
Chapter 19: Halfmetal

Sirens sounds echo in the background as Uruti stands in front of the building holding Yagami's body as she waits for the ambulance to pick them up from this catastrophe, Uruti wasn't crying but she was looking down with a shaky heavy breathing.

An ambulance van stops in front of them and 2 paramedics run out the vehicle and they grab Yagami's body and puts him in the back of the ambulance, Uruti enters the back of the ambulance too and sits down. One of the paramedics that was in the passenger seat in the front, looks back at Uruti and he says,

Paramedic - "Mr. Aoki Kishugoyo woke up, one of the doctors saw him this morning, it's a shame that Yagami can't see him… just yet… i hope… Mr. Kishugoyo is still in his hospital bed and taken care of but he's awake…"

Uruti was looking down and she nods,

Uruti - "I'll go see him when i can."



Shino and Kaito were standing in the training room, not moving, in fighting position.

Shino - "Go."

Kaito runs towards Shino and he tries to punch her but she blocks it with difficulty.

Shino tries to punch Kaito right in the face but he dodges it and then kicks her in the leg. She backs away and roundhouse kicks him in the face, he dodges and tries to punch her again but she blocks it and punches him right in the mouth. It reaches him and one of his tooth flies out of his mouth, he grunts in pain.

Kaito - "Agh…"

He falls to the ground and looks up at Shino in pain of losing a tooth, but Shino doesn't care, she looks at him with a straight face,

Shino - "Good luck dodging this one."

She kicks Kaito right in the face.


Shino was walking on the street alone in front of The Bunker, she takes out her phone and calls somebody, they answer

Shino - "Kawahara, you know the guy i told you about a couple days right?"

Kawahara - "The hybrid?"

Shino - "Yeah well, he wants his little sister to come live in the bunker with him… she's a human, he says she's loyal to him even after discovering that he became an aswong."

Kawahara - "No, i created The Bunker for it to be a safe place for aswongs, we're not gonna bring a human into all of this! Besides, why would you care if he stays or not, he's an ex-human…"

Shino raises her voice, cutting his sentence,

Shino - "He has potential, Kawahara. He's almost at my level and he's been training for only 3 days! Listen… he may be an ex-human… but he can be useful. He ain't staying if his sister doesn't come live to the bunker… please… Kawahara…"

Kawahara sighs and says in an annoyed tone

Kawahara - "Fine, but if she causes trouble for us… once!! Don't hesitate."

Kaito was in The Bunker, he was sitting on his bed reading a book called "The Happiness of Difference". Suddenly, Hikoto bursts in Kaito's room with a big smile and runs up to Kaito, he says in an amused tone

Hikoto - "KAITOOOOOOO!!!"

Kaito starts smiling as he sees Hikoto and he gets up from the bed.

Kaito - "Hikoto!!"

Hikoto - "AHAHA!! So, Koro told me that i was healed now so i could go back home!"

Kaito's eyes widen as he smiles gently,

Kaito - "Oh that's great! We'll see eachother at school then?"

Hikoto nods and he fistbumps Kaito and leaves as they wave bye.

Hikoto - "Bye bro!"

Kaito - "Bye…"


Kaito was still reading his book on his bed until Aoi, a little girl dressed in a small pink dress gently walks into his room nervously.

Aoi - "Umm…"

She says while rubbing her fingers and looking down, she looks back up at Kaito curiously,

Aoi - "Would you… you… would you want to watch a movie with… movie with me?"

Kaito smiles gently and he looks at her with kindness, he says in a happy tone,

Kaito - "Sure! What kind of movie do you wanna watch?"

Aoi's eyes lit up and she smiles widely and she says confidently,

Aoi - "I like comedies."

Kaito - "Then let's watch a comedy movie!"

Kaito chuckles. Later, they're on the couch looking a comedy movie laughing.

Uruti was next to Aoki's hospital bed and he stares at her curiously and he asks,

Aoki - "Where is… where is Yagami?"

Uruti looks down trying not to make him sad knowing that Aoki loves Yagami, she says in a small tone,

Uruti - "Well… Commander Kito gave us a mission to eliminate an S rank aswong and… Shinsuke passed away. Yagami got his arm mutilated and his eye pierced out, i'm the only one that left in one piece. We don't know if Yagami's gonna make it."

Aoki looks down and he sighs in disappointment that Shinsuke perished and that Yagami is severely injured.

Uruti walks into the room where Yagami is on his hospital bed, and she thought she'd be alone in the room but no, there was a man with a black bullcut and a scientific suit called Yamauchi Nobu.

Yamauchi was looking down at Yagami but then looks up at Uruti and says in an ener

Yamauchi - "Oh! Uruti Oda, i was almost waiting for you! I have a question to ask you, ma lady. I don't know if you know but i am a mechanical master, and i think that the only way that Mr. Yagami can continue his life normally is if i put a metal arm on his missing arm. His arms will be half metal…"