino shakes her head and she walks past Kaito's shoulder and goes up the stairs.

Shino - "You don't wanna know."

Kaito starts sweating in the cold temperature of stress as he looks at package. He thinks to himself,

Am i really… going to eat human flesh?

Yagami, Uruti and Shinsuke are in the car driving to the location given by Kenjiro. Shinsuke was in the middle of the backseats as Uruti and Yagami were in front, Yagami was driving seriously. Shinsuke was looking out of the window but then he looks in front, he says in a scared tone,

Shinsuke - "Is it just me… or… i'm freaked out… Commander Kito told me it was just an aswong, what he didn't tell me, was that it was a S rated aswong, WITH THE BEST KAGITSUME!!"

No one responds and Uruti looks back at Shinsuke and then looks back at the road, there was an awkward silence in the car. Yagami says in a relaxed yet determined tone as he frowns,

Yagami - "None of us are going to die… not anymore."

Kaito was sitting on the chair next to Hikoto waiting for him to wake up, suddenly, a man walks up to Kaito from behind and he puts his hand on Kaito's shoulder. Kaito turns around and tries to see who it was, a man with pure white hair and a white suit. Kaito looks at him surprised and confused,

Kaito - "Wha? Who are you?"

The man smiles slightly

Koro - "It's Koro, Mamoru's henchmen? With the mask?"

Kaito recognises him and looks at him curiously, Koro points to the door and he looks at Kaito worried.

Koro - "Do you want your own room? I mean… you've slept on the chair this night and it's probably not comfortable…"

Kaito - "I'm waiting for Hikoto to wake up."

Koro looks at Hikoto and he smiles kindly.

Koro - "Me and my brother can take of him, you'll have a bed to sleep on tonight, don't worry."

Kaito looks at Koro curiously as he gets up from his chair.

Kaito - "Who's your brother?"

Koro rubs his chin,

Koro - "My brother is Taoki, but he's with Mamoru right now… we're twins."

Koro sees the package in Kaito's hand, his eyes widen.

Koro - "Oh! Shino was generous enough to give you something to eat! You must be special then, she doesn't give it to much people except us. Consider yourself lucky."

Kaito's eyes widen and he thinks to himself,

I'm special… to… Shino? But she's always so cold to me…

Kaito walks into his room and he sees a big bed and a closet. He walks up to his bed and jumps on it, he lays on it but he looks at the package in his hands. He looks nervous and sits up on his bed, he tightens the package and suddenly, he hears a sadistic voice in his head with a distorted tone,

Voice - "Feed."

Kaito tightens the package even more and the voice gets more aggressive,

Voice - "Feed. Feed. Feed. Feed. Feed."

Kaito starts sweating as he looks at the package and he makes his decision.

Voice - "Feed."

Kaito gets up and throws violently the package across the room,

Kaito - "rrrrrrRAAAA!!!!"

The package collides with the wall and Kaito was out of breath, he wipes the sweat out of his forehead and exhales loudly.

Yagami, Uruti and Shinsuke's car stop at the destination where Kenjiro told them to go, it was a big abandoned building with shattered windows and grass roots on the walls, eerie scratching noises come from the building. They get out of the car and they walk over to the building but Shinsuke stops and looks at the building scared, Uruti and Yagami were walking in but they stop and look back at Shinsuke.

Uruti - "Come on, the building won't bite"

Shinsuke - "It might…"

Uruti sighs and rolls her eyes,

Uruti - "Come on."

He says in a shaking tone,

Shinsuke - "ok…"

They walk in the building and it's completely deserted, there were only a bunch of papers on the floor and it was really dark.

Yagami - "Let's split up."

They all nod and they split up, they take their flashlights and flash around. There were no noises except the footsteps on broken glass. Uruti flashes near a corner and she sees a bunch of burnt skeleton heads, her eyes widen and she calls to the group,

Uruti - "Guys? Skeletons here."

Both of them walk up to Uruti and they see the skeleton heads, Shinsuke look at them terrified and Yagami look at them seriously,

Yagami - "This could only mean that Flamebreather was here, it's burnt."

Suddenly, they hear footsteps from upstairs,

Uruti - "Someone is above us."

They walk up to the stairs and walk to the upstairs floor. They hear crunching sounds and flesh being torn apart,

Yagami - "Do you guys hear that?"

They all nod and Yagami runs up to the floor and he runs up to the noises. His eyes widen as he sees a person with reddish, orangish hair from behind eating a person. Yagami looks enraged and he screams at the person, that person was Flamebreather

Yagami - "HEY YOU!!"

Flamebreather slightly looks back at Yagami with a smile on his face while blood was dripping from his mouth.