Training Sessions

Chapter 18: Training Sessions

Kaito walks in the hallways of his school and he looks around at the students talking with eachother, he thinks to himself,

It feels weird going to school without Hikoto jumping on me…

He sees a group of girls eating sandwiches together, Kaito looks at them in jealousy, his stomach rumbles and he looks away and walks to his next class.

In class, Kaito looks at Shino who was at the opposite side of the room, Shino's friends were laughing with her and Kaito thinks to himself,

How does she blend in so… perfectly? I can't let Hikoto find out that im an aswong or else…

He gets a flashback of what Shino said to him

Shino - "… i'll kill him."

Suddenly, the bell rings and the students leave the class with their backpacks, Shino leaves the class with her friends aswell but Kaito stays seated looking at the void, the teacher looks at Kaito curiously and he says,

Teacher - "Kaito, class is done, you can leave."

Kaito looks at the teacher and he smiles while taking his bag and getting up,

Kaito - "Oh yeah sorry… my apologies…"

He walks out the class and the teacher watches him leave.

Shino was waiting for him outside the class and she stops him as he walks out, she says in a pretty cold tone,

Shino - "When you come back at the bunker, i'll train you to become stronger."

Kaito gets jumpscared by Shino's voice but he then slightly smiles nervously and nods. He scratches his cheek and looks at Shino curiously.

Kaito - "Shino… i have something to ask you… my sister… she's only 16 and can't live alone… can she… come to the bunker? live…?"

Shino looks at him confused and her eyes widen

Shino - "No! He created the bunker to build a safe place for aswongs, not for humans!!"

Kaito - "But Mio's not like that!! She… knows… what… i am… she didn't tell anyone… if i can trust anybody, i'd be her…"

Shino looks at Kaito deep in his eyes

Shino - "It's no. That's my final answer, i can't bring my friends to danger because of your sister. You're gonna have to make a choice between staying with your own kind or being with your sister…"

Kaito argues and he really wants Mio to come with them, he says in a eager tone

Kaito - "But both of you are my kind! I may not like you guys in the beginning but now im learning all about you and im starting to… appreciate… im starting to see both sides… i can't stop it now… please…"

Shino sighs and she looks at the ground

Shino - "i'll think about it… but if she ever tells the APA about us, i'll kill her."

Kaito nods.

Shino - "But first… i need you to be strong."

Kaito and Shino were walking in a small alleyway with a couple drunkheads sitting on the floor with alcohol in their hands, Shino stops at a door of a building that was in the alley, she opens the door, on the wall of the building, it said Tattoo Parlor.

A man with long black hair and a bunch of tattoos on his arms and some on his face was sitting on a chair waiting for their next costumer. Shino points at him and she says,

Shino - "This is Kurai, he's an aswong that tattoes humans."

Kurai notices Shino and he waves his hands and smiles.

Kurai - "Yo Shino! What's good! Wanna tattoo? Ha ha ha!"

Shino chuckles, Kaito looks at her worried,

Kaito - "Am i gonna get a tattoo?!"

Shino smacks the back of Kaito's head and she says in a loud voice,

Kaito - "oww…"

Shino - "No you dumbass! Kurai also lends aswongs a training room in the back of his… shop."

Shino and Kaito walk up to Kurai and she asks him,

Shino - "Can you pass us the training room?"

Kaito - "Hi."

Kurai - "Yo."

He takes out a pair of keys from his pocket and hands them to Shino,

Kurai - "Train well."

Shino and Kaito open the door that was next to the tattoo tools, there was a big room filled with absolutely nothing but just a concrete ground and gray walls.

They enter it and Shino looks at Kaito,

Shino - "I want you to use the same strength you used on the guy in the alley with your friend.

Kaito's eyes widen and he tries to take out his kagitsume but he can't, suddenly, Shino punches Kaito in the face and he falls to the ground with a red punch mark on his cheek.

Kaito - "OWW!"

He holds it and he looks at Shino confused and hurt,

Kaito - "What was that for?!!"

Shino - "I told you… to use the strength you used on that guy you killed."

Kaito gets up and he looks at Shino scared and confused,

Kaito - "S- so you wanna… fight?"

Shino - "Yes… now, punch me. Punch me as hard as you can, now."

Kaito - "But i can't punch a girl!"

Shino - "Just Do It."

She says in an unfazed tone, Kaito's eyes widen and he prepares his fist to punch,

Kaito - "Alright… whatever you say…"

He tries to punch her in the face but she grabs his fist and breaks his arm violently, Kaito falls to the ground, crying for his broken arm,


Shino looks at him unfazed and she says in a cold tone,

Shino - "Don't worry… it'll regenerate soon."

Kaito - "AHH!!"

Kurai was still on his chair listening to the screams of Kaito, he chuckles to himself,

Kurai - "Hehe, sounds like Shino is beating the shit outta him… hehe…"