
Chapter 17: Fire

Yagami looks at Flamebreather full of rage as he yells out,

Yagami - "Did you kill all the people here?!"

He looks around and there were a bunch of skeleton heads and bones everywhere, Flamebreather gets up and he turns to Yagami, he had blood all over his mouth, cheeks and chin. He had a manical smile on his face as he nods.

Flamebreather - "Yeah… would you…"

He points at Yagami menacingly,

Flamebreather - "… want to be a part of my collection?"

Yagami frowns and unsheathes his kurokatana, he looks back at Uruti and Shinsuke, they were looking at Yagami worried, Yagami said in a cold voice,

Yagami - "Take out your kurokatanas."

They nod and take them out, they get in a fighting stance, Uruti looked serious but Shinsuke looked determined but scared.

Flamebreather looks at them with a slight smile, he tilts his head,

Flamebreather - "Oh, you want to fight? You could've ran…"

Yagami screams out enraged,

Yagami - "I'll never run away from you aswongs!! It would be a discrase to my job!! You're just lousy monsters with no sense of what's right and wrong!!!"

Flamebreather claps and looks at Yagami impressed,

Flamebreather - "Well, that's a nice speech you gave here, although, those who i kill and eat, are mostly those who get in my way. Most of them are aswongs, some are humans."

Yagami's eyes widen as he hears this, he thinks to himself,

He… mostly eats aswongs? Does that mean… he's a cannibal? No wonder he's a class S, cannibal aswongs are stronger than human eaters.

Flamebreather cracks his knuckles and he looks at them seriously,

Flamebreather - "But now, you've made your choice… you're in my way."

Kaito was laying on the bed of his new room, watching his phone and looking at social media. Suddenly, Koro enters his room in a panic, he screams out to Kaito,

Koro - "Your friend is awake!!"

Kaito gets up quickly and runs out of his room and goes quickly in Hikoto's room.

Kaito - "HIKOTO!"

In the room, there was Shino who was talking with Hikoto, she steps back for Hikoto to see Kaito and she smiles, Hikoto had a wide smile as he saw his best friend,

Hikoto - "Kaito! How are you doing?"

Kaito was smiling too and he slowly walked up to Hikoto.

Kaito - "No… i should ask you!"

He was glad that Hikoto woke up

Yagami runs to Flamebreather angrily and he tries to slash his head off with his kurokatana, Flamebreather moves his head and the kurokatana goes right past his head. Flamebreather chuckles,

Flamebreather - "You're slow and weak… just like any other human!!"

Uruti and Shinsuke run to Flamebreather with their kurokatana in their hands pointed at Flamebreather, they attempt to slash his arms off but he dodges them with a backflip. Suddenly, while he was in the air, Yagami runs towards him and tries to pierce Flamebreather's chest. He wasn't expecting that as he landed so, Flamebreather's eyes widen and Yagami kurokatana impales his chest. It was planted in his chest and Yagami looks up at Flamebreather with a slight grin as he turns the kurokatana,

Yagami - "How do you like that?"

Flamebreather looks down on Yagami with wide eyes yet he doesn't seem to be in pain, he says in a cold tone,

Flamebreather - "I didn't expect to be taking it out this early…"

Suddenly, 2 black wings come out of his back, they had fire burning on them and it looked hella intimidating.

Yagami's eyes widen as he sees it, he thinks to himself,

There it is… that's the Dragon Fang Claw…

An eye opens in both wings and they look at him, Yagami takes out his kurokatana from Flamebreather's chest to attack the wings, Flamebreather's wound regenerates and he's back in full form.

Shinsuke's and Uruti's eyes were wide as they looked at the beautiful yet terrifying kagitsume. Yagami looked determined to destroy Flamebreather, suddenly, the eyes on the wings blinked. A beam of fire pointed at Yagami beams over to him trying to burn him alive but Yagami jumps out of the way and attempts to slash Flamebreather's head off but he moves his head and dodges. Uruti launches herself onto Flamebreather trying to kill him but he punches her and she flies into a wall, she spits blood,

Uruti - "GAH!"

While Flamebreather was concentrated on Uruti, Yagami saw this as a chance to slash the wings, so he grabs his kurokatana tightly and slashes Flamebreather's wings. Suddenly, the kurokatana stops when it touches the wings, a metallic sound comes out from the hit


The wings were soft yet as hard as metal, Yagami's eyes widen and Flamebreather looks at Yagami with a slight smile. The kurokatana slowly starts breaking in mini pieces until it's completely broken and the only thing left are little pieces of it on the ground and the handle in Yagami's hands.

Yagami was flabbergasted and Flamebreather punched the shit out of him. Yagami got sent flying into a wall and he bleeds from his forehead and nose, his nose was broken. He fell onto a bone pile and a spiky bone impaled his eye.

Yagami - "GYAH!!"

Yagami slowly got up looking at Flamebreather in hate, he wiped the blood off his nose and got in a fighting stance, even without his kurokatana. He runs to Flamebreather with no hesitation and he punches Flamebreather with all his strength… but he feels something holding out his punch, like a hand. He looks at Flamebreather and realises that he grabbed his punch before he could land it, Flamebreather smiles menacingly,

Flamebreather - "Pissing your pants yet?"

Yagami groans and he looks at him in hate,

Yagami - "N-"

Flamebreather - "Shut up."

Flamebreather starts twisting Yagami's arm slowly, Yagami is in large pain.

Yagami - "Gh… gh… GAH!!"

Flamebreather twisted Yagami arm so much that every bone in his arm broke and his arm started detaching itself. Yagami was in huge agony,

Yagami - "GAAHHHHHHH!!!"

Shinsuke and Uruti were looking at the scene in horror as they heard flesh noises and crunches…

Yagami was on the floor looking up, blood dripping from his mouth, one arm was fine but… the sleaves of his shirt were empty as blood dripped from his shirt sleeves, he had lost an arm and an eye, a black hole in his eye socket. Yagami was breathing heavily as Flamebreather started walking towards his body with a smile on his face and the red eyes glowing in the dark, he chuckles,

Flamebreather - "This ended like i expected it to. You're weak and your friends are next…"

He points the wings next to Yagami's face ready to boil his face out, the eyes on the Dragon Fang Claw were about to blink when Shinsuke slashed Flamebreather's abdomen with his own kurokatana, Flamebreather's smile quickly fades as he sees his wound, he looks at Shinsuke. Shinsuke was breathing heavily nervously, he holds his Kurokatana tightly as Flamebreather's wound starts regenerating.

Shinsuke - "He's on the ground… and I'm standing… so attack me…"

Flamebreather runs to Shinsuke and grabs him by the collar,

Flamebreather - "You're ready to sacrifice your life for another man? You're only a kid."

Shinsuke grunts and then screams out,

Shinsuke - "I may not be the most intimidating guardian but i am ready to sacrifice my life for someone i truly care of!! I don't want to die but if i die a hero… it'd be my dream…"

Flamebreather smiles slightly as he puts the eye of the wing in front of Shinsuke's face, he chuckles

Flamebreather - "That's a nice speech…"

The eye on the wing blinks and a small beam of fire comes out to Shinsuke's face. The beam stops and the eye becomes dark, Flamebreather's body falls to the ground and his head falls to. Uruti had her bloodied kurokatana in her hand and she looks down at Flamebreather's body, she then looks up to Shinsuke worried, he had his back turned and only a side of his face was visible, he was smiling a little but tears fell down his eyes. He turns around to Uruti and his other side of his face was visible, the right side of his face was all fine but his left side was completely burned out, he had no skin on his left side making his skeleton visible, he started crying with a smile, he says in a weak, trembling voice,

Shinsuke - "i died… a hero… right…?"

Uruti's eyes widen as she sees Shinsuke's current state, she starts tearing up and she nods,

Uruti - "Yes… yes you did…"

Shinsuke falls to the ground face first and dies.

Yagami had his eye closed while he was slowly bleeding out from his arm and eye.